Frequently Asked Questions about Vultr Managed Databases

Updated on June 23, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions about Vultr Managed Databases header image

This article answers general questions related to Vultr's managed databases. See the guides at the end of this article for detailed information about each database engine we offer.

What is a managed database?

Vultr's managed databases automate many challenging aspects of database administration so that you can stay focused on your app. They are secure, redundant, and do not require manual installation or configuration. In addition, they offer automated failover to replica nodes, scheduled automatic updates, end-to-end security, and full logs.

What is a database cluster?

A database cluster consists of a primary node and, optionally, one or more replica nodes.

  • A primary node handles all Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations and is the single data source for all other nodes.
  • A replica node is a copy of the primary node. Replica nodes automatically take over if the primary node fails.

What databases are available?

  • MySQL: The world's most popular open-source relational database has been in development since 1995 and continues to have an active community of developers.
  • PostgreSQL: This open-source object-relational database system has more than 30 years of active development and a reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.
  • Redis®: This open-source in-memory data structure store is a popular database, cache, and message broker. In addition, it has support for rich data types, atomic operations, and Lua scripting.

What managed database plans are available?

Vultr offers several server types:

We have plans ranging from 1 to 96 vCPUs, and between 1 and 256 GB of RAM. Only some plan sizes are available for some server types.

Where can I deploy a database cluster?

You can deploy a managed database cluster at any of Vultr's locations. You can also add replica nodes in different locations for redundancy. For example, you could deploy your main cluster in Miami with replica nodes in London and Mumbai.

How do I upgrade my database?

Vultr manages your upgrades automatically. You can schedule the automatic upgrades in the Settings tab of the customer portal or trigger an upgrade manually.

Can I avoid updating the database to the latest version?

No. Vultr keeps your database updated to the latest version. You can schedule the update, but you cannot prevent it.

How long does it take to deploy a database?

Managed database clusters are self-service, and you can provision a new cluster in just a few minutes through the customer portal.

Is the database secure?

Managed databases are encrypted at rest and support SSL encryption in transit.

Do applications experience any downtime during node failover or updates?

During updates and node failover, your application may experience brief outages of up to 15 seconds, which will cause your applications to disconnect from your database nodes. You should configure your client applications for a reasonable number of reconnection attempts before timing out.

How many connections will my database support?

The number of database connections allowed depends on the amount of memory allocated to your database.

Will I be charged for network bandwidth used by my managed database?

Inbound and outbound bandwidth is included in all managed database plans.

Where can I find more information?