How to Install CloudPanel on Debian 10

Updated on January 23, 2025
How to Install CloudPanel on Debian 10 header image


CloudPanel is a free high-performance PHP-based server control panel with lightweight components and modern features. It is secure, easy to use, supports multiple PHP versions, and makes all common PHP applications accessible. In this guide, you will install CloudPanel on Debian 10.


Install Cloud Panel

Download the installation script.

$ wget -O

Enable execution rights on the script.

$ sudo chmod +x

Run the script.

$ sudo ./

The script automatically installs all necessary dependencies and CloudPanel in 2-3 minutes.

Setup Firewall

By default, CloudPanel listens on the port 8443, allow connections to it through the firewall.

$ sudo ufw allow 8443/tcp

Allow HTTP Connections on port 80 to the server.

$ sudo ufw allow 80/tcp

Also, allow HTTPS Connections on port 443.

$ sudo ufw allow 443/tcp

Reload the firewall rules.

$ sudo ufw reload

Configure Cloud Panel

Now that CloudPanel is installed on your server and connections allowed through the firewall, visit your Server IP on port 8443 to complete the setup process.


When alerted that your connection is not private, proceed and accept the self-signed certificate.

Now, set up CloudPanel with a new administrator username, email, and password to secure backend access to the control panel.

CloudPanel administrator setup

Login to Cloud Panel. Then, click Domains on the left navigation bar. Click Add domain, enter the domain name, choose a document root directory, select an optimized application template, and choose a PHP version to run for the App.

Next, click the created domain, navigate to SSL Certificates, then click Actions in the top right to select New Let’s Encrypt certificate, confirm the domain name, and click the Create and Install button.

Let’s Encrypt SSL Installation

Once successful, you will be able to use HTTPS and also access your CloudPanel dashboard through the domain on port 8443, and also add new domains, set up applications, create users in the backend administration area.


Congratulations, you have successfully installed CloudPanel on Debian 10. For further information on how to set up your backend panel, visit the official CloudPanel documentation.