How to Install Killing Floor Server on Ubuntu
Published on August 11, 2015•Updated on November 21, 2023

In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup your own Killing Floor server. The commands were written for Ubuntu, but may be adopted to other Linux distributions (such as CentOS).
First, install the required packages.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 screen wget
Configure server
Create a directory for your server.
mkdir ~/killingfloor ; cd ~/killingfloor
Download and extract SteamCMD.
tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
Run SteamCMD and enter your Steam login identity.
login <username> <password>
Set the installation directory and wait for the game files to download.
force_install_dir /home/<user>/killingfloor/game/
app_update 215360 validate
Create a startup script for your server.
## Paste in these two lines, and save.
cd /home/<user>/killingfloor/game/System/
./ucc-bin server KF-farm.rom?Difficulty=7.0?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=6 -ini=Killingfloor.ini -nohomedir
chmod +x
Edit Killingfloor.ini
with the settings that you would like to use.
cat /home/<user>/killingfloor/game/System/Default.ini > /home/<user>/killingfloor/game/System/Killingfloor.ini
vi /home/<user>/killingfloor/game/System/Killingfloor.ini
Start your server in screen.
screen -S killingfloor ./
Your server is now running, Enjoy!