How to Install Virtualmin on Rocky Linux 9

Updated on August 16, 2024
How to Install Virtualmin on Rocky Linux 9 header image


Virtualmin is an open-source web server administration control panel based on Webmin that lets you create, host, and deliver web applications using virtual server profiles. Virtualmin uses a graphical web-based interface that enables efficient management of server components such as databases, files, and web application files.

This article explains how to install Virtualmin on a Rocky Linux 9 server, host, and deliver web applications using virtual server profiles.


Install Virtualmin

Virtualmin is not available as a standalone package in the default Rocky Linux 9 repositories. Follow the steps below to download the latest Virtualmin installation script and install all required applications with a specific web server bundle on your server.

  1. Change your server hostname to your Virtualmin domain. For example,

    $ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname
  2. Create a new non-root user with sudo privileges to use with Virtualmin. For example, webadmin.

    $ sudo adduser webadmin && usermod -aG wheel webadmin
  3. Assign the user a new strong password.

    $ passwd webadmin
  4. Download the latest Virtualmin installation script and save it as

    $ wget -O
  5. Run the script to install Virtualmin and all required components on your server. Replace LEMP with your desired web server bundle such as LAMP.

    $ sudo ./

    Enter Y and press Enter to continue with the installation.

    [SUCCESS] Installation Complete!
    [SUCCESS] If there were no errors above, Virtualmin should be ready
    [SUCCESS] to configure at (or

    Wait for at least 5 minutes for the installation process to complete and verify the installed components in your output like the one below.

Secure Virtualmin

Follow the steps below to generate trusted Let's Encrypt SSL certificates and secure all network connections to the Virtualmin web administration interface.

  1. Stop the Apache service to ensure Certbot can bind to port 80.

    $ sudo systemctl stop apache2
  2. Install the Certbot package Let's Encrypt client to manage your SSL certificates.

    $ sudo apt install certbot
  3. Request a new SSL certificate using your domain. Replace and with your actual details.

    $ sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d -m --agree-tos

    Enter U and press the Enter when prompted key to update the default SSL key type to ECDSA and apply changes to the /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf configuration file.

    Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
    An RSA certificate named already exists. Do you want to
    update its key type to ECDSA?
    (U)pdate key type/(K)eep existing key type: 

    Your output should look like the one below when the SSL certificate request is successful.

    Renewing an existing certificate for
    Successfully received certificate.
    Certificate is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    Key is saved at:         /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    This certificate expires on 2024-10-15.
    These files will be updated when the certificate renews.
    Certbot has set up a scheduled task to automatically renew this certificate in the background.
    If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by:
     * Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt:
     * Donating to EFF:          
  4. Restart the Webmin service to apply your configuration changes.

    $ sudo systemctl restart webmin
  5. Start the Apache service.

    $ sudo systemctl start apache2

Set Up Firewall Rules

Virtualmin uses the firewalld utility to manage firewall processes on your server. Follow the steps below to allow all necessary Virtualmin ports and other services through the firewall.

  1. View the firewalld service status and verify that it's running.

    $ sudo systemctl status firewalld


    ● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
         Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-07-17 04:31:35 UTC; 35min ago
           Docs: man:firewalld(1)
       Main PID: 36516 (firewalld)
          Tasks: 2 (limit: 2299)
         Memory: 40.8M
            CPU: 4.132s
         CGroup: /system.slice/firewalld.service
                 └─36516 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid
  2. View all allowed ports in the firewall configuration.

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports


    20/tcp 2222/tcp 10000-10100/tcp 20000/tcp 49152-65535/tcp
  3. View all allowed services.

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-services


    dhcpv6-client dns dns-over-tls ftp http https imap imaps mdns pop3 pop3s smtp smtp-submission smtps ssh

Access Virtualmin

Virtualmin runs on the default TCP port 10000 by default. Follow the steos below to access the Virtualmin web administration interface and create a new virtual server.

  1. Access your domain on port 10000 to open the Virtualmin control panel interface.

    Enter your sudo user account details to log in to the Virtualmin interface.

    Virtualmin login page

  2. Click Next within the Post-Installation Wizard to set up any additional configurations on your server.

    Virtualmin post-installation

  3. Find and click Dashboard on the left navigation bar to access the system performance page.

    Virtualmin dashboard

Enable 2-Factor Authentication

2-factor authentication (2FA) enables an extra layer of security for password-based authentication methods. 2FA allows you to generate a one-time code on your mobile device to use when logging in to Virtualmin to verify your identity. Follow the steps below to protect Virtualmin login with 2FA using the Google Authenticator application.

  1. Scroll down on the left navigation bar and click your username at the bottom of the page.

    Secure Virtualmin using 2FA

  2. Expand the Security and limits options section.

  3. Click Enable Two-Factor For User.

    Secure Virtualmin using 2FA

  4. Click Enroll For Two-Factor Authentication.

    Secure Virtualmin using 2FA

  5. Scan the displayed QR code on the page with your authenticator application.

  6. Scroll down on the left navigation bar to log out of Virtualmin.

    Secure Virtualmin using 2FA

  7. Log in with your non-root user credentials to test 2FA.

    Configuring Virtualmin using the Web Interface

  8. Verify that Virtualmin requires the 2FA token to log in.

  9. Enter the 2FA token from the app.

    Secure Virtualmin using 2FA

  10. Press Verify to log in to the Virtualmin web administration interface.


You have installed Virtualmin on your Ubuntu 24.04 server and enabled access to the web administration control panel. You have used the control panel to perform server operations and secured the application with 2-factor authentication. For more information about Virtualmin, visit the official documentation.