How to Set Up Vultr CDN for WordPress Websites with CDN Enabler

Updated on January 29, 2024


CDN Enabler is a WordPress content delivery plugin that offloads all assets such as images, CSS, and Javascript files for serving through a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Vultr CDN is a high-performance content delivery network that speeds up the distribution of cached WordPress assets in multiple locations closer to your website visitors.

This article explains how to set up Vultr CDN for WordPress websites with the CDN Enabler plugin.


Before you begin:

  • Create a Vultr CDN for your WordPress website by providing the domain name as the origin URL.

  • Log in to the WordPress administration dashboard.

Install CDN Enabler

  1. Navigate to Plugins on the main navigation bar.

  2. Click Add new plugins from the list of options to browse available WordPress plugins.

  3. Enter CDN Enabler in the search field.

    Search the CDN Enabler Plugin

  4. Find the CDN Enabler plugin in your search results.

  5. Click Install to add the plugin to your WordPress site.

  6. Click Activate to enable the plugin.

    Activate the WordPress CDN Enabler Plugin

Configure CDN Enabler

  1. Navigate to Settings on the main navigation bar.

  2. Click CDN Enabler from the list of options to access the plugin settings.

  3. Enter your Vultr CDN URL in the CDN Hostname field.

    Configure the WordPress CDN Enabler Plugin

  4. Verify the WordPress file extensions on the CDN Inclusions list to cache your CDN endpoint.

  5. Scroll and click Save Changes and Validate Configuration to apply the new CDN settings.

  6. Verify that a Valid CDN Hostname: returned a 200 status code. prompt displays at the top of your plugin page to confirm that your Vultr CDN endpoint is integrated.

Test the Vultr CDN Integration

  1. Access your WordPress website as a regular user in a new web browser such as Edge.
  2. Right-click any images on your WordPress site and select Copy Image Link from the list of options.

    View the Vultr CDN Image Link

  3. Paste the copied link to your URL bar and verify that it matches your Vultr CDN endpoint. Press :Key_Enter: to open the image using your CDN URL to verify that all images are correctly served by the CDN.

  4. To verify the WordPress site sources serving content to your regular site visitor. Right-click anywhere within your website and select Inspect from the list of options.

  5. Navigate to the Sources tab and verify that your Vultr CDN URL is available on the list.

    View WordPress Vultr CDN Sources

  6. Expand your Vultr CDN URL to view all files served from the endpoint and compare with your domain files to verify that enabled extensions correctly offload to the CDN.


CDN Enabler requires an active Vultr CDN endpoint to correctly offload all enabled WordPress file types. During configuration, you may experience multiple errors, fix them as described in the following steps.

Invalid CDN Hostname: cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 10000 milliseconds

  1. Visit your Vultr CDN URL in a new web browser window and verify that it loads correctly.
  2. Access your Vultr CDN Control Panel using the Vultr Customer Portal.

  3. Verify that your Vultr CDN endpoint is correct and uses the correct protocol that matches the Origin URL. For example, verify that is the correct URL if your WordPress uses SSL and when using plain HTTP.


You have set up Vultr CDN for WordPress websites with the CDN Enabler plugin. Depending on your site structure, you can offload all supported file extensions to the CDN to reduce your server load and optimize the general WordPress performance for all site visitors. For more information, visit the CDN Enabler documentation.