Introduction to Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in PostgreSQL

Updated on November 21, 2023
Introduction to Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in PostgreSQL header image


This guide explains how to organize complex SQL queries with multiple subqueries using Common Table Expressions (CTEs). You can use CTEs to organize the individual subqueries as logical building blocks of the main query. The resulting code is more readable, better organized, and can be reused in different places throughout the query.

A CTE starts with the keyword WITH. Because of their syntax, CTEs are sometimes known as WITH queries. In its simplest form, a CTE looks like this:

-- pseudocode
WITH my_cte AS (
    SELECT ...
    FROM ...
    WHERE ...
FROM my_cte ;
-- or other operations like JOINS

The CTE, my_cte temporarily holds the result of the subquery within the parentheses. This result set is valid only within the scope of the query. Hence, CTEs are also known as inline views.


To benefit from this guide, you are expected to have some prior practical experience with PostgreSQL. This is a hands-on guide; it is advisable to follow along with the examples. It is assumed you already have PostgreSQL running either on a standalone server or as a managed instance.

PostgreSQL has supported CTEs since version 8.4 (released in 2009). The code samples in this guide are tested on PostgreSQL 14.5. They should be compatible with all recent PostgreSQL versions.

Example Data Model 1

To illustrate the concepts, this guide uses a normalized data model consisting of two tables: node and edge. Hypothetically, if the nodes represent people, the edges represent a relationship between two people. For example, "A is friends with B", "A follows B", "A reports to B", and so on.

The table node has an ID field and a name field. The table edge stores the IDs of two nodes that are adjacent (directly linked) to each other.

Set up the Tables

Create a table node with two columns - node_id and node_name:

    node_name VARCHAR NOT NULL

Create a table edge with two columns - node1 and node2, both referencing foreign keys to the table node:

    node1 INTEGER REFERENCES node (node_id),
    node2 INTEGER REFERENCES node (node_id),
    PRIMARY KEY (node1, node2)

Add Test Data

Insert test data into each of the tables. Create a few nodes (representing people):

INSERT INTO node (node_id, node_name) 
VALUES (1, 'Tom'), (2, 'Dick'), (3, 'Harry'), (4, 'Jane'), 
    (5, 'Susan'), (6, 'Mary'), (7, 'Sam'), (8, 'Sally'), (9, 'Jack') ;

Create edges to define hypothetical relationships between the nodes:

INSERT INTO edge (node1, node2) 
VALUES (1, 2), (1, 8), (2, 3), (2, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6), (4, 7), (8, 9) ;

Tom is linked with Dick and Sally; Dick with Harry and Jane; Jane with Susan, Mary, and Sam; and Sally with Jack. It is recommended to draw out (on paper) the relationship structure as a tree, using both IDs and names.

CTEs Using SELECT Queries

Start with Views

Create a view my_view that shows the names of nodes (people) and the IDs of adjacent nodes that are connected via a single edge:

    SELECT n.node_name, e.node2
    FROM node n
    JOIN edge e 
    ON n.node_id = e.node1;

JOIN this view with the table node to show the names of pairs of adjacent nodes:

    my_view.node_name AS node1_name, 
    node.node_name AS node2_name
FROM my_view 
JOIN node
ON my_view.node2 = node.node_id;

This outputs two columns with the names of adjacent node pairs.

CTE instead of View

A CTE creates a named subquery and accesses it later within the primary statement.

Rewrite the previous example using a CTE. Create a CTE my_cte defined similarly to the view my_view. Join it with the table node to get the names of adjacent node pairs:

WITH my_cte AS (
    SELECT n.node_name, e.node2
    FROM node n
    JOIN edge e 
    ON n.node_id = e.node1
    my_cte.node_name AS node1_name, 
    node.node_name AS node2_name
FROM my_cte 
JOIN node 
ON my_cte.node2 = node.node_id;

Notice that the CTE's definition (the SELECT query) inside the parentheses is the same as the definition of my_view in the previous section. The output of this query should be the same as in the previous example using the view.

The subquery within the parentheses can be any legitimate SQL query. The subquery and the primary statement can be based on SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. This section shows how to use SELECT queries in a CTE. A later section is devoted to data modification queries, like INSERT.

Multiple CTEs in the Same Query

To have multiple CTEs in the same query, use a single WITH keyword in the entire query and separate the different CTE definitions using commas. Starting with the previous example, move the second part of the query (after the definition of cte1) into another CTE:

cte1 AS (
    SELECT n.node_name, e.node2
    FROM node n
    JOIN edge e 
    ON n.node_id = e.node1
,cte2 AS (
        cte1.node_name AS node1_name, 
        node.node_name AS node2_name
    FROM cte1 
    JOIN node 
    ON cte1.node2 = node.node_id

The output should be the same as in the last section.

Notice that the second CTE (cte2), accesses the results of the first CTE (cte1) within its definition.

Nested CTEs

You can also use a CTE inside the definition of another CTE. As a demonstration, wrap together both CTEs of the previous example inside a third CTE.

Note: This example does not give any additional practical benefit in this specific case; it's just to show the idea.

cte3 AS (
    cte1 AS (
        SELECT n.node_name, e.node2
        FROM node n
        JOIN edge e 
        ON n.node_id = e.node1
    ,cte2 AS (
            cte1.node_name AS node1_name, 
            node.node_name AS node2_name
        FROM cte1 
        JOIN node 
        ON cte1.node2 = node.node_id
    SELECT * FROM cte2

Views on CTEs

Defining a view over a CTE is the same as creating a view over a regular query. Define a view nodes_n_edges which contains the names and IDs of adjacent node pairs:

CREATE VIEW nodes_n_edges AS
    WITH cte1 AS (
        SELECT n.node_id, n.node_name, e.node2
        FROM node n
        JOIN edge e 
        ON n.node_id = e.node1
        cte1.node_id AS node1_id, 
        cte1.node_name AS node1_name, 
        node.node_name AS node2_name,
        node.node_id AS node2_id
    FROM cte1 
    JOIN node 
    ON cte1.node2 = node.node_id;

This view is used in later sections to conveniently (re-)check the data structure after making changes.

SELECT * FROM nodes_n_edges;

CTEs with Data Modification Queries

Suppose you need to add a new node. The new node represents Jill and is linked to Jack's node.

Add to the table node a new entry (for a new node) with ID of 10 and the name Jill:

INSERT INTO node (node_id, node_name) VALUES (10, 'Jill') ;

Use two CTEs to first fetch the IDs of Jack and Jill, given their names. Then use these IDs in an INSERT query to create an entry in the edge table:

node1_id AS (
    SELECT node_id 
    FROM node
    WHERE node_name = 'Jack'
,node2_id AS (
    SELECT node_id
    FROM node
    WHERE node_name = 'Jill'
INSERT INTO edge (node1, node2)
    ((SELECT node_id FROM node1_id), (SELECT node_id FROM node2_id)) ;

(Re-)Check in the nodes_n_edges view that Jill is added and that Jack is linked to Jill:

SELECT * FROM nodes_n_edges;


While creating a new node in the previous example:

  1. The ID field (in the table node) was manually chosen and inserted.
  2. The entry in the other table (edge) was inserted in a later query.

In practice, it often happens that IDs are automatically generated when the new row is inserted. The automatically generated ID is then used to create new rows in other tables. All this needs to happen in a single transaction. This is difficult using the type of queries shown in the previous example. This is where the RETURNING keyword comes in. The RETURNING keyword in PostgreSQL returns values from data modification queries.

Create another model with a table where the ID field is automatically generated.

Example Data Model 2

Consider a data model consisting of two tables: business and address. The table business has two columns: business_id and business_name. business_id is an automatically generated serial number. The table address has two columns - business_id (a foreign key to the business table) and address, a character field used to store the address of the business.

For every new business account, an entry is inserted in the table business. The table auto-generates the ID. The INSERT...RETURNING query returns the auto-generated ID of the new business. This ID is used in the next subquery to create a new entry in the address table. CTEs with the INSERT...RETURNING clause offer a convenient way of handling all this in a single query.

Create the table business:

CREATE TABLE business (
    business_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, 
    business_name VARCHAR(20)

Create the table address:

CREATE TABLE address (
    business_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES business (business_id), 
    business_address VARCHAR (200)

Query with Auto-generated ID

In the query below, the first CTE inserts a new row in the business table and returns the auto-generated ID. The second CTE uses this returned ID to create a new row in the address table.

    new_business AS (
        INSERT INTO business (business_name)
        VALUES ('City Bakery')
        RETURNING business_id, business_name
    new_address AS (
        INSERT INTO address (business_id, business_address)
        SELECT business_id, 'address line 1' FROM new_business
        RETURNING business_id, business_address
    new_business.business_id, new_business.business_name, new_address.business_address
FROM new_address
JOIN new_business
ON new_business.business_id = new_address.business_id ;

In this query, the business_name and address fields are hard-coded values. In practice, they are given to the query as inputs (for example, by a user creating a new account on the web front-end). The above query returns the auto-generated ID together with the name and address of the new business.

Going Further: Recursive CTEs

This guide discussed regular (non-recursive) CTEs. They are useful for enhancing code structure and readability. In tables with automatically generated fields, such as IDs, CTEs are useful for inserting new rows within a single query. The PostgreSQL documentation shows more complex and interesting use cases of CTEs and explains the inner workings of many features.

After learning the material in this guide, consider studying our guide, How to Use Recursive Queries in PostgreSQL. Recursive CTEs are uniquely useful for recursively querying hierarchical data structures, like trees, and more complex data structures, like graphs. These data structures have practical applications like modeling organizational trees and social networks.