ServerPilot on Vultr

This tutorial will teach you how to create a LAMP server using ServerPilot and a Vultr VPS. is a service that eases server management. With a few clicks, you can install Apache or complete your LEMP stack (Nginx + PHP + MySQL). Changing PHP versions is a breeze too - run PHP 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 on the same server. Combined with a Vultr VPS, you can setup low cost, powerful web server.
- A VPS from Vultr running Ubuntu 14.04 x64.
- 5-10 minutes.
- account.
First of all, you will need to login to your VPS. Already logged in? Let's proceed.
Access the the website and log into your account. You will see a button labeled "Connect server". Click on "Connect server" and provide a name for the server. This name is just for your records.
Next, click on the button labeled "Start". You will see a screen with some information and a gray code box. The code presented should look similar to the following:
(test -e /usr/bin/wget || (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install wget)) && \
sudo wget -nv -O && \
sudo python \
Run this code by pasting it to the shell of your VPS (or running it from a shell script file). It will take a few moments to complete. It is important not to restart or reboot while the ServerPilot script is running. If the script is aborted, then you may need to reinstall the operating system.
Head back to the ServerPilot website and click on "New App". When the page loads, fill in the form with the following information: App Name, Domain Name (domain to access your app, Runtime (Version of PHP)), then click "Create App".
At this point, you can create databases (if needed) and upload your website or application to your VPS. The upload folder used is as follows:
Your all set, enjoy using ServerPilot with your Vultr VPS.