Setup TeeWorlds server

Updated on September 14, 2015
Setup TeeWorlds server header image

TeeWorlds is a free and open-source online multiplayer shooter game. In this tutorial, I'm going to explain how to create a TeeWorlds server. These steps were written for Debian (Ubuntu), but will most likely work on other Linux distros too.

Setting up TeeWorlds

Download the TeeWorlds package to your server. You may check for newer releases on the official site.

If you are using x86_64:


If you are using x86:


Extract the server software.

 tar xfv <package-name>.tar.gz
 cd <extract folder>
 chmod +x teeworlds_srv

Create a configuration file for your TeeWorlds server.

 nano ./config.cfg

Here is a template that you can use:

 sv_name My TeeWorlds Server

 sv_port 8303

 sv_max_clients 16

 sv_map ctf2

 sv_rcon_password MyPass

 sv_scorelimit 500

 sv_timelimit 60

 sv_gametype ctf

 sv_motd MOTD here.

Next, install the screen utility. You must use screen to keep your TeeWorlds server running after disconnecting from your Vultr VPS.

 apt-get install screen

Finally, start your server.

 screen ./teeworlds_srv -f config.cfg


Now you have installed TeeWorlds on your VPS. You will be able to connect to it on port 8303 using the TeeWorlds game client. Enjoy!