How To Install a Mumble Server on CentOS 7

Updated on October 14, 2015
How To Install a Mumble Server on CentOS 7 header image

In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup a Mumble voice server on CentOS 7. Mumble is a popular open-source voice client, mainly used by gamers.

##Prerequisites We have to install bzip2 to be able to unpack the server files.

yum install bzip2 -y

##Installation Start by adding a user account.

groupadd -r murmur
useradd -r -g murmur -m -d /var/lib/murmur -s /sbin/nologin murmur

Download the server software, Murmur.

cd ~

Setup the folder and permission structures.

mkdir /usr/local/murmur
mkdir /var/log/murmur
chown murmur:murmur /var/log/murmur
chmod 0770 /var/log/murmur

Extract and move the files into the appropriate folders.

tar -xjf murmur-static_x86-1.2.10.tar.bz2
cp -R murmur-static_x86-1.2.10/* /usr/local/murmur
cp murmur-static_x86-1.2.10/murmur.ini /etc/murmur.ini


Now we'll have to change some settings in the server config.

nano /etc/murmur.ini

Uncomment and change #uname= to uname=murmur

Uncomment and change #logfile= to logfile=/var/log/murmur/murmur.log

Uncomment and change #pidfile= to pidfile=/var/run/murmur/

Save your changes, and exit nano. For further customization of your server, see the "Customization" section below.

Create the file /etc/tmpfiles.d/murmur.conf and paste the following into it.

d /var/run/murmur 775 murmur murmur

Next, create the service file /etc/systemd/system/murmur.service and paste in the following content.

Description=Mumble Server (Murmur) mariadb.service

ExecStart=/usr/local/murmur/murmur.x86 -ini /etc/murmur.ini


Install the service.

systemd-tmpfiles --create
systemctl daemon-reload

Now we just have to open the ports and we can get on chatting! Run the following commands.

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=64738/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=64738/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Using Mumble

To start the server:

systemctl start murmur.service

To stop the server:

systemctl stop murmur.service


Each of these changes can be made in the /etc/murmur.ini file.

To change the amount of slots to 200, change users=100 to users=200.

To update the welcome message, change the string following welcometext. It supports basic HTML markup.

For extra security, uncomment the autoban lines.