How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 24.04

Updated on November 15, 2024
How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 24.04 header image


Anaconda is an open-source distribution for Python and R programming languages that simplifies package and dependency management for data science. To install Anaconda on Ubuntu 24.04, you’ll gain access to the Conda package manager along with a variety of pre-built machine-learning libraries and tools.

This article explains how to install Anaconda on Ubuntu 24.04 and managing isolated user environments using Conda.


Before you begin:

Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 24.04

Anaconda is not available in the default Ubuntu package repositories. Follow the steps below to install the package by downloading a script from the Anaconda repository.

  1. Visit the Anaconda archives directory to check and download the latest installation script.

    $ wget
  2. Run the script using Bash.

    $ bash
    • Press Enter when prompted to review the Anaconda license agreement.

      Welcome to Anaconda3 2024.06-1
      In order to continue the installation process, please review the license
      Please, press ENTER to continue
    • Press Space to browse through the license agreement.

    • Enter yes and press Enter to accept the license agreement.

      Version 4.0 | Last Modified: March 31, 2024 | ANACONDA TOS
      Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]
      >>> yes 
    • Verify the default installation path, typically anaconda3 in your user home directory and press Enter to install Anaconda.

      Anaconda3 will now be installed into this location:
        - Press ENTER to confirm the location
        - Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
        - Or specify a different location below
      [/vultr/anaconda3] >>> 
    • Enter yes and press Enter to update your shell environment and initialize Conda.

      Do you wish to update your shell profile to automatically initialize conda?
      This will activate conda on startup and change the command prompt when activated.
      If you'd prefer that conda's base environment not be activated on startup,
         run the following command when conda is activated:
      conda config --set auto_activate_base false
      You can undo this by running `conda init --reverse $SHELL`? [yes|no]
      [no] >>> yes
  3. Reload the .bashrc shell configuration to apply the Anaconda changes to your environment.

    $ source ~/.bashrc
  4. View the installed Conda version.

    $ conda --version


    conda 24.5.0
  5. List all packages in the default Conda environment.

    $ conda list


    # Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
    _anaconda_depends         2024.06             py312_mkl_2  
    _libgcc_mutex             0.1                        main  
    _openmp_mutex             5.1                       1_gnu  
    abseil-cpp                20211102.0           hd4dd3e8_0  
    aiobotocore               2.12.3          py312h06a4308_0  
    aiohttp                   3.9.5           py312h5eee18b_0  
    aioitertools              0.7.1              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
    aiosignal                 1.2.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
    alabaster                 0.7.16          py312h06a4308_0  
    altair                    5.0.1           py312h06a4308_0  
    anaconda-anon-usage       0.4.4           py312hfc0e8ea_100  
    anaconda-catalogs         0.2.0           py312h06a4308_1  
    anaconda-client           1.12.3          py312h06a4308_0  
    anaconda-cloud-auth       0.5.1           py312h06a4308_0  
    anaconda-navigator        2.6.0           py312h06a4308_0  
    anaconda-project          0.11.1          py312h06a4308_0  
    annotated-types           0.6.0           py312h06a4308_0  

Manage Conda Environments

A Conda environment contains specific dependencies, packages, and Python versions that match your project needs. The isolated environment is different from your global system environment. Follow the steps below to create and manage Conda environments.

  1. Create a new myenv Conda environment with a specific Python version, such as 3.8.

    $ conda create --name myenv python=3.8

    Enter Y when prompted to install all necessary dependency packages in the new environment.

  2. Activate the new Conda environment.

    $ conda activate myenv

    Verify that your shell prompt changes to the new environment.

    (myenv) vultr@Server:~$
  3. List all outdated packages in your environment.

    $ conda update --all

    Enter Y when prompted to install new packages.

  4. Create a test environment by cloning the existing myenv environment.

    $ conda create --name test --clone myenv
  5. Install a new package, such as requests in the environment.

    $ conda install requests

    To install packages from different sources like conda-forge, run conda install -c conda-forge package_name and replace package_name with the name of the package that you want to install.

  6. Clear all unused packages and caches from your environment.

    $ conda clean --all
  7. Export the Conda environment to a file like environment.yml.

    $ conda env export > environment.yml
  8. Import the environment to reinstall all necessary packages and dependencies.

    $ conda env create -f environment.yml
  9. Use conda run to execute commands in a specific environment without activating it. For example, run the file in the myenv environment.

    $ conda run -n myenv python -c "print('Hello, World')"


    Hello, World


You have installed Anaconda on Ubuntu 24.04 and managed Conda environments on the server. Anaconda provides an advanced platform for managing dependency and packages to match your project's needs. Use Anaconda when running multiple projects that require different packages and dependencies. For more information, please visit the official Anaconda documentation.