How to Install and Secure Apache Kafka on Vultr Kubernetes Engine (VKE)

Updated on November 21, 2023
How to Install and Secure Apache Kafka on Vultr Kubernetes Engine (VKE) header image


In this article, you will learn how to run Apache Kafka on Kubernetes using the open-source Strimzi project. You will setup Strizmi on Vultr Kubernetes Engine, setup a Kafka cluster, sent messages to a topic and recieved messages from that topic. You will also secure the Kafka cluster using encryption and user authentication.

Introduction to Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a messaging system that allows clients to publish and read streams of data (also called events). It has an ecosystem of open-source solutions that you can combine to store, process, and integrate these data streams with other parts of your system in a secure, reliable, and scalable manner.

Key components of Apache Kafka:

  • Broker (Node): A Kafka broker runs the Kafka JVM process. A best practice is to run three or more brokers for scalability and high availability. These groups of Kafka brokers form a cluster.
  • Producers: These are client applications that send messages to Kafka. Each message is nothing but a key-value pair.
  • Topics: Events (messages) are stored in topics, and each topic has one or more partitions. Data in each of these partitions are distributed across the Kafka cluster for high availability and redundancy.
  • Consumers: Just like producers, consumers are also client applications. They receive and process data/events from Kafka topics.

Introduction to Strimzi

Strimzi can be used to run an Apache Kafka cluster on Kubernetes. In addition to the cluster itself, Strimzi can also help you manage topics, users, Mirror Maker and Kafka Connect deployments. With Strimzi, you can configure the cluster as per your needs. This includes advanced features such as rack awareness configuration to distribute Kafka nodes across availability zones, as well as Kubernetes taints and tolerations to pin Kafka to dedicated worker nodes in your Kubernetes cluster. You can also expose Kafka to external clients outside the Kubernetes cluster using Service types such as NodePort, LoadBalancer etc. and these can be secured using SSL.

All this is made possible with a combination of Custom resources, Operators and respective Docker container images.

Strimzi Custom Resources and Operators

You can customize Strimzi Kafka components in a Kubernetes cluster using custom resources. These are created as instances of APIs added by Custom resource definitions (CRDs) that extend Kubernetes resources. Each Strimzi component has an associated CRD which is used to describe that component. Thanks to CRDs, Strimzi resources benefit from Kubernetes features such as CLI accessibility and configuration validation.

Once a Strimzi custom resource is created, it's managed using Operators. Operators are a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes-native application. Because Strimzi Operators automate common and complex tasks related to a Kafka deployment, Kafka administration tasks are simplified and require less manual intervention.

Let's look at the Strimzi operators and the custom resources they manage.

Cluster Operator

Strimzi Cluster Operator is used to deploy and manage Kafka components. Although a single Cluster Operator instance is deployed by default, you can add replicas with leader election to ensure operator high availability.

The Cluster Operator manages the following Kafka components:

  • Kafka - The Kafka resource is used to configure a Kafka deployment. Configuration options for the ZooKeeper cluster also included within the Kafka resource.
  • KafkaConnector - This resources allow you to create and manage connector instances for Kafka Connect.
  • KafkaMirrorMaker2 - It can be used to run and manage a Kafka MirrorMaker 2.0 deployment. MirrorMaker 2.0 replicates data between two or more Kafka clusters, within or across data centers.
  • KafkaBridge - This recourse managed Kafka Bridge, which is component that provides an API for integrating HTTP-based clients with a Kafka cluster.

Entity Operator

Entity Operator comprises the Topic and User Operator.

  • Topic Operator - It provides a way of managing topics in a Kafka cluster through Kubernetes resources. You can declare a KafkaTopic resource as part of your application’s deployment and the Topic Operator will take care of creating the topic for you and keeping them in-sync with corresponding Kafka topics. Information about each topic in a topic store, which is continually synchronized with updates from Kafka topics or Kubernetes KafkaTopic custom resources. If a topic is reconfigured or reassigned to other brokers, the KafkaTopic will always be up to date.
  • User Operator - It allows you to declare a KafkaUser resource as part of your application’s deployment along with authentication and authorization mechanisms for the user. You can also configure user quotas that control usage of Kafka resources. In addition to managing credentials for authentication, the User Operator also manages authorization rules by including a description of the user’s access rights in the KafkaUser declaration.


  1. Install kubectl on your local workstation. It is a Kubernetes command-line tool that allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.

  2. Deploy a Vultr Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster using the Reference Guide. Once it's deployed, from the Overview tab, click the Download Configuration button in the upper-right corner to download your kubeconfig file and save it to a local directory.

    Point kubectl to Vultr Kubernetes Engine cluster by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the path where you downloaded the cluster kubeconfig file in the previous step.

     export KUBECONFIG=<path to VKE kubeconfig file>

    Verify the same using the following command:

     kubectl config current-context

Install Strimzi on Vultr Kubernetes Engine

  1. Create a namespace called kafka.

     kubectl create namespace kafka

    You should see this output:

     namespace/kafka created
  2. Apply the Strimzi installation files, including ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings and Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).

     kubectl create -f '' -n kafka

    You should see this output: created created created created created created created created created created created created
     deployment.apps/strimzi-cluster-operator created created created created created created created created
     configmap/strimzi-cluster-operator created created created created
     serviceaccount/strimzi-cluster-operator created created created
  3. Follow the deployment of the Strimzi cluster operator and wait for the Pod to transition to Running status.

     kubectl get pod -n kafka --watch

    You should see this output (the Pod name might differ in your case):

     NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     strimzi-cluster-operator-56d64c8584-7k6sr   1/1     Running   0          43s

    To check the operator’s log:

     kubectl logs deployment/strimzi-cluster-operator -n kafka -f

Setup Kafka cluster

  1. Create a directory and switch to it:

     mkdir vultr-vke-kafka
     cd vultr-vke-kafka
  2. Create a new file kafka-cluster-1.yml:

     touch kafka-cluster-1.yml
  3. Add the below contents to kafka-cluster-1.yml file and save it.

     kind: Kafka
     name: my-cluster-1
         version: 3.3.1
         replicas: 1
         - name: plain
             port: 9092
             type: internal
             tls: false
         - name: tls
             port: 9093
             type: internal
             tls: true
         offsets.topic.replication.factor: 1
         transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 1
         transaction.state.log.min.isr: 1
         default.replication.factor: 1
         min.insync.replicas: 1 "3.3"
         type: ephemeral
         replicas: 1
         type: ephemeral
         topicOperator: {}
         userOperator: {}
  4. Install the Kafka cluster:

     kubectl apply -f kafka-cluster-1.yml -n kafka

    You should see this output: created

    Wait for cluster to be created.

     kubectl wait kafka/my-cluster-1 --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s -n kafka 

    Once completed, you will see this output: condition met
  5. Verify Kafka cluster

     kubectl get kafka -n kafka

You should see this output:

    my-cluster-1 1                        1                     True    True
  1. Verify Kafka Pod

     kubectl get pod/my-cluster-1-kafka-0 -n kafka

    You should see this output:

     NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     my-cluster-1-kafka-0   1/1     Running   0          9m23s
  2. Verify Zookeeper Pod

     kubectl get pod/my-cluster-1-zookeeper-0 -n kafka

    You should see this output:

     NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     my-cluster-1-zookeeper-0    1/1     Running   0          10m
  3. Check the ConfigMaps associated with the cluster:

     kubectl get configmap -n kafka

    You should see this output:

     NAME                                      DATA   AGE
     kube-root-ca.crt                            1      57m
     my-cluster-1-entity-topic-operator-config   1      9m20s
     my-cluster-1-entity-user-operator-config    1      9m20s
     my-cluster-1-kafka-0                        3      9m45s
     my-cluster-1-zookeeper-config               2      10m
     strimzi-cluster-operator                    1      57m
  4. Check Services associated with the cluster:

     kubectl get svc -n kafka

    You should see this output (the ClusterIPs might differ in your case):

     NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                               AGE
     my-cluster-1-kafka-bootstrap    ClusterIP     <none>        9091/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP            10m
     my-cluster-1-kafka-brokers      ClusterIP   None            <none>        9090/TCP,9091/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP   10m
     my-cluster-1-zookeeper-client   ClusterIP   <none>        2181/TCP                              10m
     my-cluster-1-zookeeper-nodes    ClusterIP   None            <none>        2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP            10m
  5. Check Secrets associated with the cluster:

     kubectl get secret -n kafka

    You should see this output:

     NAME                                     TYPE     DATA   AGE
     my-cluster-1-clients-ca                    Opaque   1      10m
     my-cluster-1-clients-ca-cert               Opaque   3      10m
     my-cluster-1-cluster-ca                    Opaque   1      10m
     my-cluster-1-cluster-ca-cert               Opaque   3      10m
     my-cluster-1-cluster-operator-certs        Opaque   4      10m
     my-cluster-1-entity-topic-operator-certs   Opaque   4      9m44s
     my-cluster-1-entity-user-operator-certs    Opaque   4      9m44s
     my-cluster-1-kafka-brokers                 Opaque   4      10m
     my-cluster-1-zookeeper-nodes               Opaque   4      10m

You can test the Kafka cluster using the Kafka CLI based consumer and producer.

Verify cluster operation

You will verify cluster functionality by producing data using Kafka CLI producer and consuming data using Kafka CLI consumer.

  1. Run a Pod to execute Kafka CLI producer and send data to a topic

     kubectl -n kafka run kafka-producer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-1-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic

    You should see the following output with prompt

     If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

    Enter messages in the prompt. These will be send to the specified Kafka topic.

  2. Open a new terminal. Point kubectl to Vultr Kubernetes Engine cluster by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the path where you downloaded the cluster kubeconfig file.

     export KUBECONFIG=<path to VKE kubeconfig file>
  3. Run a Pod to execute Kafka CLI consumer to consume data from a topic

     kubectl -n kafka run kafka-consumer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-1-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic --from-beginning

    You should receive messages you sent from the producer terminal.

  4. Press ctrl+c on each terminal to close them. This will delete both the Pods.

  5. Delete the Kafka cluster

     kubectl delete -f kafka-cluster-1.yml -n kafka

    Verify that the associated Pods were deleted. Wait for my-cluster-1-kafka-0 and my-cluster-1-zookeeper-0 Pods to terminate.

     kubectl get pods -n kafka

Setup a secure Kafka cluster

So far, you have setup a simple Kafka cluster. In the next section, you will learn how to secure the setup by using the following:

  • Encryption via TLS.
  • Authentication via SASL SCRAM.
  1. Create a new file kafka-cluster-2.yml:

     touch kafka-cluster-2.yml
  2. Add the below contents to kafka-cluster-2.yml file and save it.

     kind: Kafka
     name: my-cluster-2
         version: 3.3.1
         replicas: 1
         - name: plain
             port: 9092
             type: internal
             tls: true
             type: scram-sha-512
         - name: tls
             port: 9093
             type: internal
             tls: true
         offsets.topic.replication.factor: 1
         transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 1
         transaction.state.log.min.isr: 1
         default.replication.factor: 1
         min.insync.replicas: 1 "3.3"
         type: ephemeral
         replicas: 1
         type: ephemeral
         topicOperator: {}
         userOperator: {}
  3. Install the Kafka cluster:

     kubectl apply -f kafka-cluster-2.yml -n kafka

    You should see this output: created

    Wait for cluster to be created.

     kubectl wait kafka/my-cluster-2 --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s -n kafka 

    Once completed, you will see this output: condition met
  4. Verify Kafka cluster

     kubectl get kafka -n kafka

    You should see this output:

     my-cluster-2 1                        1                     True    True
  5. Create a new file kafka-user.yml:

     touch kafka-user.yml
  6. Add the below contents to kafka-user.yml file and save it.

     kind: KafkaUser
     name: test-kafka-user
     labels: my-cluster-2
         type: scram-sha-512
  7. Create the KafkaUser resource

     kubectl apply -f kafka-user.yml -n kafka

    You should see this output: created
  8. Verify user creation

     kubectl get kafkauser -n kafka

    You should see this output:

     test-kafka-user   my-cluster-2  scram-sha-512                    True

    When the user is created, the User Operator creates a Kubernetes Secret and seeds it with the user credentials required to authenticate to the Kafka cluster.

  9. Verify the Secret

     kubectl get secret/test-kafka-user -n kafka -o yaml

Verify cluster operation

You will verify cluster functionality by producing data using Kafka CLI producer and consuming data using Kafka CLI consumer.

  • The CLI clients will connect to the Kafka broker using SSL.
  • The CLI clients will need to authenticate to the Kafka broker using username and password.

Send data to Kafka topic

  1. Fetch the password for the Kafka user that you had created and save it to your local workstation.

     kubectl get secret test-kafka-user -n kafka -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode > user.password
  2. Fetch the Kafka server certificate and save it to your local workstation.

     kubectl get secret my-cluster-2-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' -n kafka | base64 --decode > ca.p12
  3. Fetch the Kafka server certificate password and save it to your local workstation.

     kubectl get secret my-cluster-2-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.password}' -n kafka | base64 --decode > ca.password
  4. Open a new terminal. Point kubectl to Vultr Kubernetes Engine cluster by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the path where you downloaded the cluster kubeconfig file.

     export KUBECONFIG=<path to VKE kubeconfig file>
  5. Start a new Pod name kafka-producer

     kubectl -n kafka run kafka-producer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never

    You should see a shell prompt after the Pod starts

     [kafka@kafka-producer kafka]$
  6. From the previous terminal, copy the local certificate into the kafka-producer Pod that you just started:

     kubectl cp ca.p12 kafka-producer:/tmp -n kafka
  7. Go back to the terminal where the kafka-producer Pod is running and execute the below commands

     cp $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts /tmp/cacerts
     chmod 777 /tmp/cacerts
  8. Import the server CA certificate in to the keystore. For keypass, use the password you had saved to your local ca.password file

     keytool -importcert -alias strimzi-kafka-cert -file /tmp/ca.p12 -keystore /tmp/cacerts -keypass <password from ca.password file> -storepass changeit -noprompt

    You should see this output

     Certificate was added to keystore
  9. Create the configuration file which will be used by the Kafka CLI producer. For password, use the password you had saved to your local user.password file

     cat > /tmp/ << EOF
     sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512 required username="test-kafka-user" password="<password from user.password file>";
  10. Send data to a topic

    bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-2-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic --producer.config /tmp/

    You should see the following output with prompt

     If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

    Enter messages in the prompt. These will be send to the specified Kafka topic.

Receive data from Kafka topic

  1. Open a new terminal. Point kubectl to Vultr Kubernetes Engine cluster by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the path where you downloaded the cluster kubeconfig.

     export KUBECONFIG=<path to VKE kubeconfig file>
  2. Start a new Pod name kafka-consumer

     kubectl -n kafka run kafka-consumer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never

    You should see a shell prompt after the Pod starts

     [kafka@kafka-consumer kafka]$
  3. From the previous terminal, copy the local certificate into the kafka-consumer Pod that you just started:

     kubectl cp ca.p12 kafka-consumer:/tmp -n kafka
  4. Go back to the terminal where the kafka-consumer Pod is running and execute the below commands to

     cp $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts /tmp/cacerts
     chmod 777 /tmp/cacerts
  5. Import the server CA certificate in to the keystore. For keypass, use the password you had saved to your local ca.password file

     keytool -importcert -alias strimzi-kafka-cert -file /tmp/ca.p12 -keystore /tmp/cacerts -keypass <password from ca.password file> -storepass changeit -noprompt

    You should see this output

     Certificate was added to keystore
  6. Create the configuration file which will be used by the Kafka CLI consumer. For password, use the password you had saved to your local user.password file

     cat > /tmp/ << EOF
     sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512 required username="test-kafka-user" password="jCtF8vhh23Lu";
  7. Use Kafka CLI consumer to consume data from the topic

     		 bin/ --bootstrap-server my-cluster-2-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --topic my-topic --consumer.config /tmp/ --from-beginning

    You should receive messages you sent from the producer terminal.

  8. From a new terminal, delete the Kafka cluster

     kubectl delete -f kafka-cluster-2.yml -n kafka

    Verify that the associated Pods were deleted. Wait for my-cluster-2-kafka-0 and my-cluster-2-zookeeper-0 Pods to terminate.

     kubectl get pods -n kafka

Delete Vultr Kubernetes Engine cluster

After you have completed the tutorial in this article, you can delete the Vultr Kubernetes Engine cluster.


In this article, you learnt how to use Strimzi to run Kafka and its related components on Kubernetes. You installed Strizmi on Vultr Kubernetes Engine, setup a Kafka cluster, sent messages to a topic and recieved messages from that topic. Next, you secured the Kafka cluster by enforcing TLS encryption as well as SASL authentication. TLS encryption ensured that the clients could only connect via SSL and with SASL authentication, clients had to specify the username and password to interact with the cluster (send or receive data).

You can also learn more in the following documentation: