How to Set Up Automatic Backups with Veeam and Vultr Block Storage

Updated on June 12, 2024
How to Set Up Automatic Backups with Veeam and Vultr Block Storage header image


Veeam is a backup and replication software that offers reliable data protection solutions for businesses. Written in C#, PowerShell, Java, and Python, Veeam allows faster integration with cloud storage providers such as Vultr Block Storage.

You can use Veeam to sync data between your Cloud Compute instance and a Vultr Block Storage instance. Veeam also supports automatic backup jobs that run at flexible timings depending on how often you want to back up data.

This guide walks you through setting up automatic backups with Veeam and Vultr Block Storage.


Before you begin:

Install Veeam

To use Veeam, you must install the Veeam Agent for Linux. This tool offers comprehensive data backup capabilities for various Linux distributions. Follow the steps below to install the tool.

  1. Visit the following resource to grab the latest download link for Debian/Ubuntu.

  2. Switch to the /tmp directory.

    $ cd /tmp
  3. Download the Veeam repository package.

    $ wget
  4. Install the Veeam repository.

    $ sudo dpkg -i veeam-release*
  5. Update the package information index and install Veeam.

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install -y blksnap veeam

Run Veeam File-Level Backup Job

The Veeam Agent for Linux requires two steps to create a file-level backup:

  1. Creating a repository.

    $ sudo veeamconfig repository create \
    --name repository_name \
    --location destination_or_remote_location

    In the above command:

    • --name: Defines the name of the new repository.
    • --location: Specifies the remote location where you want to backup data. This guide shows you how to backup the data in Vultr Block Storage.
  2. Creating a backup job.

    $ sudo veeamconfig job create filelevel \
     --name job_name \
     --reponame  repository_name \
     --includedirs source_directory_path \
     --daily \
     --at 00:30 \

    In the above command:

    --name: Defines the name of the backup. --reponame : Defines the repository name. --includedirs Specifies the source directory path that you want to back up. For instance, ~/project. --daily --at 00:30: Sets a backup schedule. Apart from daily schedule, Veeam also supports weekly and monthly schedules. --nosnap: -Allows Veeam to perform a regular quicker (non-application-aware) backup.

Follow the steps below to create a Veeam file-level backup:

  1. Create a new project directory under your user home directory. In a production environment, you may skip this command and select an existing directory.

    $ mkdir ~/project
  2. Navigate to the ~/project directory.

    $ cd ~/project
  3. Run the following touch command to create two sample files under the directory.

    $ touch test1.txt
    $ touch test2.txt
  4. Create a repository where you want to back up the files under the Vultr Block Storage path. For instance, /mnt/blockstorage/project.

    $ sudo veeamconfig repository create \
    --name Veeammblockstorage \
    --location /mnt/blockstorage/project/
  5. Reply with yes in the next two prompts and press Enter each time to accept the Veeam Software license agreement.

    I accept Veeam Software End User License Agreement:
    (yes/no): yes
    I accept the terms of the following 3rd party software components license agreements:
    (yes/no): yes

    The Veeam Software creates a new repository and displays the following message.

    Repository has been created successfully.
  6. View the repository list.

    $ sudo veeamconfig repository list


    Name                ID                                      Location                     Type   
    Veeammblockstorage  {f84aea44-c585-4073-903b-c3b961d2ceb4}  /mnt/blockstorage/my_backup  local  
  7. Create a new Veeam backup job. Ensure the --reponame is the same as the repository name that you have created above. That is, Veeammblockstorage.

    $ sudo veeamconfig job create filelevel \
    --name sample_job \
    --reponame  Veeammblockstorage \
    --includedirs ~/project/ \
    --daily \
    --at 00:30 \


    Job has been created successfully.
  8. View the Veeam Job List.

    $ sudo veeamconfig job list


    Name        ID                                      Type       Repository
    sample_job  {05e8332b-2126-45d3-b84d-c78643a0c06b}  FileLevel  Veeammblockstorage
  9. Start the backup job manually. This step ensures you have the first backup before the schedule runs.

    $ sudo veeamconfig job start --name sample_job


    The backup job has been started.
    Session ID: [{8ccf3ee4-dd8e-4f56-821b-97eef5b2a79f}].
    Logs stored in: [/var/log/veeam/Backup/sample_job/Session_20240609_104931_{8ccf3ee4-dd8e-4f56-821b-97eef5b2a79f}].

Restore Backups

The Veeam agent allows you to restore files from the repository if you lose the original files. Follow the steps below to restore the files.

  1. Delete the files from the original source directory.

    $ rm ~/project/test1.txt ~/project/test2.txt
  2. Ensure the local source directory is empty.

    $ ls -ls ~/project


    total 0
  3. View the Veeam agent backups and note the job ID. For instance, 0c4bf14a-5d5b-4d20-ba23-f5303611e667.

    $ sudo veeamconfig backup list


    Job name              Backup ID                               Repository          Created at
    server-1 sample_job  {0c4bf14a-5d5b-4d20-ba23-f5303611e667}  Veeammblockstorage  2024-06-05 10:43
  4. Mount the backup to a local directory (For instance, /tmp/restore) in your Cloud compute instance by specifying the job ID in the following command.

    $ sudo veeamconfig backup mount --id bc77565b-3978-47f0-9641-ad5069dae749 --mountdir /tmp/restore
  5. Copy the files from the mount location to the source directory.

    $  cp -r /tmp/restore/home/$USER/project/ ~/project/
  6. Ensure Veeam has restored the files.

    $ ls -ls ~/project


    4 -rw-rw-r-- 1 francis francis 75 Jun 10 00:54 test1.txt
    0 -rw-rw-r-- 1 francis francis  0 Jun 10 00:54 test2.txt
    For best results, always follow the 321 backup rule to ensure data redundancy, diversity, and geographic separation:
    1. Always keep three 3 of your critical data.
    2. Store the data copies on 2 different media.
    3. Keep 1 copy of your data offsite.


This guide walked you through setting up automatic backups with Veeam and Vultr Block Storage. You have learned how to use the Veeam Agent for Linux to create a repository and set up a backup job. Then, you have mounted a backup to a local directory to restore files.