How to Use Vultr CDN with Nginx Webserver

Updated on August 27, 2024
How to Use Vultr CDN with Nginx Webserver header image


Nginx is a web server application that lets you host and deliver web applications using your domain. You can integrate Nginx with a CDN (Content Delivery Network) such as Vultr CDN to offload specific file assets for delivery in multiple regions instead of your origin server. Nginx delivers your Vultr CDN response data to all valid user requests instead of your original web application URL, improving the general server performance.

This article explains how to use Vultr CDN with the Nginx web server to cache specific asset requests for delivery using a Vultr CDN Zone's URL. You will modify the existing Nginx configuration with new request rules depending on your web application structure to serve static assets such as images using your Vultr CDN URL.


Before you begin:

Locate the Nginx Virtual Host Configuration

To set up your Nginx web server and forward requests to your Vultr CDN URL, follow the steps below to verify your working virtual host configuration to modify with the CDN rules.

  1. Switch to the Nginx data directory.

    $ cd /etc/nginx/
  2. Search for all Nginx configurations that include your domain name. For example,

    $ grep -r "" /etc/nginx/

    Your output should look like the one below:

    /etc/nginx/sites-available/    server_name;

    In the above output result, your domain uses the /etc/nginx/sites-available/ virtual host configuration. Usually, Nginx uses the default configuration file /etc/nginx/sites-available/default when no virtual host configuration is available.

  3. View the virtual host configuration file and verify the web root directory value.

    $ cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/


    root /var/www/;
  4. Switch to the web root directory to set up a sample application structure.

    $ cd /var/www/
  5. Create a new sample images directory to test your Nginx rules.

    $ sudo mkdir images

    Upload sample assets such as image files to the directory to cache and test with your Vultr CDN URL.

Method 1: Set Up Response Modification

Nginx response modification uses the sub_filter module to forward specific request types to your Vultr CDN URL. When a user creates a new request, Nginx modifies the request and translates it to your Vultr CDN URL instead of the origin server URL. Follow the steps below to set up response modification to match specific request patterns to your Vultr CDN URL.

  1. By default, the Nginx sub_filter module runs with http_sub_module. Verify that the module is available on your server.

    $ nginx -V


    ........--with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_sub_module
  2. Open your Nginx virtual host configuration using a text editor such as Nano.

    $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/
  3. Add the following sub_filter configurations to the file.

    sub_filter '' '';
    sub_filter '' '';
    proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
    sub_filter_once off;

    Save and close the file.

    The above configuration substitutes all matching request patterns with your Vultr CDN URL. Within the configuration:

    • sub_filter '' '';: Modifies the original request URL '' to the destination URL ''. For example, all requests that match the URL pattern are modified to your Vultr CDN URL File requests within the same URL scheme such as match the request pattern to your Vultr CDN URL /
    • proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";: Turns off Gzip compression in your Nginx requests to avoid compression conflicts with the Vultr CDN response data.
    • sub_filter_once off;: Enables multiple content modification rules to consistently modify requests with your Vultr CDN URL.

    Your modified Nginx configuration should look like the one below:

    server {
       listen 80 default_server;
       listen [::]:80 default_server;
    root /var/www/html;
      index index.php index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
       location / {
            try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
            sub_filter '' '';
            sub_filter '' '';
            proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
            sub_filter_once off;
  4. Test the Nginx configuration for errors.

    $ sudo nginx -t


    nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
    nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
  5. Restart Nginx to apply your configuration changes.

    $ sudo systemctl restart nginx

Method 2: Set Up Redirects

Redirecting forwards specific Nginx request types to your Vultr CDN URL. Instead of delivering a response from your original URL, a request is redirected to your Vultr CDN URL instead. Follow the steps below to redirect requests from your host URL to the Vultr CDN URL.

  1. Open your Nginx virtual host configuration.

    $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/
  2. Add a new location block with your target request types to the file. Replace cdn-example88.vultrcdn with your actual Vultr CDN URL.

    location ~ ^(/images/|/files/|/css/|/js/)/.*\.(jpe?g|webp|gif|css|png|js|ico|pdf|m4a|mov|mp3)$ {
                rewrite  ^$request_uri?
                access_log off;

    Save and close the file.

    The above configuration redirects all requests that either match the images/, files/, css/,js/ directories or the file extensions .jpg,.jpeg, .png, .webp, .css, .js to your Vultr CDN URL. Within the configuration:

    • location ~ ^(/images/|/files/|/css/|/js/)/.*\.(jpe?g|webp|gif|css|png|js|ico|pdf|m4a|mov|mp3)$: Defines the request patterns to replace with your Vultr CDN URL.
    • rewrite ^$request_uri?: Rewrites all matching request types with your Vultr CDN URL. The $request_uri? expression matches your request pattern to preserve the original host URL structure.
    • permanent: Permanently redirects the request with a 301 Moved Permanently status code.
    • access_log off: Turns off access logs for all redirect messages.

    Your modified Nginx configuration should look like the one below:

    server {
       listen 80 default_server;
       listen [::]:80 default_server;
    root /var/www/html;
      index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
       location / {
              try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
    location ~ ^(/images/|/files/|/css/|/js/)/.*\.(jpe?g|webp|gif|css|png|js|ico|pdf|m4a|mov|mp3)$ {
               rewrite  ^$request_uri?
                access_log off;
  3. Test the Nginx configuration for errors.

    $ sudo nginx -t
  4. Restart Nginx to apply the configuration changes.

    $ sudo systemctl restart nginx


You have configured your Nginx web server to forward web application requests to your Vultr CDN URL. Nginx forwards each valid request pattern to your Vultr CDN URL to deliver a response with the cached data to your site visitor. Depending on your Vultr CDN Zone and web application structure, modify your Nginx configuration to deliver static assets using your CDN to improve the general application performance.