Install MineOS on Ubuntu 20.10

This tutorial explains how to install MineOS on Ubuntu 20.10 using a Vultr cloud server. A cloud server instance is sometimes called a Virtual Private Server or VPS. MineOS is a self-hosted Minecraft server management system. It offers unlimited profiles and a beautiful WebUI with real-time analytics to manage multiple Minecraft servers running on your cloud server. Use this guide to host a Minecraft server and play with your friends.
Deploy a Vultr Server
- Deploy a new Vultr Ubuntu 20.10 cloud server.
- Follow the best practices guide to update the server.
1. Install Prerequisites
SSH to the server instance as root.
Update the list of packages for your system.
# apt-get update
MineOS requires nodejs JavaScript runtime environment, rdiff-backup to create reverse incremental backups, screen to run multiple pseudo-terminals, build-essentials, rsync, and the java platform. Install the dependencies:
# apt-get install -y nodejs rdiff-backup screen build-essential rsync openjdk-8-jre-headless
2. Install NodeJS Version 10
MineOS requires NodeJS version 10. The default repository installs newest version of NodeJS. To downgrade NodeJS, install Node Version Manager (NVM).
# curl -o- | bash
Run the following to set up the NVM environment, or close and reopen your terminal.
# export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" # [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
Verify the NVM version.
# nvm -v
The version should be 0.37.0 or greater.
Install NodeJS version 10.
# nvm install 10
Make version 10 the default.
# nvm use 10
Verify the NodeJS version.
# node -v
The version should be v10.23.0.
3. Install MineOS
Change to the default script directory.
# cd /usr/games/
Clone the MineOS repository.
# git clone minecraft
Navigate to MineOS directory.
# cd minecraft
Set Git to ignore changes in file permissions.
# git config core.filemode false
Make the following files executable.
# chmod +x service.js mineos_console.js webui.js
Install NodeJS packages with root permission to run MineOS Web Interface.
# npm install --unsafe-perm
Note: Ignore any errors or warnings related to
node-gyp rebuild
.Add symlink from MineOS installation to your system.
# ln -s /usr/games/minecraft/mineos_console.js /usr/local/bin/mineos
Copy the MineOS configuration to your system configuration.
# cp mineos.conf /etc/mineos.conf
Set up the systemd service
# cp init/systemd_conf /etc/systemd/system/mineos.service
Enable MineOS.
# systemctl enable mineos
Start MineOS.
# systemctl start mineos # systemctl stop mineos
Generate a self-signed certificate for HTTPS.
# ./
Start the WebUI as a background daemon.
# node service.js start
In the future, to manage the WebUI, use the following commands.
# node service.js start # node service.js stop # node service.js restart # node service.js status
Add a user account such as
. Set a strong password for this user.# adduser example_username
4. Log in to the WebUI
Navigate to the WebUI at port 8443 in your web browser. Replace the example with the IP address of your Vultr cloud server.
Navigate past the security warning due to the self-signed certificate.
5. Create a Server
- Log in with the username and strong password you created, such as
. - Click Create New Server on left pane.
- Fill in your Minecraft server settings.
- Click Profiles on left pane.
- Download available server packs or jars.
- Click Dashboard on left pane.
- Select your server.
- Click Accept EULA besides Start button.
- Click Start button.
- Select the profile and runnable jar you've downloaded.
- Log in with a Minecraft client.
6. Play Minecraft
Connect to the server by IP, or domain name if you created one. Use the port number configured in the MineOS server settings. The default port number is 25565.