One-Click LAMP

Updated on November 21, 2023
One-Click LAMP header image


Vultr's One-Click LAMP application is an easy-to-deploy solution for web development on Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. The One-Click LAMP application is available for CentOS 6, CentOS 7, and Ubuntu Server. After deployment, log in with SSH using the root account and password found on the Server Information page in the customer portal. You have full access to modify this application to suit any development project.

Examples and Paths is an example IP address.

  • You can access the Apache server at the insecure URL:
  • The server is also accessible at the secure URL:
  • The server is configured with a self-signed certificate. See our instructions to bypass the HTTPS warning for self-signed SSL/TLS certificates.
  • You can install your own commercial certificate or a free Let's Encrypt certificate.
  • We also have step-by-step instructions for wildcard SSL certificates.
  • The Apache document root is located at: /var/www/html/
    • Example: /var/www/html/index.php is accessible at
    • Note: The CentOS 6 app has the document root configured at /usr/share/httpd/html/. Instances created after March 5th, 2018 include a symlink from /var/www/html/ to /usr/share/httpd/html/.


Connect to the MySQL database server with:

# mysql -u root

The MySQL root password is available in /root/.my.cnf.

Test Apache

To quickly verify that Apache is responding, SSH to the server and use curl:

# curl -I -k https://localhost

You should see "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" in the output.

Apache Management

The CentOS and Ubuntu flavors of One-Click LAMP use different commands to manage Apache. Use the instructions for your platform.


To start Apache:

# systemctl start httpd.service

To stop Apache:

# systemctl stop httpd.service

To check Apache's status:

# systemctl status httpd.service

To disable Apache on reboot:

# systemctl disable httpd.service

To enable Apache on reboot:

# systemctl enable httpd.service


To start Apache:

# systemctl start apache2

To stop Apache:

# systemctl stop apache2

To check Apache's status:

# systemctl status apache2

To disable Apache on reboot:

# systemctl disable apache2

To enable Apache on reboot:

# systemctl enable apache2

About One-Click Apps

One-Click apps are updated regularly without notice. When launching a One-Click app, you'll receive our latest version. We do not update deployed instances, and you are responsible for keeping the instance up-to-date. If you design an infrastructure based on One-Click apps and need to ensure the same app version in the future, take a snapshot of the initial deployment and create new instances from the snapshot.