How to Manage Global SQL Modes for Vultr Managed Databases for MySQL

Updated on November 27, 2024

SQL modes define the default data validation check that MySQL performs to match the application requirement. For instance, the global NO_ZERO_DATE mode instructs MySQL only to allow legal dates and restrict invalid values like 0000-00-00. Each managed database can have its own set of SQL modes. Always match the managed databases' SQL modes with the development servers.

Follow this guide to manage global SQL modes for Vultr Managed Database for MySQL using Vultr Customer Portal, API, and CLI.

  • Vultr Customer Portal
  • Vultr API
  • Vultr CLI
  1. Navigate to Products and select Databases.

  2. Click the target database instance.

    Select Managed Database

  3. Click Settings and select MySQL Configuration. Then, navigate to Global SQL Modes. Add or remove any mode as required

    Global SQL Modes

  1. List all the database instances by sending a GET request to the List Managed Databases endpoint and note the database ID (For example, 43b4c774-5dff-4ac0-a01f-78a23c2205b5) and the active SQL modes.

    $ curl "" \
        -X GET \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  2. Send a PUT request to the Update Managed Database endpoint and specify the database ID to update the SQL modes.

    $ curl "" \
        -X PUT \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data '{
            "mysql_sql_modes" : [
  1. List all database instances and note the database ID. For instance, d6ac2a3c-92ea-43ef-8185-71a23e58ad8c.

    $ vultr-cli database list --summarize
  2. Specify a database ID to add a new SQL mode to the database. For instance, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.

    $ vultr-cli database update database_id \
    --mysql-require-primary-key true