How to Manage Domain DNS Records using Vultr DNS

Updated on November 27, 2024

Managing DNS records enables the activation of specific values that define a domain services such as IP addresses, TXT and Mail Exchange (MX) details. Vultr DNS supports all types of DNS records you can create for your domain.

Follow this guide to manage domain DNS records using Vultr DNS, the Vultr Customer Portal, API, or CLI.

  • Vultr Customer Portal
  • Vultr API
  • Vultr CLI
  1. Navigate to Products, expand the Network group and click DNS to view all domains in your account.

    Access the DNS category

  2. Click your target domain to manage its DNS records.

    Select a Domain

  3. Click the Type drop-down and select your new DNS record type.

  4. Enter your desired DNS path in the Name field.

  5. Enter the DNS record value in the Data field.

    Create a new DNS record

  6. Keep the default Time to Leave (TTL) value in seconds or change it depending on your needs.

  7. Set the DNS record priority in the Priority field if applicable.

  8. Click Add Record within the Actions section to validate and apply the new DNS record on your domain.

    View DNS records

  9. Select a DNS record and click Delete Records to remove the specific DNS record from your domain.

    Delete DNS Records

  1. Send a GET request to the List DNS domains endpoint and note the target domain in your output.

    $ curl "" \
       -X GET \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  2. Send a POST request to the Create a DNS Record endpoint to create a new DNS record on the domain.

    $ curl "{dns-domain}/records" \
      -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --data '{
        "name" : "<record-specification>",
        "type" : "<record-type>",
        "data" : "<record-data>",
        "ttl" : <ttl-value>
  3. Send a GET request to the List Records endpoint to view all active DNS records and note the target record ID.

    $ curl "{dns-domain}/records" \
      -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  4. Send a DELETE request to the Delete DNS Domain Record endpoint to the DNS record from your domain.

    $ curl "{dns-domain}" \
      -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  1. List all domains available in your Vultr account and note the target domain name.

    $ vultr-cli dns domain list
  2. Create a new DNS record on the domain.

    $ vultr-cli dns record create --domain <dns-domain> --type <record-type> --data <record-data> --name <record-specification> --ttl <ttl-value>
  3. List all active DNS records on the domain and note the target record ID.

    $ vultr-cli dns record list <dns-domain>
  4. Delete the DNS record.

    $ vultr-cli dns record delete <dns-domain> <dns-record-id>