How to Delete Vultr Firewall Groups and Rules

Updated on November 27, 2024

Deleting a firewall group removes all existing rules and detaches all active instances from the group while deleting firewall rules removes traffic filtering on a specific port. Deleted firewall groups or rules cannot be recovered unless recreated using the Vultr Firewall.

Follow this guide to delete Vultr Firewall groups and rules using the Vultr Customer Portal, API, or CLI.

  • Vultr Customer Portal
  • Vultr API
  • Vultr CLI
  1. Navigate to Products, expand the Network drop-down and select Firewall from the list of options.

    Select Firewall

  2. Select your target firewall group to manage it.

    Select Firewall Group

  3. Click Delete Firewall Rule within the action section of your target firewall rule to delete it.

    Delete Firewall Rule

  4. Click Delete Group in the top right corner to delete the firewall group and all existing rules.

    Delete Firewall Group

  5. Click Delete Firewall Group in the confirmation prompt to remove the firewall grou and unlink active instances.

    Delete Firewall Group Confirmation

  1. Send a GET request to the List Firewall Groups endpoint and note the target firewall group's ID in your output.

    $ curl "" \
      -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  2. Send a GET request to the List Firewall Rules endpoint and note the target firewall rule ID in your output.

    $ curl "{firewall-group-id}/rules" \
       -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  3. Send a DELETE request to the Delete Firewall Rule endpoint to delete the firewall rule.

    $ curl "{firewall-group-id}/rules/{firewall-rule-id}" \
      -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  4. Send a DELETE request to the Delete Firewall Group endpoint to delete the firewall group.

    $ curl "{firewall-group-id}" \
       -X DELETE \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  1. List all firewall groups in your Vultr account and note the target group ID.

    $ vultr-cli firewall group list
  2. List all available firewall rules in the firewall group and note the target rule number.

    $ vultr-cli firewall rule list <firewall-group-id>
  3. Delete the firewall rule.

    $ vultr-cli firewall rule delete <firewall-group-id> <firewall-rule-number>
  4. Delete the firewall group.

    $ vultr-cli firewall group delete <firewall-group-id>