How to Convert an Existing Vultr Instance IP Address to a Reserved IP

Updated on November 27, 2024

Converting an existing instance IP address to a reserved IP enables it as a dedicated address you can attach or detach to other instances in your Vultr account. A reserved IP is compatible with any instance you can attach or detach it to.

Follow this guide to convert an existing Vultr instance IP Address to a reserved IP using the Vultr Customer Portal, API, or CLI.

  • Vultr Customer Portal
  • Vultr API
  • Vultr CLI
  1. Navigate to Products, expand the Network drop-down and select Reserved IPs from the list of options.

    Access the Vultr Reserved IPs page

  2. Click Add Reserved IP to set up a new reserved IP address.

    Add a new reserved IP

  3. Click the IPv4 Address or IPv6 subnet drop-down to select your existing IP and click Convert.

    Convert existing IP to a reserved IP

  4. Click Convert IP Address in the confirmation prompt to create a new reserved IP using the existing IP.

    Convert IP Address Prompt

  1. Send a GET request to the List Instances endpoint and note the target instance IP.

    $ curl "" \
      -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
  2. Send a POST request to the Convert Existing IP endpoint to create a new reserved IP using the instance's IP address.

    $ curl "" \
       -X POST \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer ${VULTR_API_KEY}"
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       --data '{
         "ip_address": "<instance-ip>",
         "label": "<label>"
  1. List all instances in your Vultr account and note the target instance's IP.

    $ vultr-cli instance list
  2. Convert the target instance IP to a reserved IP address.

    $ vultr-cli reserved-ip convert --ip="<instance-ip>" --label="<label>"