Serve Static HTML Files with Node.js

Updated on August 25, 2022
Serve Static HTML Files with Node.js header image


By default, Node.js ships with a built-in http module that provides HTTP functionalities to your applications. The module can serve static or dynamic web content (For instance, HTML files or information fetched from a database like MySQL) depending on the configuration.

When you use the Node.js http module, you don't have to install third-party web servers like Apache when testing your web applications. This approach increases the developer's productivity. The http module has acceptable performance and contains a lot of functions for working with HTTP requests.

This guide implements the Node.js http module to serve static HTML files on an Ubuntu 20.04 server.


To follow along with this guide:

  1. Deploy an Ubuntu 20.04 server.
  2. Install Node.js.

1. Create a project Directory

When working on any Node.js application, you must create a separate directory that hosts all the source code files.

  1. Use the Linux mkdir command to set up the project directory. You can use any directory name.

     $ mkdir project
  2. Navigate to the new project directory.

     $ cd project
  3. Create a public sub-directory under the project directory. The public sub-directory stores the files you want to serve via HTTP.

     $ mkdir public
  4. Verify the following directories. The illustration below shows how your application directory structure looks.


Proceed to the next step to create and populate the HTML files.

2. Create Sample HTML Files

When serving static content, you may have many interlinked HTML files under the public directory, depending on the complexity of your website. This guide only uses two files for demonstration purposes.

  1. Navigate to the ~/project/public directory.

     $ cd ~/project/public
  2. Create an index.html file in a text editor.

     $ nano index.html
  3. Enter the following information into the file.

         <p>A sample <b>index.html</b> web page.</p>
  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Create a home.html file in a text editor.

    $ nano home.html
  6. Enter the following information.

         <p>A sample <b>home.html</b> page.</p>
  7. Save and close the file.

3. Create a main.js File

In this step, you'll create a main.js file that contains the application's functions.

  1. Navigate to the project directory.

     $ cd ~/project
  2. Open a new main.js file in a text editor.

     $ nano main.js
  3. Enter the following information into the main.js file. Replace with your server's public IP address.

     const http = require('http');
     const fs = require('fs');
     const host = '';
     const port = 8080;
     const httpServer = http.createServer(httpHandler);
     httpServer.listen(port, host, () => {
         console.log(`HTTP server running at http://${host}:${port}/`);
     function httpHandler(req, res) {
         fs.readFile('./public/' + req.url, function (err, data) {
             if (err == null ) {
                 res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
  4. Save and close the main.js file.

The main.js file explained:

  1. The const http = require('http'); statement imports the http module in the application. This module allows your application to transfer data over the HTTP protocol.

  2. The const fs = require('fs'); declaration imports the fs module. This module provides file system functionalities.

  3. The following two lines declare the web server's host and port. The application listens for incoming HTTP connections on port 8080 using the public IP address interface.

     const host = '';
     const port = 8080;
  4. The const httpServer ... statement creates an instance of the http server. The function http.createServer(httpHandler); instructs the http server to forward incoming HTTP requests to a httpHandler(...) function.

  5. The httpHandler(...) function calls fs.readFile() function that takes two arguments:

    • The first argument is the filename. You're using the parameters './public/' + req.url to extract the filename directly from the request URL.

    • The second function is the callback function (function (err, data) {...}) which returns either an error (err) or the data (content from the file).

    You're then using the logical if (err == null ) {...} statement to verify if there is an error. If there are no errors, you're writing the data in HTTP format using the res.writeHead(), res.write(data), and res.end() functions. The writeHead() function sends the correct headers to browsers. That is a 200 response code for successful requests and a text/html header that tells the browser to treat the content as HTML.

     function httpHandler(req, res) {
         fs.readFile('./public/' + req.url, function (err, data) {
             if (err == null ) {
                 res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});

4. Test the Application

Your application is ready for testing.

  1. Execute the main.js file.

     $ node main.js


     HTTP server running at
  2. Open a web browser and navigate to the following URLs. Replace with your server's public IP address.
  3. The application should now serve the HTML pages using the http module, and your application is working as expected.


This guide highlights the basic steps of implementing the Node.js http module to serve static HTML pages. While the guide only uses two files, you can upload as many HTML files to the public folder depending on your needs.

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