How to Use Vultr Managed Databases for MySQL with Spring Boot in Java Applications

Updated on April 22, 2024
How to Use Vultr Managed Databases for MySQL with Spring Boot in Java Applications header image


Spring Boot is a Java-based web application framework that supports the development of production standalone applications with minimal configurations. The framework offers rapid development features such as autoconfiguration and embedded web server applications. To improve the scalability and reliability of each application, you can integrate a dedicated database system such as a Vultr Managed Database for MySQL to perform constant read and write operations.

This guide explains how to use Vultr Managed Databases for MySQL with Spring Boot to develop production-ready applications.


Before you begin:

Set up the Spring Boot Database

To test the Spring Boot application functionalities, connect to a Vultr Managed Database for MySQL and set up a new application database as described in the following steps.

  1. Connect to your Vultr Managed Database for MySQL. Replace, 167531, vultruser with your actual database, port, and user respectively.

    $ mysql -h -P 167531 -u vultruser -p

    When prompted, enter your Vultr Managed Database for MySQL password, then press Enter to log in.

  2. Create a new database to use with Spring Boot, for example, spring-db.

    mysql > CREATE DATABASE spring-db;
  3. Switch to the database.

    mysql > USE spring-db;
  4. Create a new sample table spring-users with the following column details.

    mysql > CREATE TABLE spring-users (
        name VARCHAR(255),
        address VARCHAR(255),
        email VARCHAR(255)
  5. Insert sample data to the spring-users table with the following values.

    mysql > INSERT INTO spring-users (name, address, email) VALUES ('John Doe', '151 London St', '');
            INSERT INTO spring-users (name, address, email) VALUES ('Jane Doe', '421 Texas St', '');
            INSERT INTO spring-users (name, address, email) VALUES ('Mike Smith', '789 Melbourne St', '');
  6. View the spring-users table data to verify the new values.

    mysql > SELECT id, name, address, email FROM spring-users;


    | id | name        | address      | email              |
    |  1 | John Doe  | 151 London St |  |
    |  2 | Jane Doe | 421 Texas St |  |
    |  3 | Mike Smith | 789 Melbourne St | |
    3 rows in set (0.28 sec)
  7. Create a new MySQL database user to grant Spring Boot read access to the database.

    mysql> CREATE USER 'example-user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
  8. Grant the user full privileges to the Spring Boot Database.

    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON crud_db.* TO 'example'@'localhost';
  9. Flush MySQL privileges.

  10. Exit the MySQL console.

    mysql >  EXIT

Set Up the Spring Boot Application Environment

To connect to a MySQL database, Spring Boot uses the configuration file to authenticate and create new database tables for use within the application. Follow the steps below to set up a new Spring Boot application using a demo template, create the file, and set up a connection to your Vultr Managed Database for MySQL.

  1. Switch to your user home directory.

    $ cd
  2. Download a sample Spring Boot application template using the curl utility.

    $ curl -o
  3. Extract contents from the archive to a new directory such as spring-app using the unzip utility.

    $ unzip -d spring-app
  4. Switch to the new application directory.

    $ cd spring-app
  5. List files in the directory to verify the project structure.

    $ ls


    build  buildBackup.gradle  build.gradle  gradle  gradlew  gradlew.bat  output.log  settings.gradle  src
  6. Navigate to the resources directory to set up the Spring Boot MySQL connection details.

    $ cd src/main/resources
  7. Open the file using a text editor such as Nano.

    $ nano
  8. Add the following contents to the file. Replace with your actual Vultr Managed Database for MySQL connection URL and port.


    Save and close the file.

    The above configuration defines a connection to your Vultr Managed Database for MySQL with the following details:

    • Database hostname:
    • Port: 167531
    • Target database: spring-db
    • Database user: example-user
    • User password: password

    The database configuration file configures the connection of your MySQL database with Spring Boot when you build and run the Java application.

    Within the file:

    • spring.datasource.url: Sets the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) URL to your Vultr Managed Database for MySQL connection string.
    • spring.datasource.username: Sets the MySQL database user to use with the Spring Boot application.
    • spring.datasource.password: Defines the database user password to use when connecting to the database.
    • spring.datasource.driver-class-name: Sets the Java connection driver class to the MySQL Connector (com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver).
    • spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update: Enables the automatic update of database schema based on the application entity classes.
    • Enables SQL statements generated by Hibernate to display in a console for debugging purposes.

Set Up the Spring Boot Application Dependencies

  1. Back up the default build.gradle file to reverse changes in case of dependency errors.

    $ cp build.gradle build.gradle.ORIG
  2. Open the build.gradle file.

    $ nano build.gradle
  3. Add the following configurations to the dependencies { section.

    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
    compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
    runtimeOnly 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-j'
    annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok'

    Save and close the file.

    The above configuration sets up new application dependency libraries that enable additional Spring Boot application functionalities. Within the build.gradle file:

    • plugins: Defines the required Java project plugins including Spring Boot, and dependency management packages.
    • group: Sets the application package name.
    • version: Sets application version information when using multiple builds.
    • sourcecompatibility = 17: Enables the Spring Boot application to use the Java version 17.
    • repositories: Includes repository information to resolve dependency issues within the Spring Boot application.
    • tasks.named('test'): Enables the JUnitPlatform for unit testing.

    Your modified section should look like the one below:

    dependencies {
            implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'
            testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
            implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
            implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
            compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
            runtimeOnly 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-j'
            annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok'

Create the Spring Boot application

To create a Spring Boot application, set up the following file structure:

  • Entity Class: Handles the application objects.
  • Repository: Create the database operations interface.
  • Service: Enables CRUD operations.
  • Controller: Handles the application HTTP requests.

To efficiently manage your Spring Boot contents and base application structure, create specific data directories to store the application files.

  1. Navigate to the com.example.demo package directory

    $ cd /home/linuxuser/demo/src/main/java/com/example/demo
  2. Create the entity, repository, services, and controller data directories.

    $ mkdir entity repository services controller
  3. Switch to the entity data directory to create a new User entity Java file to interact with your MySQL database table.

    $ cd entity
  4. Create a new entity file.

    $ nano
  5. Add the following contents to the file:

    package com.example.demo.entity;
    import jakarta.persistence.*;
    import lombok.Data;
    @Table(name = "spring-users")
    public class User {
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
        private Long id;
        private String name;
        private String address;
        private String email;

    Save and close the file.

    The above file defines the user information in your spring-users database. If the database table is unavailable, the file auto-creates the database table the defined user information.

    Within the file:

    • @Entity: Defines the Java class as a Java Persistence API (JPA) entity mapped to your database.

    • @Data: Generates boilerplates for the Java classes.

    • @Table(name = "spring-users"): Specifies the target database table.

    • User: Sets a class structure of the User entity with the following values:

      • @id: Specifies the ID column as the unique field or primary key.
      • @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY): Auto-increments data in the id column when inserting new records to the table.
      • private Long id: Sets the user’s ID and connects with the @id and @GeneratedValue tags.
      • private String name: Defines the database user column.
      • private String address: Defines the user address column.
      • private String email: Defines the user email column.
  6. Switch to the repository directory to create a new UserRepository interface file to interact with the User entity.

    $ cd ../repository/
  7. Create a new file

    $ nano
  8. Add the following contents to the file.

    package com.example.demo.repository;
    import com.example.demo.entity.User;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
    public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User,Long> {

    Save and close the file.

    The above file serves as an abstraction layer between the Spring Boot application and the MySQL database. It includes a set of methods for connecting to the database without manually writing the SQL queries. Within the file:

    • @Repository: Sets a new repository for the User entity.
    • UserRepository: Inherits the JpaRepository<User,Long> database CRUD operations for the User entity to limit rewriting the implementation.
  9. Switch to the services directory to create a new UserService Java class file.

    $ cd ../services/
  10. Create a file to enable CRUD operations for the User entity.

    $ nano
  11. Add the following contents to the file:

    import com.example.demo.entity.User;
    import com.example.demo.repository.UserRepository;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
    import java.util.List;
    public class UserService {
        private UserRepository userRepository;
        public User createUser(User user) {
        public User getUserById(Long id) {
            return userRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);
        public User updateUser(User user1) {
        public List<User> getAllUser() {
            return userRepository.findAll();
        public void deleteUser(User user) {

    Save and close the file.

    The above file defines methods to perform CRUD operations on user entities from HTTP requests and database operations. Within the file:

    • UserRepository: Creates a connection to the UserService class to perform database operations.

    • UserService: Acts as the connection between the controller and the repository with the following methods:

      • createUser: Creates a new user record and saves it to the database using the function.
      • getUserById: Inputs an ID value and retrieves a user's details based on the value or returns null if not found using the UserRepository.findById(id).orElse(null) function.
      • updateUser: Inputs a user record and updates it in the database using the function.
      • getAllUser: Returns all user records in the database using the UserRepository.findAll() function.
      • deleteUser: Inputs a user object and deletes the target ID value from the database using the UserRepository.delete(user) function.
  12. Navigate to the controller directory to create the UserController Java class file.

    $ cd ../controller/
  13. Create a new file to handle the application HTTP requests.

    $ nano
  14. Add the following contents to the file.

    package com.example.demo.controller;
    import com.example.demo.entity.User;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
    import java.util.List;
    public class UserController {
        private UserService userService;
        public User createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
            return userService.createUser(user);
        public ResponseEntity<User> getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) {
            User user = userService.getUserById(id);
            if (user == null) {
                return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
            return ResponseEntity.ok(user);
        public ResponseEntity<User> updateUser(@RequestBody User user, @PathVariable Long id){
            User user1 = userService.getUserById(id);
            if (user == null){
                return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
            User updatedUser = userService.updateUser(user1);
            return ResponseEntity.ok(updatedUser);
        public List<User> getAllUsers(){
            return userService.getAllUser();
        public ResponseEntity<String> deleteUser(@PathVariable Long id) {
            User user = userService.getUserById(id);
            if (user == null) {
                return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
            String responseMessage = "ID " + id + " deleted successfully.";
            return ResponseEntity.ok(responseMessage);

    Save and close the file.

    The above file controls the data flow structure between the client and the application to ensure proper handling of user-related operations. Within the file:

    • @RestController: Provides a Spring Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture that combines the application controller and the response body object as JSON data.

    • @RequestMapping("/api"): Creates a primary URL connection to the application controller.

    • @CrossOrigin("*"): Enables cross-sharing of resources using the origin path \*.

    • The UserController class enables HTTP request methods for the User entity with the following functions:

      • @PostMapping("/user"): Enables HTTP POST requests to create a new user record and return the new database record.
      • @GetMapping("/user/{id}"): Enables HTTP GET requests to return a user record based on the ID value or a notFound response if the input value does not match any records.
      • @PutMapping("/user/{id}"): Handles the HTTP PUT request to update a user record by ID or return a notFound error when a record doesn't exist.
      • @GetMapping("/spring-users"): Handles HTTP GET requests to return all user records in the database.
      • @DeleteMapping("/{id}"): Handles HTTP DELETE requests to delete a user record by ID and return a string of "ID " + id + " deleted successfully.", or notFound when no record is associated with the ID value.
      • UserService: Activate the CRUD operations.

Test the Spring Boot Application Functionality

Follow the steps below to verify that your Spring Boot application interacts with your Vultr Managed Database for MySQL by running HTTP request methods to perform database queries.

  1. Navigate to the Spring Boot application directory spring-app.

    $ cd /home/linuxuser/spring-app
  2. Compile and run the Spring Boot application as a background process using the nohup utility.

    $ nohup ./gradlew bootRun > output.log 2>&1 &

    The above command starts the application on the host port 8080 with the following values:

    • nohup: Enables the Spring Boot application to remain connected even after you exit the terminal session.
    • ./gradlew bootRun: Builds and runs the Spring Boot application.
    • > output.log 2>&1: Redirects the standard output and logs runtime errors to the output.log file within the project directory.
    • &: Starts a new background process for the Spring Boot application.
  3. Wait for at least 2 minutes and view the application log file to verify that it's running correctly:

    $ cat output.log

    Your output should be similar to the one below:

      .   ____          _            __ _ _
     /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
    ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
     \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
      '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
     :: Spring Boot ::                (v3.2.3)
    2024-03-09T18:18:30.514Z  INFO 7056 --- [           main] com.example.demo.DemoApplication         : Starting DemoApplication using Java 17.0.10 with PID 7056 (/home/hum/springboot-app/build/classes/java/main started by hum in /home/hum/springboot-app)
    2024-03-09T18:18:30.525Z  INFO 7056 --- [           main] com.example.demo.DemoApplication         : No active profile set, falling back to 1 default profile: "default"
    2024-03-09T18:18:31.568Z  INFO 7056 --- [           main] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Bootstrapping Spring Data JPA repositories in DEFAULT mode.
    2024-03-09T18:18:31.657Z  INFO 7056 --- [           main] .s.d.r.c.RepositoryConfigurationDelegate : Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 76 ms. Found 1 JPA repository interface.
    2024-03-09T18:18:32.468Z  INFO 7056 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat initialized with port 8080 (http)
    2024-03-09T18:18:32.489Z  INFO 7056 --- [           main] o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService   : Starting service [Tomcat]
    2024-03-09T18:18:32.490Z  INFO 7056 --- [           main] o.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine    : Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/10.1.19]
  4. Retrieve all records from the spring-users database to verify that the application has query privileges.

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/api/spring-users


    [{"id":1,"name":"John Doe","address":"151 London St","email":""},{"id":2,"name":"Jane Doe","address":"421 Texas St","email":""},{"id":3,"name":"Mike Smith","address":"789 Melbourne St","email":""}]       
  5. Create a new sample user in the database. For example, Smith Doe.

    $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Smith Doe",  "address":"4 new york street", "email":""}' http://localhost:8080/api/user


    {"id":4,"name":"Smith Doe","address":"4 new york street","email":""}
  6. Update a user record in the database. For example, the user John Doe with the ID 1.

    $ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Sleek", "email":""}' http://localhost:8080/api/user/{1}


  7. Retrieve a user record from the database.

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/api/user/{2}


    {"id":2,"name":"Jane Doe","address":"421 Texas St","email":""}
  8. Delete a user record from the database.

    $ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/{1}


    ID 1 deleted successfully.
  9. View the list of running jobs to stop the Spring Boot application background process.

    $ jobs


    $ [1]+  Running                 nohup ./gradlew bootRun > output.log 2>&1 &

    Keep note of the background job process ID, for example, 1.

  10. Stop the running background process by ID to stop the application.

    $ kill %1


    [1]+  Exit 143                nohup ./gradlew bootRun > output.log 2>&1


You have integrated a Vultr Managed Database for MySQL with a Spring Boot Java application and processed database queries with CRUD operations. Depending on your Java application environment, integrating a highly available database system improves the efficiency and management of your production application. To securely expose the application on the internet, create a system service and use a reverse proxy such as Nginx to handle incoming user requests. For more information, visit the Vultr Managed Databases for MySQL Reference Guide