Vultr Marketplace is a platform for vendors to publish custom applications on Vultr's infrastructure. As a vendor, you can control the OS, application software, and post-deployment scripts. Vultr Marketplace also allows vendors to create a custom landing page, publish your support information, upload screenshots and icons, configure application variables and more.
Please apply to become a verified Marketplace Vendor, if you would like to publish your app in the Vultr Marketplace.
Vendor accounts allow development teams with established product to join Vultr's Image Marketplace.
Create a vendor account and set your contact information.
Click the Marketplace icon at the bottom of the customer portal's left-hand menu.
Click Get Started Now.
Agree to the Marketplace Publisher Agreement.
Enter your Vendor Username.
Click the Vendor Settings tab.
Enter your Vendor contact information. All fields are optional.
Click Update Contact Information.
An application profile helps vendors provide information about the application such as the name, operating system, and a short description.
Click the Create New App tab to create a Marketplace app, then fill in the data fields to describe your app.
The Readme information is visible to the public on your app's marketing page in the General Information tab, like this example for Minecraft. You should supply the introduction and marketing information here in Markdown format. You can upload images with copy/paste, drag-and-drop, or the upload image icon in the toolbar.
Uploading images through the editor stores them in Vultr Object Storage. For security reasons, if you link to outside images, they will not be displayed. Please upload your images through the editor to store them on Vultr's servers.
See our Markdown formatting tips for the Readme and App Instructions.
Click the Add App button, and you'll return to the Marketplace Applications list.
General information helps vendors to set the applications icons, select the application category and add a Readme for the application.
Click the application name to open the General Information tab of the Edit App screen.
Upload the image icons.
Select the application categories.
If you didn't enter a Readme in the previous step, you could update it here. See our Markdown formatting tips for the Readme and App Instructions.
Click the Update App button at the bottom of the screen.
Vendors can provide support information like support email, support URL, website URL, and links of their social handles for their app.
Click the Support Information tab.
Enter the contact information and click Update App Support Info. All information is optional.
When a customer deploys your Marketplace application, you can request information and capture those values as variables. These variables can be displayed in the application instructions and are available to your application through the Vultr Metadata API. Using application variables allows you to tailor each deployment with user-supplied information, such as a domain name or a preferred username.
Click the Variables tab.
Select User Supplied type.
Enter the required information.
After entering your variable information, click Add New Variable.
Similar to user-supplied variables, you can also create one or more uniquely generated passwords at each deployment with password variables. The system generates these automatically, and the user is not prompted to supply the value. Like user-supplied variables, you can show these in your application instructions and use them in deployment scripts.
Click the Variables tab.
Select Password type.
Enter the required information.
After entering your variable information, click Add New Variable.
After a customer deploys the app, they'll be shown the application instructions, which should have the technical "getting started" steps and the application variables you defined.
Click the App Instructions tab.
Enter the customer instructions for your application in Markdown format.
If you created application variables, display those values here by placing them in backticks and double braces.
Variables are expanded when placed in double braces. Backticks are required for password variables to prevent special characters from being interpreted incorrectly as Markdown. For example, if your variable is named web_password
, you can display the variable in your instructions like this:
In addition, you can display two standard variables, which always exist and do not need to be pre-defined:
is the primary IPv4 for the instance.{{root_password}}
is the root password.The {{ip}}
variable is a special case. It does not need to be guarded with backticks because IP addresses do not contain any characters that are interpreted as Markdown.
Here's an example instruction page that demonstrates correct Markdown formatting:
# Example Application
Your application is ready!
* Your server's IP address is: `{{ip}}`.
* The root password is: `{{root_password}}`.
Connect to your web server at [**https://{{ip}}/**](https://{{ip}}/).
* Your webserver username is: **demo**.
* Your webserver password is: `{{web_pass}}`.
The MySQL root password is: `{{db_pass}}`.
In addition to basic login and password information, you can upload images and provide hyperlinks to other resources.
Vendors can upload application screenshots and featured images to display on the application landing page. They can also upload multiple images to the gallery and choose one image as the main image.
After a successful upload, you'll see an image thumbnail in the Gallery tab.
The thumbnail has two control buttons: Set as main and Delete.
Set as main: You should choose one gallery image as the Main image for the public landing page. Click the Set as main button to make the selection.
Delete: Click the trashcan icon to delete the gallery image. Deletion is permanent. Deleted gallery images can not be recovered.
Vendors need to verify that their application meets the Marketplace application requirements. Vultr Marketplace has a few technical requirements for your application.
Our GitHub repository also has helper scripts and examples.
When a customer deploys a Marketplace app, Vultr can expand your app to fill the filesystem but cannot shrink it. It is recommended to use the marketplace-2c-2gb
plan, which is specifically designed for marketplace applications. This plan includes 2 vCPUs, 2 GB of memory, and 8 GB of storage.
If you create a 20 GB Marketplace app, and the customer deploys an 80 GB subscription, Vultr will expand the app to fill the entire 80 GB filesystem. However, if you create an app with an 80 GB filesystem, customers cannot deploy the app on smaller Vultr instances. You should use the smallest possible filesystem for your app.
Vultr Marketplace uses cloud-init to initialize the instance with network addresses, passwords, and startup scripts. These operating systems have the correct version of cloud-init pre-installed if you use Vultr's images.
Canonical added support for Vultr in cloud-init version 21.2. Until this version is available in your OS repository, please install Vultr's cloud-init. Please see the install_cloud_init()
function in our helper script on GitHub. For more information, see this example script, which installs cloud-init on an apt-based system, or follow the steps below.
RHEL, CentOS, and other yum-based distributions should install as follows.
# cd /tmp
# wget
# yum install -y cloud-init_rhel_latest.rpm
Debian must use this version. Do not compile from source or install from the Debian repositories.
# cd /tmp
# wget
# apt-get update -y
# apt-get install -y /tmp/cloud-init_debian_latest.deb
Ubuntu should use the universal build.
# cd /tmp
# wget
# apt-get update -y
# apt-get install -y /tmp/cloud-init_universal_latest.deb
Cloud-init may not correctly interface with NetworkManager on some distros, such as CentOS and RHEL. On these distributions, the network will not be configured correctly, and the boot process fails. If this occurs, disable NetworkManager, then install and enable the network-scripts package. NetworkManager must be disabled but does not need to be uninstalled.
The Marketplace requires the kernel option vultr on Bare Metal instances. It's optional for cloud deployment, but it's a best practice to make your application compatible with both VPS and Bare Metal deployments. If your application is based on one of Vultr's OS images, this kernel option may already exist.
Check /etc/default/grub
# grep 'vultr' /etc/default/grub
You may see vultr
in the output:
If there is no vultr
option, you must add it.
Edit /etc/default/grub
# nano /etc/default/grub
Find the line starting with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and add vultr to the end.
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash vultr"
Save the file and close the editor.
Update grub. Check the documentation for your distribution to determine the correct procedure. Ubuntu/Debian systems may use the
# update-grub
CentOS/RHEL systems may use this one-line solution to add the kernel option.
# /sbin/grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args vultr
When a customer deploys your application, it's often useful to generate random passwords and provide them to both the application and the customer. The Marketplace provides this function through Application Variables.
Variable names are used in multiple places:
The per-instance cloud-init script is a popular place to use these variables because it only runs once when the instance is first deployed. For example, create two variables in the Marketplace Portal:
: A password for a user named demo.web_password
: A password for a web server's basic authentication.You can discover their values in your startup script through the Vultr Metadata API. The API endpoint is formed from the variable name in the format{variable_name}
x. For example, a variable named demo_password
is requested from the endpoint:
When making requests, you must pass METADATA-TOKEN: vultr
in the request header. Here's a curl example:
curl -H "METADATA-TOKEN: vultr"
Likewise, to request a variable named web_password
curl -H "METADATA-TOKEN: vultr"
Here's a simple example that creates a demo user and reports the web password. Create a /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-instance/
cloud-init script.
# nano /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-instance/
Paste the following:
## Runs once-and-only-once at first boot per instance.
echo $(date -u) ": System provisioned." >> /var/log/per-instance.log
## Capture Marketplace Password Variables
## Create user
adduser demo --gecos "First Last,RoomNumber,WorkPhone,HomePhone" --disabled-password
## Set Password
echo demo:$DEMO_PASSWORD | chpasswd
## Report the Web Password
echo "The Web password is: $WEB_PASSWORD" > /root/web-password.txt
Make the script executable.
# chmod +x /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-instance/
This example creates a user account named demo with the unique password generated by the Marketplace variable demo_password
. It also writes a file to /root/web-password.txt
with the value of web_password
In a real application, you might pass the values to a database or set HTTP Authentication on your web server.
Here's another example. Add the following to your /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-instance/
## Capture the Marketplace Password Variable.
DB_PASS=$(curl -H "METADATA-TOKEN: vultr"
## Create an example database.
mysql -u root -e "CREATE DATABASE example_db;";
## Create an example user and set the password to Marketplace Password Variable $DB_PASS.
mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL ON example_db.* TO 'example_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$DB_PASS' WITH GRANT OPTION;";
Assuming you declared a variable named db_pass
on the Edit App Variables screen, this script creates an example database user with a random password. The password is available to you in the Metadata API, and it's shown to the customer on the application instructions page.
It's a best practice to disable SSH while your provisioning scripts run, then re-enable SSH when finished, particularly if they require a long time to complete. A user who logs in via SSH while your provisioning script is running could cause unexpected side effects. We recommend disabling the SSH service entirely while your script runs. If this is not possible, please consider blocking access with the OS firewall. The final step in the provisioning script should enable SSH if your application allows SSH access for customers.
You can build a Marketplace app image from an existing snapshot or use cloud-init Vendor Data to create an "imageless" app.
For repeatability and ease of maintenance, we recommend building imageless apps from Vendor Data whenever possible.
After you've built the image, you can edit the Vendor Data script by selecting the actions menu and choosing Edit. Learn more about how to use Vendor Data scripts at
If you are building your Marketplace app from a snapshot, we strongly suggest optimizing the server first. Some steps to consider are:
You should adapt the suggested code snippets that follow based on your needs and your OS distribution.
Verify the /tmp
directory exists and has the proper permissions.
# mkdir /tmp
# chmod 1777 /tmp
For yum-based distributions:
# yum update -y
# yum clean all
For apt-based distributions:
# apt-get -y update
# apt-get -y upgrade
# apt-get -y autoremove
# apt-get -y autoclean
Clean the temporary directories.
# rm -rf /tmp/*
# rm -rf /var/tmp/*
Clean SSH Keys.
# rm -f /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc/ssh/*key*
# touch /etc/ssh/revoked_keys
# chmod 600 /etc/ssh/revoked_keys
Clean the logs.
# find /var/log -mtime -1 -type f -exec truncate -s 0 {} \;
# rm -rf /var/log/*.gz
# rm -rf /var/log/*.[0-9]
# rm -rf /var/log/*-????????
# echo "" >/var/log/auth.log
Clean old cloud-init information.
# rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instances/*
Clean the session history.
# history -c
# cat /dev/null > /root/.bash_history
# unset HISTFILE
Update the mlocate
# /usr/bin/updatedb
Wipe the random seed file.
# rm -f /var/lib/systemd/random-seed
Distributions that use systemd should wipe the machine identifier to prevent boot problems.
# rm -f /etc/machine-id
# touch /etc/machine-id
Clear the login log history.
# cat /dev/null > /var/log/lastlog
# cat /dev/null > /var/log/wtmp
Wipe unused disk space with zeros for security and compression.
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/zerofile
# sync
# rm /zerofile
# sync
Not all Linux distributions support fstrim
, but you may consider running this final step before making the snapshot.
# fstrim /
Vultr can snapshot a running server, but you may prefer a clean shutdown. If so, consider halting and powering off the server before taking the snapshot.
# shutdown -h now
To power off:
Navigate to the Add Snapshot page in the Vultr Customer Portal.
Select your instance in the dropdown.
Enter a descriptive label
Click Take Snapshot. Wait a few minutes for the snapshot to complete.
Click the Builds tab.
Select the snapshot image you just created.
Click Build App Image. The Vultr Marketplace takes your snapshot and builds it into an App Image.
After adding your image to the app, use the Deploy Image option to test it. This allows you to deploy images before marking them "Live" or making them public.
When you click Deploy Image, you'll be redirected to the Vultr deployment page, with your private image selected. You'll see your version number in the app selection. For example, if your app is named "Debian 10 Test", and you set the version to "Internal Test 3", you'll see this selected on the deployment page:
Marketplace apps can have multiple builds attached for testing purposes, but only one build can be the Live build, which is the version customers will deploy. Images in Not Live status are not visible to the public.
Click the Version link. Enter a version number to identify this image. Notice that the Status is Not Live.
Click the Actions icon.
Choose an action:
To choose a different live version, use the Actions icon to unpublish the current Live image first.
Finally, you'll choose one of your application builds to publish as the released version in the Vultr Marketplace.
Click the Settings tab.
Choose your Public URL Slug and public/private status. See more details below the example image.
The Public URL Slug is the final part of your application's landing page URL. If your application's slug is my-fantastic-app
, then the full URL to your app's landing page is:
You can choose your public URL slug with the following restrictions:
For SEO purposes, we suggest using hyphens to separate words in your slug. If you are not the official maintainer of a project, we request you preface your slug with your vendor name. For example, If you are a vendor named Foo and you distribute a custom WordPress app, a good slug choice would be foo-wordpress
After you set your public URL slug, you can preview the landing page.
Click the General Information tab.
Click the View Public Landing Page link in the Readme section to preview your application's landing page.
Making your app public is the final publishing step. While an App is private, it is only visible to your account. A public app is visible to all Vultr customers. Make sure you've previewed your landing page and tested your app. When you are ready for customers to deploy your app:
Click the Marketplace icon at the bottom of the left-hand menu of the customer portal.
Click the Settings tab.
Click the Make Public button.
Your app will be submitted to Vultr for review. You'll see this while Vultr reviews your app.
Vultr team will test your application and either approve or request changes. Vultr conducts an assessment of all Marketplace applications before approval. You'll receive a notification by email when the app is approved.
If published, the button text changes to Make Private.
This action is irreversible and deletes all Marketplace information about your application.
If you are sure, delete the app.
We have published several examples in our GitHub Repository. You'll find:
All of these examples leverage the functions in our Marketplace helper script.
If you need help publishing your application, please open a support ticket and include Vultr Marketplace in your request. We will direct your request to the Marketplace team for assistance.