How to Install PostgreSQL on FreeBSD 14.0

Updated on July 2, 2024
How to Install PostgreSQL on FreeBSD 14.0 header image


PostgreSQL is an open-source advanced Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) designed to handle a wide range of data management tasks. It supports the Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage data in small and large enterprise applications such as analytical systems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), healthcare applications, and dynamic web applications.

This article explains how to install PostgreSQL on a FreeBSD 14.0 server. You will enable the PostgreSQL database server and secure it for production use on your server.


Before you begin:

Install PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is available with multiple versions in the default pkg repository on FreeBSD. Follow the steps below to install the latest PostgreSQL packages on your server.

  1. Update your server packages index.

    $ sudo pkg update
  2. List all available PostgreSQL packages.

    $ pkg search postgresql


    postgresql15-server-15.6       PostgreSQL is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere
    postgresql15-tds_fdw-2.0.3     PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper to connect to TDS databases
    postgresql15-zhparser-2.2      PostgreSQL extension for full-text search of Chinese
    postgresql16-client-16.2       PostgreSQL database (client)
    postgresql16-contrib-16.2      The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
    postgresql16-docs-16.2         The PostgreSQL documentation set
    postgresql16-plperl-16.2       Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
    postgresql16-plpython-16.2     Module for using Python to write SQL functions
    postgresql16-pltcl-16.2        Module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
    postgresql16-server-16.2       PostgreSQL is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere

    PostgreSQL 16 is the latest version available in the pkg repositories. Install the client and server packages to enable PostgreSQL on your server.

  3. Install the PostgreSQL client and server packages on your server.

    $ sudo pkg install -y postgresql16-server postgresql16-client

Manage the PostgreSQL System Service

PostgreSQL uses the postgresql system service profile to run on your FreeBSD server. Follow the steps below to enable the PostgreSQL database server to start automatically at system boot and verify the service status to manage the PostgreSQL processes on your server.

  1. Enable the PostgreSQL service to automatically start at system boot.

    $ sudo sysrc postgresql_enable=yes


    postgresql_enable:  -> yes
  2. Initialize the PostgreSQL database to enable the postgres user on your server.

    $ sudo service postgresql initdb
  3. Start the PostgreSQL database server.

    $ sudo service postgresql start
  4. View the PostgreSQL service status and verify that it's running.

    $ sudo service postgresql status


    pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 2098)
    /usr/local/bin/postgres "-D" "/var/db/postgres/data16"

Secure the PostgreSQL Database Server

PostgreSQL runs with the default postgres privileged database user on your server by default when the initialization process is complete. Follow the steps below to enable password authentication and secure the PostgreSQL database server to grant permitted users access to specific databases.

  1. Switch to the postgres user account and log in to the PostgreSQL database server console.

    $ sudo -u postgres psql
  2. Modify the default postgres user to use a new encrypted password. Replace strong_password with your desired password.

    postgres=#  ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'strong_password';
  3. Create a new sample database user db_manager with a strong encrypted password.

    postgres=#  CREATE USER db_manager ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'strong_password';
  4. Exit the PostgreSQL console.

    postgres=#  \q
  5. Run the following command to change the default trust value to scram-sha-256 in the main PostgreSQL configuration file pg_hba.conf to enable password authentication on the PostgreSQL database server.

    $ sudo sed -i '' -E '/^(local|host)/s/trust/scram-sha-256/' /var/db/postgres/data16/pg_hba.conf
  6. Restart the PostgreSQL database server to apply your configuration changes.

    $ sudo service postgresql restart

Access the PostgreSQL Database Server

You can access the PostgreSQL database console using the psql utility that's pre-installed with the PostgreSQL client package on your server. In addition, you can access the PostgreSQL database server using compatible tools that create a direct connection to the database console. In the following steps, use the psql utility to access your PostgreSQL database server console and create a new sample database to use on your server.

  1. Create a new database example-vultr and grant ownership privileges to the db_manager user.

    $ sudo -u postgres createdb example-vultr -O db_manager

    When prompted, enter the postgres user password you created earlier.

  2. Log in to the PostgreSQL database server using the sample user db_manager to test access to the example-vultr database.

    $ sudo -u postgres psql -U db_manager -d example-vultr

    Enter the database user password when prompted and press Enter to access the database.

  3. Create a new sample doctors table.

    psql > CREATE TABLE doctors (
               doctor_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
               first_name VARCHAR(50),
               last_name VARCHAR(50),
               appointment_date DATE

    The above SQL statement creates a new table in the example-vultr database with the following columns:

    • doctor_id is a PRIMARY KEY that uniquely identifies each doctor in the doctors table.
    • first_name and last_name store names in the doctors table.
    • appointment_date stores a doctor's appointment date.
    • SERIAL generates a new doctor_id for each record.
  4. Insert sample data into the doctors table.

    psql > INSERT INTO doctors
           ( first_name, last_name, appointment_date)
           ( 'Ben', 'Joe', '2024-11-15'),
           ( 'Carson', 'Smith', '2024-02-28'),
           ( 'Donald', 'James', '2024-04-10');
  5. Query the doctors table to view all available records.

    psql > SELECT * FROM doctors;


    doctor_id | first_name | last_name | appointment_date
            1 | Ben        | Joe       | 2024-11-15
            2 | Carson     | Smith     | 2024-02-28
            3 | Donald     | James     | 2024-04-10
    (3 rows)
  6. Exit the PostgreSQL database console.

    psql > \q


You have installed PostgreSQL on your FreeBSD 14.0 server and accessed the database server console using the psql utility to create sample databases and table records. You can further integrate the PostgreSQL database server with your existing applications to securely enable the creation and management of database records on your server. For more information and configuration options, please visit the official PostgreSQL documentation.