How to Use the wc Command in Linux

Updated on August 16, 2024
 How to Use the wc Command in Linux header image


The wc command in Linux is an important tool used to count words, lines, and characters in files or standard input (STDIN). It's also known as word count (wc) and enables the processing of various text operations such as analyzing file sizes, counting lines in documents, or calculating average word lengths.

This article explains how to use the wc command in Linux to manipulate and analyze text data.

wc Command Syntax

Below is the basic wc command syntax:

$ wc [options] [file...]

Within the above command, [file...] specifies one or more files to process. If no files are provided, wc reads from standard input.

wc Command Options

Option Description
-c Count the number of characters.
-w Count the number of words.
-l Count the number of lines.
-m Count the number of characters (same as -c but more POSIX compliant).
-L Display the length of the longest line.

Practical Examples of the wc Command

  1. Count the number of words in a file.

    $ wc -w file.txt

    The above command counts the number of words in file.txt.


    Count words in file

  2. Count the number of lines in a file.

    $ wc -l file.txt

    The above command counts the number of lines in the file.txt file.


    Count lines in file

  3. Count the number of characters in a file.

    $ wc -c file.txt

    The above command counts the number of characters in the file.txt file.


    Count characters in file

  4. Count words, lines, and characters together.

    $ wc file.txt

    The above command displays the count of lines, words, and characters in the file.txt file.


    Count all together

  5. Count the number words in multiple files.

    $ wc -w file1.txt file2.txt

    The above command counts the number of words in the specified files file1.txt and file2.txt.


    Count words in multiple files

  6. Count the number of lines in multiple files.

    $ wc -l file1.txt file2.txt

    The above command counts the number of lines in both file1.txt and file2.txt.


    Count lines in multiple files

  7. Count the number of characters in multiple files.

    $ wc -c file1.txt file2.txt

    The above command counts the number of characters in the specified files file1.txt and file2.txt.


    Count characters in multiple files

  8. Count words from standard input.

    $ echo "Hello world" | wc -w

    The above command counts the number of words from standard input provided by the echo command.


    Count words from Standard Input

  9. Count the number of lines from standard input.

    $ echo -e "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3" | wc -l

    The above command counts the number of lines from standard input.


    Count lines from Standard Input

  10. Count characters from standard input.

    $ echo "Hello" | wc -c

    The above command counts the number of characters from standard input.


    Count characters from Standard Input

Advanced Usage Scenarios

  1. Count words, lines, and characters recursively in directories.

    $ wc -w -l -c *

    The above command recursively counts the number of words, lines, and characters in all files within the working directory and subdirectories.


    Count all recursively in directories

  2. Exclude specific files.

    $ find . -type f ! -name "*.txt" -exec wc -w {} +

    The above command uses the find command to locate all files except .txt files and counts the number of words in each file.


    Exclude specific files from counting

  3. Count the number of words in a specific column of a CSV file.

    $ cut -d ',' -f 3 data.csv | wc -w

    The above command extracts the third column of a comma-separated values (CSV) file using the cut utility and counts the number of words in the column.


    Count words in csv file

  4. Count the length of the longest line in a file.

    $ wc -L file.txt

    The above command displays the length of the longest line in the file.txt file.


    Count longest line length

  5. Combine wc with grep to count specific patterns.

    $ grep -o "pattern" file.txt | wc -l

    The above command counts the occurrences of a specific pattern in the file.txt file using grep to match the pattern and wc to count the number of output lines.


    Count specific patterns

  6. Combine wc with find to count lines in multiple directories.

    $ find /path/to/directories -type f -exec wc -l {} +

    The above command counts the number of lines in all files within multiple directories specified by the find command.


    Count lines in multiple directories

  7. Count all non-empty lines in a file.

    $ grep -cve '^\s*$' file.txt

    The above command counts the number of non-empty lines in the file.txt file using grep to exclude empty lines and count them.


    Count non-empty lines

  8. Generate a summary report using wc.

    $ wc -lwm file1.txt file2.txt

    The above command generates a summary report showing the number of lines, words, and characters in the files file1.txt and file2.txt.


    Generate summary report


You have used the wc command to perform basic and complex count processing operations. For more options, run the man wc command to view the wc manual page.