JavaScript Object fromEntries() - Transform Key-Value Pairs

Updated on November 27, 2024
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The fromEntries() method in JavaScript provides a robust solution for transforming key-value pairs into an object. This method is particularly useful when manipulating data received from various sources like APIs or handling transformations within data structures. It makes the conversion of arrays or other iterable objects containing key-value pairs into a standard object straightforward and clean.

In this article, you will learn how to utilize the fromEntries() method effectively in various data manipulation scenarios. Explore the mechanics of this method, see how it simplifies the data transformation process, and understand its integration with other JavaScript functionalities to manage data more efficiently.

Using fromEntries() in Different Scenarios

Convert Array of Arrays into an Object

  1. Prepare an array of arrays where each inner array consists of two elements representing a key and a value respectively.

  2. Use the fromEntries() method to convert this array into an object.

    const entries = [['name', 'Alice'], ['age', 25]];
    const obj = Object.fromEntries(entries);

    This code snippet converts the entries array into an object where 'name' and 'age' become the keys, associated with their respective values, 'Alice' and 25.

Integrating with Map Data Structure

  1. Utilize the Map object to store data as key-value pairs.

  2. Convert the Map to an object using fromEntries().

    const map = new Map([['fruit', 'apple'], ['color', 'red']]);
    const objFromMap = Object.fromEntries(map);

    Here, a Map containing the pairs 'fruit'-'apple' and 'color'-'red' is converted into a regular object. This transformation allows for the further manipulation of map data using standard object operations.

Working with Dynamic Data Retrieval

  1. Fetch data dynamically, for example, querying a database or an API that returns data as key-value pairs in array format.

  2. Convert this dynamically fetched data into objects for easier manipulation.

    async function fetchData() {
        const response = await fetch('');
        const data = await response.json(); // assuming data comes as an array of arrays
        const obj = Object.fromEntries(data);

    In this code, data fetched from a hypothetical API is transformed into an object using fromEntries(), facilitating easier access and manipulation of each data item based on its key.


Using the fromEntries() method in JavaScript significantly simplifies the transformation of iterable key-value pairs into objects. This functionality is invaluable when dealing with data processing tasks that require conversion from structures like arrays or maps into more manageable JavaScript objects. By mastering fromEntries(), you enhance your ability to handle various data transformation scenarios effectively, making your JavaScript code cleaner and more efficient.