Python eval() - Execute String as Code

Updated on September 27, 2024
eval() header image


The eval() function in Python evaluates a given string as Python code. This capability is especially powerful as it allows for the execution of Python expressions dynamically. It's particularly useful in scenarios where the code needs to be generated on the fly or when expressions are received as user inputs.

In this article, you will learn how to safely and effectively leverage the eval() function in various scenarios. You explore practical applications, understand potential risks, and discover how to mitigate those risks while using this function.

Understanding eval()

Basic Usage of eval()

  1. Assign a string that represents a Python expression.

  2. Pass this string to the eval() function.

    expression = '3 + 4'
    result = eval(expression)

    This code evaluates the string expression which represents the mathematical operation 3 + 4. eval() calculates this and returns 7.

Evaluating Complex Expressions

  1. Define a string that includes a more complex operation.

  2. Use eval() to execute this operation.

    complex_expr = '[num * 2 for num in range(5)]'
    result = eval(complex_expr)

    Here, the eval() function takes a string describing a list comprehension that doubles each number in a range from 0 to 4. The output will be [0, 2, 4, 6, 8].

Safe Usage of eval()

Risks of Using eval()

Understand that eval() can execute arbitrary code, which can pose a serious security risk if not handled correctly, especially if the input is taken from untrusted sources.

Mitigating Security Risks

  1. Never use eval() with raw inputs from users.

  2. Restrict the scope of what eval() can access to prevent unintended code execution.

    from math import sqrt
    user_input = 'sqrt(9)'  # Simulate user input
    allowed_functions = {'sqrt': sqrt}
    result = eval(user_input, {"__builtins__": None}, allowed_functions)

    This snippet demonstrates how to restrict eval() to only access specific functions by defining a limited dictionary of allowed functions and passing it as the environment. This prevents potentially harmful operations.

Practical Examples of eval()

Dynamic Function Dispatch

  1. Create a dictionary mapping commands to their corresponding functions.

  2. Use eval() to execute a function based on user input safely.

    def greet(name):
        return "Hello, " + name
    actions = {'greet': 'greet("Alice")'}
    user_command = 'greet'  # Simulated user command
    result = eval(actions[user_command], {"__builtins__": None}, {'greet': greet})

    This example maps a user command to a function call, ensuring that only predefined commands are executable, thus maintaining control over the execution environment.


The eval() function in Python is a highly flexible tool that allows for the execution of Python code contained within strings. While it opens up many dynamic programming possibilities, it also introduces significant security risks. Always handle eval() with care, particularly when dealing with external inputs. By following the practices outlined, you ensure that your use of eval() is both powerful and secure, allowing for creative yet safe Python programming solutions.