Python getattr() - Retrieve Attribute Value

Updated on September 27, 2024
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The getattr() function in Python provides a dynamic way of accessing the attributes of an object. This built-in function retrieves the value of a named attribute from an object, allowing for flexible code implementations where attributes might not be known during the code-writing phase. It’s especially useful in scenarios where object attributes are managed dynamically or when interfacing with external systems.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively use the getattr() function to access attributes dynamically. Explore various examples to understand how to handle default values and avoid common errors when attributes are not present in the object.

Retrieving Simple Attributes

Access an Existing Attribute

  1. Create an object or use an existing one.

  2. Specify the attribute name as a string.

  3. Use getattr() to retrieve the value.

    class Person:
        def __init__(self, name, age):
   = name
            self.age = age
    person = Person("Alice", 30)
    name = getattr(person, 'name')

    This code successfully retrieves the name of the person object, which is "Alice".

Handle Non-existent Attributes

  1. Understand the risk of AttributeError if the attribute does not exist.

  2. Use the optional third argument of getattr() to specify a default value.

  3. Provide the default value to avoid an exception.

    age = getattr(person, 'height', 'No height specified')

    Here, since the 'height' attribute does not exist, getattr() returns the default value "No height specified".

Working with Methods

Call a Method Using getattr()

  1. Realize that methods are also attributes of an object that can be retrieved.

  2. Use getattr() to obtain a method reference.

  3. Call the method after retrieving it.

    get_name = getattr(person, 'name')

    In this example, getattr() is used to retrieve the name method of the person object. After the retrieval, the method is called to print "Alice".

Use in Advanced Scenarios

Dynamic Attribute Handling

  1. Consider a situation where attribute names are coming as input from users or external systems.

  2. Use getattr() dynamically to fetch these attributes.

  3. Implement error handling or default values to avoid exceptions.

    attributes = ['name', 'age', 'job']
    for attribute in attributes:
        value = getattr(person, attribute, f'No {attribute} specified')
        print(f'{attribute}: {value}')

    This loop dynamically retrieves the value of each attribute listed in the attributes list. If an attribute is not present in the person object, it prints a customized message indicating so.


The getattr() function in Python is a powerful tool for dynamic attribute access in objects. It enables you to retrieve the value of attributes whose names might not be known until runtime, enhancing the flexibility of your code. By utilizing getattr() with the proper handling of default values and potential errors, you can write more robust and adaptable Python applications. Explore this function further to enrich your projects with dynamic capabilities.