

Convert Two Lists Into a Dictionary

Compute the Power of a Number

Create a Countdown Timer

Check Armstrong Number

Count the Number of Digits Present In a Number

Count the Number of Occurrence of a Character in String

Compute all the Permutation of the String

Display Powers of 2 Using Anonymous Function

Check Leap Year

Concatenate Two Lists

Create Pyramid Patterns

Display Fibonacci Sequence Using Recursion

Display Calendar

Differentiate Between type() and isinstance()

Check the File Size

Check if a Key is Already Present in a Dictionary

Find All File with .txt Extension Present Inside a Directory

Find hash of file

Find factorial of number using recursion

Sort a dictionary by value

Capitalize the first character of a string

Catch multiple exceptions in one line

Display the multiplication table

Convert decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal

Convert string to datetime

Calculate the area of a triangle

Convert celsius to fahrenheit

Add two matrices

Extract extension from the file name

Access index of a list using for loop

Check if a number is odd or even

Find lcm

Find the largest among three numbers

Swap two variables

Make a simple calculator

Sort words in alphabetic order

Safely create a nested directory

Count the occurrence of an item in a list

Convert bytes to a string

Find hcf or gcd

Solve quadratic equation

Delete an element from a dictionary

Check if two strings are anagram

Convert kilometers to miles

Count the number of each vowel

Find ascii value of character

Check whether a string is palindrome or not

Check if a string is a number (float)

Append to a file

Check if a list is empty

Create a long multiline string

Convert decimal to binary using recursion

Find the sum of natural numbers

Copy a file

Add two numbers

Find armstrong number in an interval

Find the square root

Get the full path of the current working directory

Transpose a matrix

Check if a number is positive, negative or 0

Check prime number

Reverse a number

Generate a random number

Get the file name from the file path

Print the fibonacci sequence

Slice lists

Get line count of a file

Measure the elapsed time

Find numbers divisible by another number

Find sum of natural numbers using recursion

Flatten a nested list

Get the last element of the list

Get file creation and modification date

Illustrate different set operations

Get the class name of an instance

Print all prime numbers in an interval

Trim whitespace from a string

Iterate through two lists in parallel

Get a substring of a string

Parse a string to a float or int

Find the factors of a number

Merge mails

Print colored text to the terminal

Multiply two matrices

Shuffle deck of cards

Read a file line by line into a list

Remove duplicate element from a list

Iterate over dictionaries using for loop

Print hello world!

Remove punctuations from a string

Find the factorial of a number

Randomly select an element from the list

Find the size (resolution) of a image

Print output without a newline

Represent enum

Split a list into evenly sized chunks

Return multiple values from a function

Merge two dictionaries