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Convert Two Lists Into a Dictionary
Compute the Power of a Number
Create a Countdown Timer
Check Armstrong Number
Count the Number of Digits Present In a Number
Count the Number of Occurrence of a Character in String
Compute all the Permutation of the String
Display Powers of 2 Using Anonymous Function
Check Leap Year
Concatenate Two Lists
Create Pyramid Patterns
Display Fibonacci Sequence Using Recursion
Display Calendar
Differentiate Between type() and isinstance()
Check the File Size
Check if a Key is Already Present in a Dictionary
Find All File with .txt Extension Present Inside a Directory
Find hash of file
Find factorial of number using recursion
Sort a dictionary by value
Capitalize the first character of a string
Catch multiple exceptions in one line
Display the multiplication table
Convert decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal
Convert string to datetime
Calculate the area of a triangle
Convert celsius to fahrenheit
Add two matrices
Extract extension from the file name
Access index of a list using for loop
Check if a number is odd or even
Find lcm
Find the largest among three numbers
Swap two variables
Make a simple calculator
Sort words in alphabetic order
Safely create a nested directory
Count the occurrence of an item in a list
Convert bytes to a string
Find hcf or gcd
Solve quadratic equation
Delete an element from a dictionary
Check if two strings are anagram
Convert kilometers to miles
Count the number of each vowel
Find ascii value of character
Check whether a string is palindrome or not
Check if a string is a number (float)
Append to a file
Check if a list is empty
Create a long multiline string
Convert decimal to binary using recursion
Find the sum of natural numbers
Copy a file
Add two numbers
Find armstrong number in an interval
Find the square root
Get the full path of the current working directory
Transpose a matrix
Check if a number is positive, negative or 0
Check prime number
Reverse a number
Generate a random number
Get the file name from the file path
Print the fibonacci sequence
Slice lists
Get line count of a file
Measure the elapsed time
Find numbers divisible by another number
Find sum of natural numbers using recursion
Flatten a nested list
Get the last element of the list
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