Python print() - Display Output

Updated on September 27, 2024
print() header image


The print() function in Python is fundamental for outputting data to the console, making it an indispensable tool for debugging and displaying information. This simple yet powerful function allows for formatting and directing output in versatile ways, which is essential in both simple scripts and complex applications.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively utilize the print() function to display various types of data in Python. You will explore different techniques for formatting output, managing multiple data items, and directing output streams.

Basic Usage of print()

Displaying a Simple Message

  1. Use print() to output a simple text message.

    print("Hello, world!")

    This code prints the string "Hello, world!" to the console.

Outputting Multiple Items

  1. Pass multiple arguments to print() to display them in a single line separated by spaces.

    print("The answer is", 42)

    Here, print() combines the string "The answer is" and the number 42, separating them with a space before outputting the combined message to the console.

Formatting Output

Using String Concatenation

  1. Concatenate strings and variables before passing them to print().

    name = "Alice"
    print("Hello, " + name + "!")

    Concatenation combines the greeting "Hello, " with the variable name holding "Alice", and an exclamation point, resulting in the output "Hello, Alice!".

Utilizing String Formatting

  1. Use str.format() for a cleaner way to format complex strings.

    age = 30
    print("I am {} years old".format(age))

    This snippet uses {} as a placeholder for the variable age within the string. When print() executes, it replaces {} with the value of age, resulting in "I am 30 years old".

Employing f-Strings for Formatting (Python 3.6+)

  1. Leverage f-strings for a more intuitive and readable way to insert variables into strings.

    score = 95
    print(f"Your score is {score}%")

    F-strings allow embedding expressions inside string literals directly, making the code concise and easy to understand. The score variable is directly placed within the string.

Advanced Techniques

Changing the Separator between Items

  1. Control how print() separates multiple items with the sep parameter.

    print("Earth", "Mars", "Venus", sep=", ")

    Instead of the default space, this code uses a comma followed by a space to separate the items, outputting "Earth, Mars, Venus".

Redirecting the Output

  1. Redirect the output of print() to a file instead of the console.

    with open("output.txt", "w") as file:
        print("Hello, file!", file=file)

    This code directs the output of print() into a file named "output.txt", writing "Hello, file!" into it instead of printing on the console.

Ending the Output Differently

  1. Customize the end character of the print() function using the end parameter.

    print("Hello", end="!")

    The first print() ends with an exclamation mark, resulting in the output "Hello!World" on the same line, demonstrating how the end parameter can modify the default newline character.


The print() function in Python offers extensive functionality for displaying output in different formats and destinations. By mastering the varied capabilities of print(), from simple data output to advanced formatting techniques, you can make debugging easier and enhance the clarity of information presented to users or during development. Implement these techniques to fine-tune how data is displayed and make your Python scripts more effective and user-friendly.