Python any() - Check Any True Values

Updated on September 27, 2024
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The any() function in Python checks if any element in an iterable is True. This function is extremely useful when you need a quick way to evaluate if at least one of the conditions in a composite query returns True. It's commonly used in decision-making processes within programs, particularly in data analysis and filtering operations.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively utilize the any() function in various programming scenarios. Discover how this function can streamline code when working with lists, dictionaries, and other iterable objects while exploring its behavior with different data types.

Using any() with Lists

Check if Any Element is True

  1. Create a list of boolean values.

  2. Use the any() function to evaluate the list.

    bool_list = [False, False, True, False]
    result = any(bool_list)

    This code checks the list bool_list for any True values. Since there is one True value in the list, any() returns True.

Working with Numeric Values

  1. Realize that non-zero numbers are treated as True in Python.

  2. Define a list with numeric values where at least one is non-zero.

  3. Apply the any() function.

    num_list = [0, 0, 1, 0]
    result = any(num_list)

    Here, any() evaluates each number in num_list, and since 1 is equivalent to True, it outputs True.

Using any() with Composite Conditions

  1. Create a list that contains multiple boolean expressions.

  2. Use any() to see if any of the conditions are True.

    x = 5
    conditions = [x > 10, x == 5, x % 2 == 0]
    result = any(conditions)

    In this snippet, the three conditions evaluate to False, True, and False, respectively. The any() function finds the True value and thus returns True.

Using any() with Dictionaries

Check if Any Key or Value Matches a Condition

  1. Understand that evaluating a dictionary directly with any() checks keys by default.

  2. Create a dictionary where you look for any specific condition in the keys or values.

  3. Apply the any() function appropriately.

    dict_data = {'a': 0, 'b': False, 'c': 20}
    key_check = any(key == 'b' for key in dict_data)
    value_check = any(value > 0 for value in dict_data.values())
    print("Any key matched: ", key_check)
    print("Any value positive: ", value_check)

    In the example, key_check verifies if 'b' is a key in dict_data, and value_check tests for any positive values in the dictionary.


The any() function in Python is a powerful tool for quickly checking the presence of a True condition within an iterable. Its ability to abstract complex conditions into a single line of code enhances readability and efficiency in Python scripts. Use this function in various situations, from simple list checks to complex dictionary evaluations, to simplify your decision-making code structures. By implementing the techniques discussed, you ensure your code remains clean, readable, and efficient.