Scale Redis® Applications on Vultr Kubernetes Engine with KEDA

Updated on January 23, 2025
Scale Redis® Applications on Vultr Kubernetes Engine with KEDA header image


Redis® is an open source, in-memory data store that supports high-availability, scalability and reliability through a combination of asynchronous replication and Redis® Cluster. Redis® List is extensively used for building asynchronous applications. For example it is the foundation of popular open-source frameworks such as resque and sidekiq. With Redis® List, you can use the producer-consumer pattern with a combination of LPUSH and BRPOP commands.

This article will show how to use KEDA to scale Redis® application built using Vultr Managed Database for Caching and deployed to Vultr Kubernetes Engine. It covers the following topics:

  • KEDA overview and installation.
  • Prepare Producer and Consumer applications.
  • Deploy Producer and Consumer applications to Vultr Kubernetes Engine (VKE).
  • Test and observe the complete auto-scaling solution.


  • Deploy a Vultr Managed Database for Caching by following the Quickstart guide. After it's deployed, get the connectivity information and click the Manage icon to open the Overview tab to retrieve the username, password, host and port from the Connection Details section.

  • Install kubectl, which is a Kubernetes command-line tool that allows us to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.

  • Deploy a Vultr Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster using the Reference Guide. Once it's deployed,from the Overview tab, click the Download Configuration button in the upper-right corner to download your kubeconfig file and save it to a local directory.

  • To access the VKE cluster from your local machine, refer to the downloaded kubeconfig file as:

      kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get nodes
  • Make sure Docker is installed as well. You will need it to build and push Docker images.

KEDA overview

KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler) can be used to manage the auto-scaling of Kubernetes workloads based on the number of events or items that need to be processed. It is a component that can be added into any Kubernetes cluster and builds on top of native Kubernetes components like the Horizontal Pod Auto-scaler (HPA). With KEDA, we can directly reference the application (Deployment, Job or StatefulSet) that needs to be scaled.

KEDA plays two key roles - Scale agent, Metrics provider.

  1. It activates and deactivates Deployments to scale to and from zero on no events. This is taken care of by the keda-operator container in the KEDA installation.
  2. KEDA acts as a Kubernetes metrics server that exposes Redis® List length to the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler which is responsible for scaling Pods. This is taken care of by the keda-operator-metrics-apiserver container in the KEDA installation.

KEDA Custom Resources

KEDA has the following CRDs:,, and

Although this article demonstrates a Deployment, KEDA also allows us to map an event source to a StatefulSet, Custom Resource or Job for scaling.

  • ScaledObjects represent the mapping between an event source (such as Redis® List) and the Deployment, StatefulSet or any Custom Resource that defines /scale subresource.
  • ScaledObject may also reference a TriggerAuthentication resource which contains the authentication configuration or secrets to monitor the event source.


The sample application presented in this article consists of a producer and consumer component. The producer application pushes data to a Redis® List (using LPUSH) while the consumer application processes data from it (using BRPOP). Both applications are built using the Go Redis® client and deployed to a Vultr Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster.

Install KEDA

Deploy KEDA directly from YAML file (although it's also possible to use Helm charts or Operator Hub). If required, replace the version as well - we are using version 2.9.0 in this article.

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> apply -f

You will see an output similar to this:

namespace/keda created created created created created
serviceaccount/keda-operator created created created created created created created
service/keda-metrics-apiserver created
service/keda-operator created
deployment.apps/keda-metrics-apiserver created
deployment.apps/keda-operator created created

Check the CRDs that were deployed:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get crd

In addition to other CRDs, you should see these newly added ones related to KEDA:

NAME                                    CREATED AT
.....   2022-12-13T16:25:19Z                      2022-12-13T16:25:19Z                   2022-12-13T16:25:19Z          2022-12-13T16:25:19Z

Check the status of the KEDA deployment and wait for it to be READY:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get deployment -n keda


NAME                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
keda-metrics-apiserver   1/1     1            1           57s
keda-operator            1/1     1            1           57s

Prepare Consumer Application

Create a directory and switch to it:

mkdir redis-keda-vultr
cd redis-keda-vultr

Initialize the Project

Create a directory and switch to it:

mkdir redis-consumer
cd redis-consumer

Create a new Go module:

go mod init redis-consumer

This will create a new go.mod file

Create a new file consumer.go:

touch consumer.go

Import Libraries

To import required Go modules, add the following to consumer.go file:

package main

import (


Add the init Function

Add the code below to consumer.go file:

var client *redis.Client
const redisURLTemplate = "rediss://%s:%s@%s:%s"
var listName string

func init() {
    redisHost := os.Getenv("REDIS_HOST")
    if redisHost == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable REDIS_HOST")

    redisPort := os.Getenv("REDIS_PORT")
    if redisPort == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable REDIS_PORT")

    redisUsername := os.Getenv("REDIS_USERNAME")
    if redisUsername == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable REDIS_USERNAME")

    redisPassword := os.Getenv("REDIS_PASSWORD")
    if redisPassword == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable REDIS_PASSWORD")

    redisURL := fmt.Sprintf(redisURLTemplate, redisUsername, redisPassword, redisHost, redisPort)
    fmt.Println("Redis URL", redisURL)

    opt, err := redis.ParseURL(redisURL)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("invalid redis url", err)

    opt.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{}

    client = redis.NewClient(opt)

    err = client.Ping(context.Background()).Err()

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("ping failed. could not connect", err)
    fmt.Println("successfully connected to redis", redisURL)

    listName = os.Getenv("LIST_NAME")
    if listName == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable LIST_NAME")
  • The init function reads the Redis® connectivity information from environment variables. It uses REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, REDIS_USERNAME and REDIS_PASSWORD to store Vultr Managed Database for Caching host, port, username and password respectively.
  • It uses the above data to create a Redis® URL and passes it into redis.ParseURL to get a redis.Option object that is further used in creating a redis.Client instance.
  • Ping function is used to verify successful connectivity with Redis®. If connectivity fails, the program exits with an error message.
  • Finally, the name of the Redis® List to be used is also retrieved from the LIST_NAME environment variable.

Add the main Function

Add the code below to consumer.go file:

func main() {
    defer func() {
        err := client.Close()
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("failed to close client conn ", err)
        fmt.Println("closed client connection")

    ctx := context.Background()

    go func() {
        fmt.Println("waiting for items from list", listName)
        for {
            items, err := client.BRPop(ctx, 0, listName).Result()
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Println("unable to fetch item from list", err)

            fmt.Println("processed item", items[1])
            time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(5)+2) * time.Second)

    exit := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(exit, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)

    fmt.Println("press ctrl+c to exit...")
    fmt.Println("program exited")
  • First, we add a defer function to close the redis.Client connection at the end of the program.
  • Then a goroutine is started which uses BRPop to retrieve items from the Redis® List in a blocking way.
  • Once an item is available in the List and received by the program, it is printed to the console.
  • There is an intentional time.Sleep (delay) added in the loop in order to simulate data processing.
  • Finally, the program is setup to respond to the SIGTERM signal and exit cleanly.

Save the consumer.go file.

Prepare Producer Application

Go back to the top-level directory (redis-keda-vultr):

cd ..

Initialize the Project

Create a directory and switch to it:

mkdir redis-producer
cd redis-producer

Create a new Go module:

go mod init redis-producer

This will create a new go.mod file

Create a new file producer.go:

touch producer.go

Import Libraries

To import required Go modules, add the following to producer.go file:

package main

import (


Add the init Function

Add the code below to producer.go file:

var client *redis.Client
const redisURLTemplate = "rediss://%s:%s@%s:%s"
var listName string

func init() {
    redisHost := os.Getenv("REDIS_HOST")
    if redisHost == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable REDIS_HOST")

    redisPort := os.Getenv("REDIS_PORT")
    if redisPort == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable REDIS_PORT")

    redisUsername := os.Getenv("REDIS_USERNAME")
    if redisUsername == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable REDIS_USERNAME")

    redisPassword := os.Getenv("REDIS_PASSWORD")
    if redisPassword == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable REDIS_PASSWORD")

    redisURL := fmt.Sprintf(redisURLTemplate, redisUsername, redisPassword, redisHost, redisPort)
    fmt.Println("Redis URL", redisURL)

    opt, err := redis.ParseURL(redisURL)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("invalid redis url", err)

    opt.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{}

    client = redis.NewClient(opt)

    err = client.Ping(context.Background()).Err()

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("ping failed. could not connect", err)
    fmt.Println("successfully connected to redis", redisURL)

    listName = os.Getenv("LIST_NAME")
    if listName == "" {
        log.Fatal("missing environment variable LIST_NAME")
  • The init function reads the Redis® connectivity information from environment variables. It uses REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, REDIS_USERNAME and REDIS_PASSWORD to store Vultr Managed database for Caching host, port, username and password respectively.
  • It uses the above data to create a Redis® URL and passes it into redis.ParseURL to get a redis.Option object that is further used in creating a redis.Client instance.
  • Ping function is used to verify successful connectivity with Redis®. If connectivity fails, the program exits with an error message.
  • Finally, the name of the Redis® List to be used is also retrieved from the LIST_NAME environment variable.

Add the main Function

Add the code below to producer.go file:

func main() {

    defer func() {
        err := client.Close()
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("failed to close client conn ", err)
        fmt.Println("closed client connection")

    ctx := context.Background()

    go func() {
        pipe := client.Pipeline()
        num := 50

        for {
            log.Println("sending", num, "items into redis list", listName)

            for i := 1; i <= num; i++ {
                err := pipe.LPush(ctx, listName, "message-"+strconv.Itoa(rand.Intn(50))).Err()
                if err != nil {
                    fmt.Println("unable to pipe data to redis list", err)

            _, err := pipe.Exec(ctx)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Println("unable to use pipeline to send data to redis list", err)

            time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

    exit := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(exit, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)

    fmt.Println("press ctrl+c to exit...")
    fmt.Println("program exited")

Save the producer.go file.

  • First, we add a defer function to close the redis.Client connection at the end of the program.
  • Then, a goroutine is started to add items to the Redis® List using LPush.
  • Items are added in batches of 50.
  • Finally, the program is setup to respond to the SIGTERM signal and exit cleanly.

Deploy Consumer Application

Go back to the consumer project directory:

cd ../redis-consumer

Add Dockerfile

Create a file named Dockerfile:

touch Dockerfile

Enter the below contents in Dockerfile:

FROM golang:1.18-buster AS build

COPY go.mod ./
COPY go.sum ./

RUN go mod download

COPY consumer.go ./
RUN go build -o /redis-go-app

COPY --from=build /redis-go-app /redis-go-app
USER nonroot:nonroot
ENTRYPOINT ["/redis-go-app"]
  • This is a multi-stage Dockerfile where we use the golang:1.18-buster as the base image of the first stage.
  • Copy the application files, run go mod download and build the application binary.
  • In the second stage, you use as the base image.
  • You copy the binary from the first stage and use the ENTRYPOINT to run the application.

Build and Push Docker Image

Pull Go modules (this will create go.sum file):

go mod tidy

Login to Docker:

docker login

Build image:

docker build -t <enter repo name> .
# example - docker build -t mydockerlogin/redis-consumer-app .

Push image to Docker:

docker push <enter repo name>
# example - docker push mydockerlogin/redis-consumer-app

Deploy to Kubernetes

Create a file consumer.yaml:

touch consumer.yaml

Enter below code in consumer.yaml. Make sure to replace the required attributes with the host, port, username, password for Vultr Managed Database for Caching.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: redis-consumer
  replicas: 1
      app: redis-consumer
        app: redis-consumer
        - name: redis-consumer
          image: <replace with docker image>
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - name: REDIS_USERNAME
              value: <replace with username for vultr managed redis database>
            - name: REDIS_PASSWORD
              value: <replace with password for vultr managed redis database>
            - name: REDIS_PORT
              value: "16752"
            - name: REDIS_HOST
              value: <replace with host name for vultr managed redis database>
            - name: LIST_NAME
              value: mylist

In addition to the regular Deployment related manifest attributes, the key thing to note here is the usage of specific environment variables in the container. You use REDIS_USERNAME, REDIS_PASSWORD, REDIS_PORT and REDIS_HOST to point to the Vultr Managed Database for Caching. The values of these environemnt variables will be used by the KEDA ScaledObject.

To deploy the consumer application:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> apply -f consumer.yaml

Wait for it go into Running status:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get pod -l=app=redis-consumer


NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
redis-consumer-746f5ddf75-tzmxs   1/1     Running   0          12s

To check application logs:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> logs -f $(kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get pod -l=app=redis-consumer -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

Deploy KEDA Scaled Object

Go back to the top-level directory (redis-keda-vultr):

cd ..

Create ScaledObject Manifest

Create file named scaled-object.yaml:

touch scaled-object.yaml

Enter below content in scaled-object.yaml:

kind: ScaledObject
name: redis-scaledobject
    name: redis-consumer
maxReplicaCount: 5
- type: redis
        hostFromEnv: REDIS_HOST
        portFromEnv: REDIS_PORT
        usernameFromEnv: REDIS_USERNAME
        passwordFromEnv: REDIS_PASSWORD
        listName: mylist
        listLength: "50"
        enableTLS: "true"

The ScaledObject CRD is used to configure the triggers and define the way how KEDA should scale the application.

  • Since you are dealing with Redis® List, you have specified the redis trigger type (using the Redis® Scaler).
  • The name of the target Deployment this ScaledObject will scale is specificed by scaleTargetRef.
  • maxReplicaCount has been set to 5 - this means that the the target Deployment will scale to maximun of 5 Pods.
  • In metadata, you specify the environment variables from where to pick Redis® connectivity information and also specify secure TLS connectivity with enableTLS: "true"

Deploy ScaledObject to Kubernetes

To deploy KEDA ScaledObject:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> apply -f scaled-object.yaml

Deploy Producer Application

Change to the producer project directory:

cd redis-producer

Add Dockerfile

Create a file named Dockerfile:

touch Dockerfile

Enter the below contents in Dockerfile:

FROM golang:1.18-buster AS build

COPY go.mod ./
COPY go.sum ./

RUN go mod download

COPY producer.go ./
RUN go build -o /redis-go-app

COPY --from=build /redis-go-app /redis-go-app
USER nonroot:nonroot
ENTRYPOINT ["/redis-go-app"]
  • This is a multi-stage Dockerfile where you use the golang:1.18-buster as the base image of the first stage.
  • Copy the application files, run go mod download and build the application binary.
  • In the second stage, you use as the base image.
  • You copy the binary from the first stage and use the ENTRYPOINT to run the application.

Build and Push Docker Image

Pull dependent Go modules (this will create go.sum file):

go mod tidy

Login to Docker:

docker login

Build the image:

docker build -t <enter repo name>
# example - docker build -t mydockerlogin/redis-producer-app .

Push to image to Docker:

docker push <enter repo name>
# example - docker push mydockerlogin/redis-producer-app

Deploy to Kubernetes

Create a file producer.yaml:

touch producer.yaml

Enter below code in producer.yaml. Make sure to replace the required attributes with the host, port, username and password for the Vultr Managed Database for Caching.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: redis-producer
replicas: 1
    app: redis-producer
        app: redis-producer
        - name: redis-producer
        image: <replace with docker image>
            imagePullPolicy: Always
                - name: REDIS_USERNAME
                value: <replace with username for vultr managed redis database>
                - name: REDIS_PASSWORD
                value: <replace with password for vultr managed redis database>
                - name: REDIS_PORT
                value: "16752"
                - name: REDIS_HOST
                value: <replace with host name for vultr managed redis database>
                - name: LIST_NAME
                value: mylist

In addition to the regular Deployment related manifest attributes, the key thing to note here is the usage of specific environment variables in the container. You use REDIS_USERNAME, REDIS_PASSWORD, REDIS_PORT and REDIS_HOST to point to the Vultr Managed Database for Caching. The values of these environemnt variables will be used by the KEDA ScaledObject.

To deploy the producer application:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> apply -f producer.yaml

Wait for it to go into Running state:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get pod -l=app=redis-producer


NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
redis-producer-78fc5d84b5-cls5w   1/1     Running   0          7s

To check application logs:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> logs -f $(kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get pod -l=app=redis-producer -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

Observe Pod Auto-scaling

Start observing the Pod activity:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get pods -w

Wait for a while. After sometime, you will witness number of Pods increasing. You will see an output similar to this (Pod names will differ in your case):

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
redis-consumer-746f5ddf75-8xs8s   1/1     Running   0          4m24s
redis-consumer-746f5ddf75-dgczp   1/1     Running   0          4m39s
redis-consumer-746f5ddf75-ksbp7   1/1     Running   0          4m39s
redis-consumer-746f5ddf75-qhgd2   1/1     Running   0          4m39s
redis-consumer-746f5ddf75-tzmxs   1/1     Running   0          26m
redis-producer-78fc5d84b5-cls5w   1/1     Running   0          51s

This is because KEDA has scaled up the application. Due to the large number of items in the Redis® List, it's length (backlog) has increased and gone beyond the threshold you defined in the scaled-object.yaml (which was 50). Thus, additional consumer Pods were created to divide the processing load. Please note that the number of consumer Pods will not go beyond five, because that's what you specified in maxReplicaCount in scaled-object.yaml.

Verify the consumer Deployment status:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get deployment/redis-consumer


redis-consumer   5/5     5            5           27m

Verify the Horizontal Pod Auto-scaler status:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> get hpa


NAME                          REFERENCE                   TARGETS             MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
keda-hpa-redis-scaledobject   Deployment/redis-consumer   1205400m/50 (avg)   1         5         5          6m21s

After sometime, stop the producer application:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<path to VKE kubeconfig file> delete -f producer.yaml

Wait for sometime. You will notice that the number of Pods have decreased. This is because the producer load has decreased and consumer are able to catch up with the processing. Hence, the size of the target Redis® List is within the threshold and the additional Pods that were spawned were gradually terminated.

After you have completed the tutorial in this article, you can delete the Vultr Managed Database for Caching and the Vultr Kubernetes Engine cluster.


This article showed how it's possible to auto-scale Redis® List based consumer applications using KEDA based on the length of the Redis List. You deployed the applications on Vultr Kubernetes Engine (VKE) and used Vultr Managed Database for Caching as the database.

You can also learn more in the following documentation: