Embed QR Code into AI Generated Images on Vultr Cloud GPU

Updated on August 10, 2023
Embed QR Code into AI Generated Images on Vultr Cloud GPU header image


AI Content Generation (AICG) is at the forefront of a technological revolution, and has attracted attention in both industrial and academic implementations. AICG leverages the power of advanced AI algorithms such as machine learning and deep learning to create artistic and multimedia content. Stable Diffusion is one of the key players offering AI image generation models via text-to-image, image-to-image, in-painting, out-painting, and up-scaling.

Using Stable Diffusion to style customized QR codes is an achievable task that implements AICG. This article explains how to embed QR Codes into AI-Generated Images using a Vultr Cloud GPU server. When complete, you should be able to embed invisible QR Codes into images you can scan using a mobile device.

Sample Generated Image


Before you begin:

Install Python Dependencies

  1. Create a new directory in your user home to store generated images to.

     $ mkdir ~/images
  2. Using wget download a demo base image to the directory to enable the images pipeline later in this article.

     $ wget https://i.imgur.com/7WNWaen.png ~/images
  3. Install the pyTorch package required by Stable Diffusion.

     $ pip install torch==2.0.1
  4. Install pyqrcode to generate the standard QR code used in controlnet when generating images.

     $ pip install pyqrcode==1.2.1
  5. Install diffusers to enable full Stable Diffusion functionality.

     $ pip install diffusers==0.18.2
  6. Install pillow for basic image operations such as loading into memory, resizing, and writing back into disk.

     $ pip install Pillow==10.0.0
  7. Install transformers, xformers, accelerate, and pypng packages.

     $ pip install transformers xformers accelerate pypng
  8. To verify that all packages are available, open the Python shell.

     $ python3
  9. Import Python libraries line by line.

     >>> import io
     >>> import torch
     >>> import pyqrcode
     >>> from PIL import Image
     >>> from diffusers import StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline, ControlNetModel, UniPCMultistepScheduler

    If all necessary dependencies are available on your server, no errors should display when importing these libraries. When successful, start generating QR codes in the Python shell.

Generate a Standard QR Code

In your Python Shell, create a qr object using pyqrcode, and set the correction levels to enable a maximum of 30% data loss tolerance by setting it as H in the following steps.

  1. Define qr_data. Replace example.com with the target URL to include in your QR code.

     >>> qr_data = "https://www.example.com"
  2. Create a new qrobject.

     >>> qrobject = pyqrcode.create(qr_data, error="H")
  3. Load a QR code image into the memory buffer.

     >>> buffer = io.BytesIO()
     >>> qrobject.png(buffer)
  4. Resize the QR code to a favorable size for control net usage.

     >>> control_image = Image.open(buffer).resize((768, 768))

    The above command resized the output width and height to 768 respectively. Applying a higher resolution generates a more readable image, but increases slows the generation speed. 768 is an experimentally optimal parameter for the QR code image generation task.

Create a Stable Diffusion Pipeline with control_net

  1. Define the base Stable Diffusion model path.

     >>> sd_model_path = "danbrown/RevAnimated-v1-2-2"

    The images in this article use the Rev Animated Hugging Face model. Using different models generates images in different styles.

  2. Define the control net model path.

     >>> controlnet_model_path = "monster-labs/control_v1p_sd15_qrcode_monster"

    The images in this article as well use the QRcode monster model.

  3. Load the control net model.

     >>> controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained(controlnet_model_path, torch_dtype=torch.float16)
  4. Create the Stable Diffusion pipeline

     >>> pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained(

Set Up Pipeline Parameters

  1. To lower GPU memory usage and speed up the generation process, enable memory-efficient attention from xFormers.

     >>> pipe.enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention()
     >>> pipe.enable_attention_slicing()
  2. To further reduce GPU memory usage with a low impact on image generation performance, offload all models to the CPU.

     >>> pipe.enable_model_cpu_offload()
  3. Declare pipeline scheduler.

     >>> pipe.scheduler = UniPCMultistepScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config)

    The above directive defines the method for iteratively adding noise to an image or for updating a sample based on model outputs. While the UniPC scheduler is the fastest as used in this article, you can use other available schedulers with different algorithms fromthe diffusers Hugging Face page.

Generate the Image

  1. Define the prompt.

     >>> prompt = ["Masterpiece", "best quality", "high res", "ultra-detailed", "no humans", "lush green mountains", "winding rivers", "misty atmosphere", "verdant trees", "deep forest", "wisps of light", "verdant green", "A picturesque scene of a waterfall cascading down a high cliff amongst lush greenery"]
  2. Define the negative prompt.

     >>> negative_prompt = ["art piece", "worst quality", "large head", "extra digits", "easynegative", "humans", "hills", "river", "young forest", "light rays", "verdant blue", "animals", " picture of a lake"]

    The more detailed the prompt is, the better the generated images could be. Depending on the Stable Diffusion models in use, the sensitivity to the prompt and negative prompt can be different.

    To refine more prompts, make sure both the prompt, and negative_prompt batch sizes match. For example, if you apply 4 prompts, add the same amount in the negative.

  3. Start image generation.

     >>> images = pipe(

    In the above directive, guidance_scale and controlnet_conditioning_scale are the most important parameters. Specifically, guidance_scale controls how strict the diffusion process needs to follow the given prompts. The default value is 7, and offers a good balance between creative freedom and following your direction.

    controlnet_conditioning_scale controls how the QR code appears in the generated image. The 1.6 value is an experimentally practical value to generate QR code readable images for mobile devices, while keeping it invisible to human eyes as much as possible.

    It's not guaranteed that every run would generate a readable image even with the same parameter setting. This is because the random seed would lead to different images. It's recommended to try running the image generation command multiple times and use your mobile phone to check if the invisible QR code reads correctly, and the generated image matches your expectations.

  4. Write the generated image to a local path as below:

     >>> for idx, image in enumerate(images):

    The above directive writes the generated images to a PNG file in your predefined directory. For example, the /home/example-user/images directory you created earlier.

  5. When successful, exit the Python shell.

     >>> exit ()
  6. Verify that a new image is available in your images directory.

     $ ls ~/images


     0.png  1.png  2.png  3.png  7WNWaen.png

Optional: Run Python code in a Program File

In the above sections, you implemented declarations directly in the Python shell, to use a single file to generate the output, follow the steps below.

  1. In your home directory, create a new Python file, for example, qrcode.py.

     $ touch qrcode.py
  2. Using a text editor such as Nano, edit the file.

     $ nano qrcode.py
  3. Add the following code to the file.

     import io
     import torch
     import pyqrcode
     from PIL import Image
     from diffusers import StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline, ControlNetModel, UniPCMultistepScheduler
     qr_data = "https://www.example.com"
     qrobject = pyqrcode.create(qr_data, error="H")
     buffer = io.BytesIO()
     control_image = Image.open(buffer).resize((768, 768))
     sd_model_path = "danbrown/RevAnimated-v1-2-2"
     controlnet_model_path = "monster-labs/control_v1p_sd15_qrcode_monster"
     controlnet = ControlNetModel.from_pretrained(controlnet_model_path, torch_dtype=torch.float16)
     pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained(
     pipe.scheduler = UniPCMultistepScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config)
     prompt = ["Masterpiece", "best quality", "high res", "ultra-detailed", "no humans", "lush green mountains", "winding rivers", "misty atmosphere", "verdant trees", "deep forest", "wisps of light", "verdant green", "A picturesque scene of a waterfall cascading down a high cliff amongst lush greenery"]
     negative_prompt = ["art piece", "worst quality", "large head", "extra digits", "easynegative", "humans", "hills", "river", "young forest", "light rays", "verdant blue", "animals", " picture of a lake"]
     input_image = Image.open("/home/example-user/images/7WNWaen.png")
     images = pipe(
     for idx, image in enumerate(images):

    Save and close the file.

  4. Run the program.

     $ python3 qrcode.py
  5. Verify that generated images are available in your target directory.

     $ ls ~/images

Download the Generated Images

In this section, use sftp to securely download the remote files to your local computer as described in the steps below.

  1. Open a new terminal or command prompt session on your computer, and establish an SFTP connection to the server.

     $ sftp example-user@SERVER-IP

    Replace example-user, and SERVER-IP with your actual server details.

  2. Navigate to the images directory.

     sftp> cd images
  3. List files in the directory.

     sftp> ls
  4. Get generated images by name. For example, 1.png.

     sftp> get 1.png

    The above command downloads the image 1.png to your computer's working directory.

  5. Open a new file explorer window, find the downloaded file, and open the image in your image viewer application.

  6. Scan the image using your mobile device's QR code reader. Verify that the image reads successfully.

    A Sample Generated Image with an embedded QR Code

    Depending on your mobile device type, keep a distance between the Image and the device to successfully scan the Invisible QR Code.


In this article, you embedded QR Codes to AI-generated images using Stable Diffusion on a Ubuntu 22.04 Vultr Cloud GPU server. The generated stylish image is a fancy way of distributing QR codes in various business scenarios.

Next Steps

For more Cloud GPU implementations, please visit the following resources: