How to Install Cockpit on Ubuntu 20.04

Cockpit is a popular open-source tool for Linux server management through a web interface. It offers features such as storage administration, system monitoring, and service management.
Before beginning this guide:
- Deploy an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS cloud server at Vultr.
- Update the server.
- Create a non-root user with sudo privileges.
- Log in to your server as the non-root user.
1. Install Cockpit
Install Cockpit from the official Ubuntu 20.04 repositories.
$ sudo apt install cockpit -y
2. Start the Cockpit service
Start the Cockpit service using the systemctl
$ sudo systemctl start cockpit
Verify the status of the Cockpit service.
$ sudo systemctl status cockpit
3. Configure the Firewall
Configure UFW to allow the Cockpit Web Interface (tcp port 9090).
$ sudo ufw allow 9090/tcp
See the UFW Quickstart Guide for more information.
4. Access the Cockpit Web Console
Open the web console in a browser. Replace
with your server's IP address.
Log in to Cockpit with the credentials of a system user.
In this guide, you've installed Cockpit. You can manage your server through the Cockpit web console and perform various system administration operations.
More Information
To learn more about Cockpit, go to the official documentation page.