How to Install FreeRADIUS with PostgreSQL

FreeRADIUS is a popular open-source RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) application for managing network access through user authentication, authorization, and accounting services (AAA). When you install FreeRADIUS, it integrates with database engines such as PostgreSQL for centralized user management.
This article explains how to install and configure FreeRadius with PostgreSQL to create a reliable RADIUS solution.
Before you begin:
- Deploy an Ubuntu 24.04 instance on Vultr and enable limited-user login.
- Access the instance using SSH.
- Install PostgreSQL on the instance.
Install FreeRADIUS
FreeRADIUS is available in the default package repositories on Ubuntu. Follow the steps below to install FreeRADIUS and the dependency plugin for PostgreSQL on your server.
Install FreeRADIUS and the PostgreSQL plugin.
console$ sudo apt-get install freeradius freeradius-postgresql
Check the FreeRADIUS version.
console$ freeradius -v
radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 3.2.3, for host x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, built on Mar 31 2024 at 05:22:45 FreeRADIUS Version 3.2.3 Copyright (C) 1999-2022 The FreeRADIUS server project and contributors There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE You may redistribute copies of FreeRADIUS under the terms of the GNU General Public License For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYRIGHT
Configure PostgreSQL Database Schema for FreeRADIUS
FreeRADIUS requires a specific schema to work with database servers such as PostgreSQL. Follow the steps below to create a new schema file that contains the default tables and fields to use with PostgreSQL.
Create a new
schema file in a system-wide location such as/opt
.console$ sudo touch /etc/freeradius_schema.sql
Edit the file using a text editor such as
.console$ sudo nano /etc/freeradius_schema.sql
Add the following database schema to the file.
sql/* * * PostgreSQL schema for FreeRADIUS * */ /* * Table structure for table 'radacct' * */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS radacct ( RadAcctId bigserial PRIMARY KEY, AcctSessionId text NOT NULL, AcctUniqueId text NOT NULL UNIQUE, UserName text, Realm text, NASIPAddress inet NOT NULL, NASPortId text, NASPortType text, AcctStartTime timestamp with time zone, AcctUpdateTime timestamp with time zone, AcctStopTime timestamp with time zone, AcctInterval bigint, AcctSessionTime bigint, AcctAuthentic text, ConnectInfo_start text, ConnectInfo_stop text, AcctInputOctets bigint, AcctOutputOctets bigint, CalledStationId text, CallingStationId text, AcctTerminateCause text, ServiceType text, FramedProtocol text, FramedIPAddress inet, FramedIPv6Address inet, FramedIPv6Prefix inet, FramedInterfaceId text, DelegatedIPv6Prefix inet, Class text ); -- For use by update-, stop- and simul_* queries CREATE INDEX radacct_active_session_idx ON radacct (AcctUniqueId) WHERE AcctStopTime IS NULL; -- For use by on-off- CREATE INDEX radacct_bulk_close ON radacct (NASIPAddress, AcctStartTime) WHERE AcctStopTime IS NULL; -- and for common statistic queries: CREATE INDEX radacct_start_user_idx ON radacct (AcctStartTime, UserName); -- and for Class CREATE INDEX radacct_calss_idx ON radacct (Class); /* * Table structure for table 'radcheck' */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS radcheck ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, UserName text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Attribute text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', op VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '==', Value text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); create index radcheck_UserName on radcheck (UserName,Attribute); /* * Table structure for table 'radgroupcheck' */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS radgroupcheck ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, GroupName text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Attribute text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', op VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '==', Value text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); create index radgroupcheck_GroupName on radgroupcheck (GroupName,Attribute); /* * Table structure for table 'radgroupreply' */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS radgroupreply ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, GroupName text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Attribute text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', op VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '=', Value text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); create index radgroupreply_GroupName on radgroupreply (GroupName,Attribute); /* * Table structure for table 'radreply' */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS radreply ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, UserName text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Attribute text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', op VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '=', Value text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); create index radreply_UserName on radreply (UserName,Attribute); /* * Table structure for table 'radusergroup' */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS radusergroup ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, UserName text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', GroupName text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', priority integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); create index radusergroup_UserName on radusergroup (UserName); -- -- Table structure for table 'radpostauth' -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS radpostauth ( id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, username text NOT NULL, pass text, reply text, CalledStationId text, CallingStationId text, authdate timestamp with time zone NOT NULL default now(), Class text ); CREATE INDEX radpostauth_username_idx ON radpostauth (username); CREATE INDEX radpostauth_class_idx ON radpostauth (Class); /* * Table structure for table 'nas' */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nas ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, nasname text NOT NULL, shortname text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'other', ports integer, secret text NOT NULL, server text, community text, description text ); create index nas_nasname on nas (nasname); /* * Table structure for table 'nasreload' */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nasreload ( NASIPAddress inet PRIMARY KEY, ReloadTime timestamp with time zone NOT NULL );
Save and close the file.
The above schema creates the following database tables for FreeRADIUS:
: Stores user-specific authentication attributes, such as usernames and passwords.radreply
: Stores reply attributes after a successful authentication, such as session limits and IP assignments.radgroupcheck
: Stores group-specific authentication attributes.radgroupreply
: Stores group-specific reply attributes after a successful authentication.radusergroup
: Associates users with groups. For example, mapsuser A
to theVIP Wi-Fi
: Stores accounting records on how users interact with a network. For example, the session start time, data usage, stop-time, and other usage metrics.radpostauth
: Logs successful and failed authentication attempts including the username, timestamp, and authentication response.nas
: Stores information about the Network Access Servers (NAS) that send the authentication, authorization, and accounting requests to the FreeRADIUS server.nasreload
: Enables dynamic reloading of NAS configurations to the FreeRADIUS memory.
Access the PostgreSQL database server console as the
user.console$ sudo -u postgres psql
Modify the
user password.sqlpostgres=# ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'radpass';
Exit the PostgreSQL console.
sqlpostgres=# \q
Create a new
database to use with FreeRADIUS.console$ sudo -u postgres createdb freeradius
Run the following command to enable password authentication on the PostgreSQL database server. Replace
with the actual PostgreSQL version on your server.console$ sudo sed -i '/^local/s/peer/scram-sha-256/' /etc/postgresql/17/main/pg_hba.conf
Import the
file to thefreeradius
database.console$ sudo -u postgres psql -d freeradius -f /etc/freeradius_schema.sql
Log in to the PostgreSQL database server as the
user and switch to thefreeradius
database.console$ sudo -u postgres psql -d freeradius
Verify that all FreeRADIUS tables from your schema are available.
sqlfreeradius=# \dt
List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------------+-------+---------- public | nas | table | postgres public | nasreload | table | postgres public | radacct | table | postgres public | radcheck | table | postgres public | radgroupcheck | table | postgres public | radgroupreply | table | postgres public | radpostauth | table | postgres public | radreply | table | postgres public | radusergroup | table | postgres (9 rows)
Create a new sample user in the
table. For example,kiki
and set the user's password to1234
.sqlfreeradius=# INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName, Attribute, op, Value) VALUES ('kiki', 'Cleartext-Password', ':=', '1234');
Query the
table to view the available records.sqlfreeradius=# SELECT * FROM radcheck WHERE UserName = 'kiki';
id | username | attribute | op | value ----+----------+--------------------+-----+------ 1 | kiki | Cleartext-Password | := | 1234
Create a new test server in the
table.sqlfreeradius=# INSERT INTO nas (nasname, shortname, type, ports, secret, community, description) VALUES ('', 'localhost', 'other', 0, 'testing123', NULL, 'Local NAS for testing');
Query the
table to verify the available servers.sqlfreeradius=# SELECT * FROM nas WHERE nasname = '';
id | nasname | shortname | type | ports | secret | community | description ----+------------+-----------+-------+-------+------------+-----------+----------------------- 1 | | localhost | other | 0 | testing123 | | Local NAS for testing
Exit the PostgreSQL database console.
sqlfreeradius=# \q
Configure FreeRADIUS to Use PostgreSQL
Follow the steps below to configure FreeRADIUS to work with the PostgreSQL database server.
Enable the FreeRADIUS SQL module by creating a symbolic link in the
configurations directory.console$ sudo ln -s /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-available/sql /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/
Open the default FreeRADIUS configuration file.
console$ sudo nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-available/default
Find the following
directive and remove the-
symbol to enable the SQL directive.ini# See "Authorization Queries" in mods-available/sql -sql
Open the
file.console$ sudo nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-available/inner-tunnel
Find the following SQL directives and remove the
symbols to enable each directive.ini# See "Simultaneous Use Checking Queries" in `mods-config/sql/main/$driver/queries.> # sql # See "Authentication Logging Queries" in `mods-config/sql/main/$driver/queries.con> -sql
Save and close the file.
Open the
file.console$ sudo nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-available/sql
Find the following
directive and change the value fromSQLite
.inidialect = "postgresql"
Find the
directive and change the value fromrlm_sql_null
to integrate FreeRADIUS with PostgreSQL.inidriver = "rlm_sql_${dialect}"
Find the database connection section, uncomment all directives, and enter your PostgreSQL database information in the respective fields.
ini# Connection info: server = "localhost" port = 5432 login = "postgres" password = "radpass"
Find the
directive and change the value fromradius
to the FreeRADIUS database you created earlier.iniradius_db = "freeradius"
Find and uncomment the
directive to enable FreeRADIUS to read client details from thenas
table.iniread_clients = yes
Save and close the file.
Test the FreeRADIUS Integration with PostgreSQL
Follow the steps below to test the FreeRADIUS integration with PostgreSQL. You will authenticate with your local server using the test user you created earlier in the radcheck
table to verify that FreeRADIUS successfully reads data from the database.
Stop the FreeRADIUS system service.
console$ sudo service freeradius stop
Start FreeRADIUS in debugging mode as a background process to view detailed process information.
console$ sudo /usr/sbin/freeradius -X &
Listening on auth address port 18120 bound to server inner-tunnel Listening on auth address * port 1812 bound to server default Listening on acct address * port 1813 bound to server default Listening on auth address :: port 1812 bound to server default Listening on acct address :: port 1813 bound to server default Listening on proxy address * port 49424 Listening on proxy address :: port 46803 Ready to process requests
If you receive the following error when starting the server:
Failed binding to auth address port 18120 bound to server inner-tunnel: Address already in use /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel[33]: Error binding to port for port 18120
Run the following command to get the FreeRADIUS process ID.
console$ sudo ps aux | grep radius
freerad 9374 0.0 3.0 98528 30080 ? Ssl 06:43 0:00 /usr/sbin/freeradius -f root 23698 0.0 0.2 7076 2048 pts/0 S+ 16:33 0:00 grep --color=auto radius
Stop the
process by specifying the ID, such as9374
based on the above output.console$ kill-9 9374
Start the server again in debugging mode.
console$ sudo /usr/sbin/freeradius -X
Run the
utility and try authenticating to the FreeRADIUS server askiki
and specify1234
as the password.console$ radtest kiki 1234 localhost 0 testing123
Sent Access-Request Id 36 from to length 74 User-Name = "kiki" User-Password = "1234" NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Port = 0 Message-Authenticator = 0x00 Cleartext-Password = "1234" Received Access-Accept Id 36 from to length 20
Received Access-Accept...
response in the above output shows that you have successfully authenticated to the server.
You have installed and configured FreeRADIUS with PostgreSQL to enable real-time authentication on a server. You can use FreeRADIUS to perform user authentication and authorization tasks. In addition, you can also use group-based access control by utilizing the RadGroupCheck and RadGroupReply tables in PostgreSQL to store attribute checks for specific user groups. After you install FreeRADIUS, you will have more configuration options; please visit the FreeRADIUS documentation.