How to Install Webmin on FreeBSD 14.0

Updated on October 18, 2024
How to Install Webmin on FreeBSD 14.0 header image


Webmin, an open-source web-based system administration tool, is ideal for managing Unix-based systems, including FreeBSD 14.0. When you install Webmin on FreeBSD 14.0, it provides a user-friendly graphical interface to handle tasks such as managing users, installing applications, and configuring server settings without requiring command-line input.

This article explains how to install Webmin on FreeBSD 14.0. You'll also secure access to the Webmin administration control panel using a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate.


Before you begin:

Install Webmin on FreeBSD 14.0

Webmin is available in the default package repositories on FreeBSD. Follow the steps below to install Webmin using the default pkg package manager on your server.

  1. Update the server's package information index.

    $ sudo pkg update
  2. Install Webmin.

    $ sudo pkg install webmin
  3. Start the Webmin setup script.

    $ sudo /usr/local/lib/webmin/

    Respond with the following values when prompted:

    • Config file directory [/usr/local/etc/webmin]: Press Enter to install all Webmin configurations to the default /usr/local/etc/webmin directory.
    • Log file directory [/var/db/webmin]: Press Enter to write all Webmin log files to the /var/db/webmin directory.
    • Full path to perl (default /usr/local/bin/perl): Press Enter to use the default Perl path.
    • Web server port (default 10000): Press Enter to use the default Webmin port 10000 or specify a custom port to listen for incoming connections.
    • Login name (default admin): Enter your desired administrative username and press Enter. For example, webmin-admin.
    • Login password: Enter a strong user password of your choice and press Enter.
    • Password again: Repeat the password.
    • Use SSL (y/n): Enter Y to enable Webmin SSL configurations on the server.


    Creating web server config files ..
    .. done
    Creating access control file ..
    .. done
    Creating start and stop init scripts ..
    .. done
  4. Enable the Webmin service to automatically start at boot.

    $ sudo sysrc webmin_enable=YES
  5. Start the Webmin service.

    $ sudo service webmin start


    Starting Webmin.
    Starting Webmin server in /usr/local/lib/webmin

Secure Webmin

Webmin listens for connections on port 10000 and uses a self-signed SSL certificate by default. Follow the steps below to secure Webmin with a trusted Let's Encrypt SSL certificate.

  1. Search all Certbot package versions available in the default repositories.

    $ sudo pkg search certbot



    Based on the above output, py311-certbot is the latest version available in the package repositories on your server.

  2. Install the Certbot Let's Encrypt client tool.

    $ sudo pkg install py311-certbot
  3. Generate a new Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for your domain. Replace with your actual domain and with your email address.

    $ sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d  -m --agree-tos


    Account registered
    Requesting a certificate for
    Successfully received certificate.
    Certificate is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    Key is saved at:         /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    This certificate expires on 2024-11-26.
    These files will be updated when the certificate renews.

    Certbot stores the new SSL certificate in the /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/ directory based on the above output. Within the directory:

    • fullchain.pem: The SSL certificate file.
    • privkey.pem: The private key file.
  4. Run the following command to merge the SSL certificate and private key into a single .pem file. For example, webmin.pem.

    $ sudo cat /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/ /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/ > webmin.pem
  5. Move the webmin.pem certificate file to the Webmin configurations directory.

    $ sudo mv webmin.pem /usr/local/etc/webmin/
  6. Open the main Webmin configuration file using a text editor like vi.

    $ sudo vi /usr/local/etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
  7. Find and replace the keyfile value with your webmin.pem SSL certificate path.


    Save and close the file.

  8. Restart Webmin to apply the configuration changes.

    $ sudo service webmin restart

    For Debian users, follow this article to install Webmin on Debian 12 and manage your system efficiently.

Set Up Firewall Rules

Follow the steps below to configure IPFW and allow the default Webmin interface port 10000 and the HTTPS port 443 through the firewall.

  1. Enable the IPFQ firewall service to automatically start at boot.

    $ sudo sysrc firewall_enable="YES"
  2. Set the firewall type to workstation to allow outgoing and incoming connections on the server.

    $ sudo sysrc firewall_type="workstation"
  3. Create a new ipfw.rules file to store your firewall rules.

    $ sudo vi /etc/ipfw.rules
  4. Add the following rules to the file.

    ipfw -q -f flush
    ipfw add allow tcp from any to any 22 in
    ipfw add allow tcp from any to any 10000 in
    ipfw add allow tcp from any to any 443 in
    ipfw add deny tcp from any to any 80 in
    ipfw add allow tcp from any to any established
    ipfw add allow icmp from any to any

    Save and close the file.

    Within the above firewall rules configuration:

    • ipfw -q -f flush: Flushes all existing rules.
    • ipfw add allow tcp from any to any 10000 in: Allows connections to the Webmin port 10000.
    • ipfw add allow tcp from any to any 443 in: Allows incoming HTTPS connections on port 443.
    • ipfw add deny tcp from any to any 80 in: Denies insecure HTTP connections on port 80.
    • ipfw add allow tcp from any to any established: Allows all traffic for established TCP connections.
    • ipfw add allow icmp from any to any: Allows ICMP connections.
  5. Enable IPFW to load and use the firewall rules configuration at boot.

    $ sudo sysrc firewall_script="/etc/ipfw.rules"
  6. Start the IPFW firewall service to apply changes.

    $ sudo service ipfw start


    00100 allow tcp from any to any 10000 in
    00200 allow tcp from any to any 443 in
    00300 deny tcp from any to any 80 in
    00400 allow tcp from any to any established
    00500 allow icmp from any to any
    Firewall rules loaded

Access Webmin

Webmin runs on the default port 10000 on your server unless you change the port using the web administration interface. Follow the steps below to access the Webmin web administration interface.

  1. Access your Webmin domain on port 10000 using a web browser such as Chrome.
  2. Enter the administrative user credentials, such as webmin-admin and webmin-password that you created earlier and click Sign in to log in to the Webmin interface .

    Log in to Webmin

  3. View the real-time processor information, memory usage, disk space, running processes, and statistics history under System Information.

    Webmin Dashboard

  4. Expand the System drop-down on the main navigation menu to manage tasks on your FreeBSD server. For example, click Running Processes to view all active processes.

    View Running Processes in the Webmin dashboard

  5. Expand the Tools drop-down and select File Manager to manage files and directories.

    Access the File Manager in Webmin

Looking to install Webmin on a different system? Follow this guide to install Webmin on Ubuntu for detailed steps.


You have installed Webmin on FreeBSD 14.0 and accessed the web administration interface to manage your server. The Webmin control panel offers multiple tools for installing packages, uploading files, and performing other administration tasks on your server. For more information and configuration options, please visit the Webmin documentation.