Java Program to Clear the StringBuffer

Updated on November 25, 2024
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In Java, the StringBuffer class is used to create mutable strings, which means the contents of the strings can be modified after they are created. This provides a significant advantage in scenarios where a lot of string manipulation is required, reducing the need to create new string objects in memory for every modification.

In this article, you will learn how to clear the contents of a StringBuffer instance in Java through practical examples. You'll explore methods such as setting its length to zero and using the delete method to effectively reset a StringBuffer.

Clearing StringBuffer Using setLength()

Set Length to Zero

  1. Initialize a StringBuffer with some text.

  2. Use the setLength(0) method to clear its content.

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Hello, World!");
    System.out.println("Buffer after clear: '" + buffer + "'");

    This code initializes a StringBuffer with "Hello, World!" and then sets its length to 0, effectively clearing the buffer. When printed, the buffer shows as empty.

Verify the Buffer’s Capacity

  1. Check the capacity before and after clearing the StringBuffer.

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Hello, World!");
    System.out.println("Capacity before clear: " + buffer.capacity());
    System.out.println("Capacity after clear: " + buffer.capacity());

    In this example, the capacity of the StringBuffer before and after clearing is displayed. Notably, setting the length to zero does not change the capacity; it only affects the length.

Clearing StringBuffer Using delete()

Use delete() Method

  1. Create a StringBuffer containing some text.

  2. Apply the delete() method to remove all content.

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Sample Text");
    buffer.delete(0, buffer.length());
    System.out.println("Buffer after delete: '" + buffer + "'");

    The delete() method takes two parameters: the start and the end index. Here, it removes all characters from index 0 to the length of the buffer, clearing its contents.

Resetting Repeatedly in a Loop

  1. Employ delete() in a loop for repetitive clearance tasks in scenarios such as text processing.

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Iteration ");
    int limit = 5;
    for (int i = 1; i <= limit; i++) {
        buffer.delete(0, buffer.length());

    This snippet demonstrates using StringBuffer in a scenario where it needs to be cleared repeatedly within a loop, here appending and then erasing numerical increments.


Clearing a StringBuffer in Java is straightforward and can be efficiently managed by using setLength(0) or delete(). Each approach has its use depending on the context and the specific requirement of the program. The setLength() method is excellent for quick resets, while delete() offers precise control over the range of text to be removed. By grasping these techniques, you enhance your ability to manage dynamic string operations effectively in Java applications.