JavaScript Program to Convert Decimal to Binary

Updated on September 30, 2024
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The task of converting decimal numbers to binary format is a common requirement in various programming and computational tasks. In JavaScript, this conversion can be achieved using different methods, allowing programmers to apply the technique best suited to their needs and contexts. This process is fundamental in understanding how numbers are represented in computing, especially for tasks related to data encoding and binary operations.

In this article, you will learn how to convert decimal numbers to binary using JavaScript. Explore various practical examples illustrating different methods of conversion, ensuring a comprehensive grasp on manipulating numeric data formats efficiently.

Using toString() Method

Basic Decimal to Binary Conversion

  1. Choose the decimal number to convert.

  2. Use the toString() method with base 2.

    let decimalNumber = 5;
    let binaryString = decimalNumber.toString(2);

    This code converts the decimal number 5 into its binary string equivalent 101. The toString(2) specifically instructs JavaScript to convert the number into a binary format.

Large Decimal Number Conversion

  1. Take a more substantial decimal number for conversion.

  2. Implement the same toString() method.

    let largeDecimal = 345;
    let largeBinary = largeDecimal.toString(2);

    Here, the decimal number 345 is converted to the binary string 101011001. The process remains the same regardless of the size of the number.

Using Bitwise Operators

Simple Bitwise Shift

  1. Understand the use of bitwise shifting.

  2. Convert a small decimal using bitwise manipulation.

    let num = 7;
    let binaryUsingBitwise = (num >>> 0).toString(2);

    This results in 111. The expression (num >>> 0) forces the JavaScript engine to treat num as a 32-bit integer, facilitating the binary conversion.

Convert Negative Decimal Number

  1. Recognize handling negative numbers in binary.

  2. Apply bitwise shifting for a negative decimal.

    let negativeDecimal = -7;
    let binaryNegative = (negativeDecimal >>> 0).toString(2);

    Outputs the binary representation of -7 in a 32-bit system, typically a long binary sequence starting with many 1s representing the two's complement in binary systems.

Manual Conversion Method for Educational Insight

Conversion Through Division

  1. Start with a decimal number.

  2. Use a loop to divide the number by 2, capturing remainders.

    function convertToBinary(dec) {
        let binary = '';
        while (dec > 0) {
            binary = (dec % 2) + binary;
            dec = Math.floor(dec / 2);
        return binary;
    console.log(convertToBinary(50));  // Outputs '110010'

    This function demonstrates a manual method: dividing the decimal number by 2, storing the remainder, and repeating until the number is 0. Results accumulate in a string that represents the binary format of the original decimal.


The conversion from decimal to binary in JavaScript can be executed using multiple methods, each suited to different requirements and scenarios. Utilize the built-in toString() method for quick conversions, explore bitwise operations for a deeper understanding of JavaScript's handling of number representations, or implement a manual process to grasp the core concept of binary conversion. These approaches enhance your ability to manipulate and convert numeric data types effectively in JavaScript, making your code versatile for various computational tasks.