JavaScript Function apply() - Apply Function Context

Updated on September 27, 2024
apply() header image


The apply() method in JavaScript is a powerful function that you can use to call another function, while explicitly setting the this context and passing arguments as an array. This method is particularly useful in object-oriented programming when the context of this needs to be controlled, and when a function needs to be invoked with a dynamically determined set of arguments.

In this article, you will learn how to use the apply() method effectively to manage function contexts and arguments in JavaScript. Discover practical applications of apply(), including inheriting constructors, working with array-like objects, and more.

Understanding the apply() Method

Basic Usage of apply()

  1. Recognize that apply() allows you to execute a function with a specified this value.

  2. Pass arguments to the function as an array or an array-like object.

    function greet(name, city) {
        console.log(`Hello, ${name} from ${city}!`);
    const person = {
        name: 'John',
        city: 'New York'
    greet.apply(person, [,]);

    This example uses apply() to invoke the greet function, setting this to the person object and passing the parameters as an array.

Manipulating Array-like Objects

  1. Use apply() in combination with Math functions to process values in array-like objects.

  2. Smoothly convert an array-like object to an array if necessary.

    const scores = {
        '0': 98,
        '1': 95,
        '2': 93,
        'length': 3 // Length is necessary for array-like objects
    const maxScore = Math.max.apply(null,;
    console.log(`Highest score: ${maxScore}`);

    In this snippet, apply() allows Math.max to take scores as an array-like object, calculating the maximum value.

Using apply() with Constructor Chaining

  1. Apply the apply() method to carry out constructor chaining, where one constructor calls another constructor within the same object.

    function Product(name, price) { = name;
        this.price = price;
    function Food(name, price) {
        Product.apply(this, [name, price]);
        this.category = 'food';
    var cheese = new Food('feta', 5);

    In this example, Food inherits properties from Product by calling Product.apply(). Here, this refers to the Food instance.

Advanced Techniques Using apply()

Spreading Elements

  1. Utilize apply() to spread elements in an iterable object.

    let numbers = [9, 4, 7, 1];
    let maxNum = Math.max.apply(null, numbers);
    console.log(`Maximum number: ${maxNum}`);

    In this case, apply() is used to spread the numbers array into individual arguments for Math.max().

Binding Functions

  1. Recognize that apply() can be used to bind a function to an object dynamically, similar to using bind(), but invoked instantaneously.

    let runner = {
        speed: 10,
        run: function() {
            console.log(`Running at ${this.speed} km/h`);
    setTimeout(function() {;
    }, 1000);

    This script sets up a delayed action to call the run function, explicitly setting this to reference the runner object.


The apply() method in JavaScript is an excellent tool for flexible function invocation, allowing for specific handling of the this context and argument passing. By leveraging apply(), you expand your capacity to build more adaptable and maintainable JavaScript code, whether it’s through function binding, constructor chaining, or working with array-like objects. Embrace these techniques to enhance your coding strategies and optimize your application's performance.