How to Integrate Vultr Single Sign-On with OneLogin

Updated on November 27, 2024

Single sign-on (SSO) is a service that lets you authenticate to multiple websites and applications using one set of login credentials. SSO eliminates the need for multiple logins, hence providing a better user experience. Vultr SSO integrates well with OneLogin, a market-leading identity and access management solution.

Follow this guide to integrate Vultr SSO with OneLogin using the Vultr Customer Portal.

Set up OneLogin Account Integration

Create a OneLogin Application

  1. Log in to your OneLogin account.

  2. Go to Applications and select Applications.

    Create Onelogin Application

  3. Click Add APP.

    Create Onelogin Application

  4. Enter the OpenId Connect keyword in the search box. Then click OpenId Connect (OIDC) in the search result.

    Find OpenId Connect

  5. Customize your app display name, icons, and descriptions. Then, click SAVE at the top.

    OpenId Connect Details

  6. Click Configuration in the new navigation menu. Then, enter in the Login Url, Redirect URL, and Post Logout Redirect URIs textboxes.

    OpenId Configuration Details

  7. Click SSO. Then, copy the Client ID, Client Secret, and Issuer URL. You must click the Show client secret to display the value. Then, select POST under Token Endpoint Authentication Method and click SAVE.

    OpenId Configuration Details

Create a OneLogin User

  1. Navigate to Users and select Users.

    OneLogin Add New User

  2. Click New User.

    Click New User

  3. Customize the user details, including the name and email address and click Save User.

    User Details

  4. Select Applications in the new navigation menu and click the + to assign an application to the user. Select the OpenId Connect App you created earlier and click Continue.

    Add Application to User

  5. Click Save in the next screen.

    Add Application to User

Set up Vultr Single Sign-On

  1. Navigate to Account and select Users under OTHER.

  2. Click Begin Setup under Single Sign-On.

    Single Sign-on Setup

  3. Enter OneLogin Credentials and click Enable SSO.

    Single Sign-on Setup

    1. Click Add New User to create a new user account.

    Add SSO User

  4. Enter the user details, including the name and email. Then, customize the user's permissions and click Add User.

    Enter the User Details

  5. Use your OneLogin user account to log in to Vultr through the Vultr SSO Login page.