Java Program to Implement multiple inheritance

Updated on December 19, 2024
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Java, as a programming language, does not support multiple inheritance through classes due to inherent complexities and issues such as the Diamond Problem. However, Java provides a workaround to implement multiple inheritance using interfaces, which ensures that a class can inherit behavior from multiple sources. This feature is crucial for Java developers seeking to create adaptable and scalable systems.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively utilize interfaces to simulate multiple inheritance in Java. Explore through practical examples that demonstrate how a class can implement more than one interface, thereby inheriting methods from multiple sources. Each example will guide you through different scenarios using simple and engaging code snippets to illustrate the concepts clearly.

How Interfaces Simulate Multiple Inheritance

Basic Implementation of Multiple Interfaces

  1. Define two interfaces, each with a method.

  2. Create a class that implements both interfaces and provides concrete implementations for the interface methods.

    interface InterfaceA {
        void methodA();
    interface InterfaceB {
        void methodB();
    class MultipleInheritanceClass implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
        public void methodA() {
            System.out.println("Method A from Interface A");
        public void methodB() {
            System.out.println("Method B from Interface B");

    In this example, MultipleInheritanceClass implements both InterfaceA and InterfaceB. It provides concrete methods for methodA() and methodB() which are declared in the interfaces. This demonstrates how a single class can inherit behaviors from multiple sources in Java.

Implementing Interfaces with Default Methods

  1. Add default methods to interfaces which allows the interfaces to provide a default implementation.

  2. Implement these interfaces in a class and override one of the default methods.

    interface InterfaceC {
        default void methodC() {
            System.out.println("Default Method C from Interface C");
    interface InterfaceD {
        default void methodD() {
            System.out.println("Default Method D from Interface D");
    class EnhancedMultipleInheritanceClass implements InterfaceC, InterfaceD {
        public void methodD() {
            System.out.println("Overridden Method D in Class");

    Here, both InterfaceC and InterfaceD provide default implementations. The class EnhancedMultipleInheritanceClass chooses to override methodD() to provide a specific implementation. This showcases an advanced use of multiple inheritance where default methods in interfaces reduce the necessity for concrete implementations in the class.

Handling Multiple Interfaces with Same Default Methods

  1. Implement two interfaces with conflicting default methods in a single class.

  2. Resolve the conflict by overriding the clashing method in the class.

    interface InterfaceE {
        default void commonMethod() {
            System.out.println("Method from Interface E");
    interface InterfaceF {
        default void commonMethod() {
            System.out.println("Method from Interface F");
    class ConflictResolutionClass implements InterfaceE, InterfaceF {
        public void commonMethod() {

    In ConflictResolutionClass, both InterfaceE and InterfaceF have a default commonMethod(). The class must override commonMethod() and decides to call both versions of the method from the respective interfaces. This clarifies how to manage method conflicts when multiple interfaces provide default implementations of the same method.


Interfaces in Java provide a powerful mechanism to achieve multiple inheritance while avoiding the complexity and drawbacks associated with multiple class inheritance. By utilizing interfaces, Java allows classes to inherit from multiple sources, enhancing flexibility and reusability. Through the examples provided, grasp how to use multiple interfaces effectively, deal with default method conflicts, and extend the functionality of your Java classes. Adapt these principles in your projects to harness the full potential of Java's interface-based inheritance.