Java Object hashCode() - Generate Hash Code

Updated on November 19, 2024
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The hashCode() method in Java is a fundamental aspect of the Object class, pivotal in certain Java functionalities like hash-based collections, e.g., HashSet, HashMap, and HashTable. This method delivers a hash representation of an object, enhancing the efficiency of large-scale data management.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively use the hashCode() method in Java. Explore how this method facilitates easier data manipulation and enhances performance when working with collections. Additionally, dive into creating custom hashCode() implementations for user-defined classes.

Understanding hashCode()

Basics of hashCode() Method

  1. Identify that every class in Java inherits the hashCode() method from the java.lang.Object class.
  2. Recognize that the default implementation of hashCode() provides distinct integers for distinct objects, unless overridden.

Reasons for Using hashCode()

  1. Hashing is essential for fast data retrieval.
  2. Collections like HashMap and HashSet use hash codes for efficiently managing their entries.

Customizing hashCode() in Java Classes

Steps to Override the Default Implementation

  1. Generate an override for the hashCode() method in your custom class.

  2. Use the fields of the object to calculate a hash code. Usually, it's a combination of constants and the specific fields' hash codes.

    class Car {
        private String manufacturer;
        private int year;
        public int hashCode() {
            int hash = 7;
            hash = 31 * hash + (manufacturer != null ? manufacturer.hashCode() : 0);
            hash = 31 * hash + year;
            return hash;

    This code constructs a hash code using the manufacturer and year properties of the Car object. The number 31 is commonly used in hash function implementations due to its effectiveness in generating unique hash codes. If manufacturer is null, it contributes zero to the hash code.

Best Practices in Implementing hashCode()

  1. Ensure that if two objects are equal, they must have the same hash code.
  2. Strive for a distribution that minimizes the number of collisions.
  3. Maintain consistency of the hash code value across different executions of the application.

Common Issues with hashCode()

Investigating Hash Code Collisions

  1. Accept that collisions are inevitable due to the finite size of integer types.
  2. Improve hash code calculations by combining multiple fields and using prime numbers, which can help in distributing hash codes more uniformly across the range of integers.

Example of Collision Handling

  1. Consider how HashMap stores multiple objects at the same bucket when collisions occur. It uses a linked list or a balanced tree to handle multiple items with identical hash codes efficiently.

    HashMap<Car, String> registry = new HashMap<>();
    registry.put(new Car("Toyota", 2021), "Registered");
    registry.put(new Car("Honda", 2020), "Pending Inspection");

    In this example, if both Car instances generate the same hash code, HashMap effectively handles the collision internally without loss of data integrity.


Mastering the hashCode() method in Java enhances your capability to design robust and efficient applications, particularly when working with collections that heavily depend on hashing like HashMap or HashSet. By customizing and implementing the method properly in your classes, you optimize your application's performance and data management efficiency. Leverage the insights and techniques discussed to ensure your implementations of the hashCode() method are effective and reliable.