

Find the Square Root

Convert Date to Number

Calculate the Area of a Triangle

Print Hello World

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

Add Two Numbers

Compare Two Strings

Convert Decimal to Binary

Check if the Numbers Have Same Last Digit

Check If a Variable is of Function Type

Add Element to Start of an Array

Compare The Value of Two Dates

Check if An Array Contains a Specified Value

Check Prime Number

Convert Kilometers to Miles

Find the Factorial of a Number

Display the Multiplication Table

Find factorial of number using recursion

Find the largest among three numbers

Generate a random number

Check if a number is odd or even

Check if a variable is undefined or null

Convert objects to strings

Check if a number is positive, negative, or zero

Find armstrong number in an interval

Compare elements of two arrays

Check if a number is float or integer

Check if a key exists in an object

Check if an object is an array

Check whether a string contains a substring

Add key/value pair to an object

Check leap year

Check armstrong number

Find the factors of a number

Append an object to an array

Check whether a string starts and ends with certain characters

Convert the first letter of a string into uppercase

Clone a js object

Find ascii value of character

Find the sum of natural numbers

Check if a string starts with another string

Check the number of occurrences of a character in the string

Check whether a string is palindrome or not

Guess a random number

Find sum of natural numbers using recursion

Sort words in alphabetical order

Shuffle deck of cards

Swap two variables

Print the fibonacci sequence

Find lcm

Find hcf or gcd

Display fibonacci sequence using recursion

Replace characters of a string