JavaScript Number isInteger() - Check If Integer

Updated on September 27, 2024
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The Number.isInteger() method in JavaScript is a straightforward and effective way to determine whether a given value is an integer. This built-in method is crucial for validating data and ensuring that certain values conform to expected numeric formats before performing further operations, such as mathematical calculations or database insertions.

In this article, you will learn how to utilize the Number.isInteger() function in JavaScript. Explore various scenarios to understand better how this method works with different data types and how it can be used to ensure data integrity in your applications.

Understanding Number.isInteger()

Basic Usage of isInteger

  1. First, familiarize yourself with the syntax of Number.isInteger(value).

  2. Pass a numeric value to the function to check if it is an integer.

    const num = 5;
    const result = Number.isInteger(num);
    console.log(result); // Outputs: true

    This code snippet verifies whether num is an integer. Since num is 5, which is an integer, Number.isInteger() returns true.

Using with Non-Integer Values

  1. Apply Number.isInteger() to non-integer numbers to observe its response.

  2. Analyze its behavior when dealing with floating-point numbers, demonstrating its strict validation.

    const num = 5.5;
    const result = Number.isInteger(num);
    console.log(result); // Outputs: false

    Here, num is a floating point number (5.5), so Number.isInteger() appropriately returns false.

Checking Non-Number Data Types

  1. Determine the outcome when passing non-numeric types to Number.isInteger().

  2. Use various data types such as strings, booleans, and null to see how Number.isInteger() handles them.

    console.log(Number.isInteger("5"));   // Outputs: false
    console.log(Number.isInteger(true));  // Outputs: false
    console.log(Number.isInteger(null));  // Outputs: false

    In the above code, attempting to check if non-numeric types are integers consistently results in false, as Number.isInteger() is type-sensitive and requires a number type input.

Practical Application in Data Validation

Ensuring Array Elements are Integers

  1. Use Number.isInteger() within an array filtering operation to create an array exclusively of integers.

  2. Implement this method to enhance data validation processes in applications.

    const mixedArray = [1, 2.5, 3, 4.5, 5];
    const integersOnly = mixedArray.filter(item => Number.isInteger(item));
    console.log(integersOnly); // Outputs: [1, 3, 5]

    This example filters out non-integer elements in mixedArray, utilizing Number.isInteger() in the callback function of the filter() method. The output is an array of integers [1, 3, 5].


The Number.isInteger() function in JavaScript offers a reliable and easy way to validate whether a value is an integer. Essential in scenarios requiring strict numeric formats, this method ensures that your JavaScript applications handle data correctly and maintain their integrity. By incorporating the techniques discussed here, make sure your code efficiently checks and processes numerical data, leading to robust and error-free applications.