JavaScript Number toString() - Convert to String

Updated on September 27, 2024
toString() header image


The toString() method in JavaScript offers a straightforward approach to converting a number to its string representation. This built-in function is highly versatile and essential in scenarios where you need to perform operations that require string data types instead of numbers. It simplifies data manipulation and helps in integrating numeric values with text or in debugging processes where value readability is crucial.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively employ the toString() method across various contexts. Enable JavaScript numbers to be transformed into strings easily and discover how to specify different base representations for numeric values, enhancing your capability in handling numeric data conversion in JavaScript applications.

Using toString() to Convert Numbers

Convert a Decimal Number to String

  1. Define a decimal number.

  2. Apply the toString() method to convert it to a string.

    let number = 123;
    let text = number.toString();
    console.log(text); // Outputs: "123"

    This code snippet demonstrates converting the decimal number 123 into the string "123" using toString().

Convert a Number in Different Numerical Bases

  1. Understand that by default, toString() converts numbers to a base-10 string.

  2. Use toString(base) where base can be any integer from 2 to 36 to convert the number to different bases such as binary, octal, hexadecimal, etc.

  3. Convert a number to binary (base 2), octal (base 8), and hexadecimal (base 16).

    let number = 10;
    let binaryString = number.toString(2);
    let octalString = number.toString(8);
    let hexString = number.toString(16);
    console.log(binaryString); // Outputs: "1010"
    console.log(octalString); // Outputs: "12"
    console.log(hexString); // Outputs: "a"

    In this example, the number 10 is converted into different string representations for binary, octal, and hexadecimal formats.

Using toString() in Template Literals for Readable Code

  1. Recognize the convenience of toString() when generating formatted strings.

  2. Use toString() within template literals to integrate numbers seamlessly with other text.

    let value = 255;
    let message = `The value is ${value.toString()}`;
    console.log(message); // Outputs: "The value is 255"

    Here, toString() helps in embedding the numeric value within a string message smoothly, making the code cleaner and the output easily readable.


The toString() method in JavaScript is a fundamental tool for converting numbers to strings. It's particularly useful in scenarios where numeric data needs to be displayed as text or integrated within textual outputs. By mastering this method, enhance the versatility of your JavaScript coding, especially when dealing with different numeric bases and creating user-friendly displays. Utilize the demonstrated techniques to maintain concise and readable code that effectively handles various data conversion requirements.