JavaScript Object getOwnPropertyNames() - Retrieve Property Names

Updated on September 27, 2024
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The JavaScript Object.getOwnPropertyNames() method is an integral part of object manipulation and introspection, allowing developers to retrieve an array of all properties (including non-enumerable properties) found directly upon a given object. This function facilitates operations on object properties, especially when you need a reliable way to handle properties regardless of their enumerability.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively use the Object.getOwnPropertyNames() method in different contexts. Explore how to employ this method to extract property names from objects and understand when and why to use this method over others, such as Object.keys() or loops.

Retrieving All Property Names

Retrieve Names from a Simple Object

  1. Define a simple object with a mix of enumerable and non-enumerable properties.

  2. Use Object.getOwnPropertyNames() to get all property names.

    const person = {
        name: 'John',
        age: 30
    Object.defineProperty(person, 'id', {
        value: '123456',
        enumerable: false
    const propertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(person);

    This code first defines an object person with properties name and age. Then, it adds a non-enumerable property id using Object.defineProperty. When Object.getOwnPropertyNames() is called, it retrieves all the properties including the non-enumerable id.

Using in Objects with Inherited Properties

  1. Understand that properties inherited from a prototype are not included.

  2. Define an object that inherits properties and examine its own properties.

    const proto = {
        inheritedProp: 'inherited'
    const childObject = Object.create(proto);
    childObject.ownProp = 'own';
    const ownPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(childObject);

    This code snippet shows how Object.getOwnPropertyNames() deals with inherited properties. childObject inherits inheritedProp from proto but only lists properties defined directly on it, such as ownProp.

Comparing with Other Methods

Compare with Object.keys()

  1. Realize that Object.keys() only lists enumerable properties.

  2. Compare outputs of Object.keys() and Object.getOwnPropertyNames().

    const exampleObject = {
        visibleProp: 'visible',
        invisibleProp: 42
    Object.defineProperty(exampleObject, 'invisibleProp', {
        enumerable: false
    const keys = Object.keys(exampleObject);
    const propNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(exampleObject);
    console.log('Object.keys():', keys);             // ['visibleProp']
    console.log('getOwnPropertyNames():', propNames); // ['visibleProp', 'invisibleProp']

    In the above example, Object.keys() does not include the non-enumerable invisibleProp while Object.getOwnPropertyNames() does.


The Object.getOwnPropertyNames() function in JavaScript is crucial for retrieving all property names, including non-enumerable ones, from an object. Whether checking property existence, debugging, or serializing objects without missing properties, this method proves essential. By understanding and using techniques discussed, you manage object properties more effectively, ensuring comprehensive property manipulation and introspection in JavaScript development.