JavaScript Object hasOwnProperty() - Check Property Existence

Updated on September 27, 2024
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The hasOwnProperty() method in JavaScript is an essential function for checking whether an object contains a property as its own (not inherited from the prototype chain). This method is critical in ensuring that the properties you work with are indeed part of the object you're dealing with and not derived from its prototype. This provides a safer and more controlled handling of objects in your code.

In this article, you will learn how to use the hasOwnProperty() method effectively across various scenarios. Explore how to verify the existence of properties directly within an object, thus differentiating them from those inherited through the prototype chain.

Usage of hasOwnProperty()

Check Direct Property of an Object

  1. Define an object with properties.

  2. Use hasOwnProperty() to determine if a specific property exists as a direct property of the object.

    var car = {make: "Toyota", model: "Camry"};
    var hasMake = car.hasOwnProperty('make');
    var hasYear = car.hasOwnProperty('year');
    console.log(hasMake); // Outputs: true
    console.log(hasYear); // Outputs: false

    This example checks whether the car object has direct properties 'make' and 'year'. While 'make' is a property of the object (thus returning true), 'year' is not (thus returning false).

Use in a Function to Check Property

  1. Craft a function to check if an object contains a given property as its own.

  2. Pass the object and the property name as parameters.

  3. Return the result of hasOwnProperty().

    function checkProperty(obj, prop) {
        return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);
    var book = {title: "1984", author: "George Orwell"};
    console.log(checkProperty(book, 'author')); // Outputs: true
    console.log(checkProperty(book, 'publisher')); // Outputs: false

    Here, the function checkProperty verifies if 'author' and 'publisher' are direct properties of the book object. The function returns true for 'author' and false for 'publisher'.

Avoid Common Pitfalls with Prototype Inheritance

  1. Understand that properties inherited from the prototype do not count as the object’s own properties.

  2. Demonstrate the difference using an object created from a prototype.

    function Vehicle(type) {
        this.type = type;
    Vehicle.prototype.wheels = 4;
    var bike = new Vehicle("bike");
    console.log(bike.hasOwnProperty('type')); // Outputs: true
    console.log(bike.hasOwnProperty('wheels')); // Outputs: false

    Although 'wheels' is accessible on the bike object and returns the correct value, it is part of the prototype (Vehicle.prototype) and not a direct property of the bike object itself. Thus, hasOwnProperty('wheels') returns false.


Utilizing the hasOwnProperty() method in JavaScript ensures that you are working with properties that are an integral part of the object itself, not inherited from its prototype chain. This approach minimizes bugs and misunderstanding in your code especially when dealing with complex objects and inheritance. Implement the hasOwnProperty() method to maintain clear and reliable object property checks in your applications, ensuring robust and predictable behavior in JavaScript applications.