JavaScript Object keys() - Get Object Keys

Updated on November 6, 2024
keys() header image


The Object.keys() method in JavaScript is a handy tool for extracting the keys from an object. This method is pivotal when you need to manipulate or iterate over an object's properties, enabling efficient data manipulation and retrieval within your applications.

In this article, you will learn how to effectively utilize the Object.keys() method in various programming scenarios. Explore how this method facilitates operations on objects, especially when dealing with dynamic property names and values.

Understanding Object.keys()

Retrieve Keys from a Simple Object

  1. Define a basic object with various properties.

  2. Use Object.keys() to extract the properties into an array.

    const person = { name: "Alice", age: 25, occupation: "Developer" };
    const keys = Object.keys(person);

    This code snippet extracts the keys name, age, and occupation from the person object and stores them in the keys array, outputting ['name', 'age', 'occupation'].

Using Object.keys() with Complex Objects

  1. Consider an object with nested properties.

  2. Apply Object.keys() to access the top-level keys.

    const user = {
        id: 1,
        profile: { username: "tech_guru", email: "" },
        isActive: true
    const topLevelKeys = Object.keys(user);

    In this example, Object.keys() retrieves the keys id, profile, and isActive from the user object.

Iteration over Object Keys

  1. Use Object.keys() to iteratively process all keys in an object.

  2. Combine it with methods like Array.forEach() for operations on each key.

    const settings = { volume: 10, brightness: 70, mode: "night" };
    Object.keys(settings).forEach(key => {
        console.log(`Key: ${key}, Value: ${settings[key]}`);

    Here, the keys from the settings object are iterated over, and for each key, both the key and its corresponding value are printed.

Using Object.keys() in Practical Scenarios

Filter Properties by Key Names

  1. Utilize Object.keys() to filter object properties based on a condition.

  2. Implement conditional filtering within the iteration.

    const data = { a1: "hello", a2: "world", b1: "welcome", b2: "Earth" };
    const filteredKeys = Object.keys(data).filter(key => key.startsWith('a'));

    The filter() function, combined with startsWith(), helps in selecting keys that begin with the letter 'a'.

Combine with Object Destructuring for Selective Retrieval

  1. Work with Object.keys() alongside destructuring to selectively extract multiple properties.

  2. Integrate these techniques to enhance readability and efficiency.

    const personDetails = { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", age: 30, occupation: "Engineer" };
    const selectedKeys = ['firstName', 'lastName'];
    const selectedData = Object.fromEntries(
        Object.entries(personDetails).filter(([key]) => selectedKeys.includes(key))

    This approach utilizes destructuring and Object.entries() to filter and recreate an object that only contains the firstName and lastName properties.


The Object.keys() function in JavaScript offers a streamlined way to access the keys of an object, enriching the ability to handle and manipulate data dynamically. By exploring the various methods of leveraging this function, you can enhance data management tasks in your applications. With the techniques discussed, your JavaScript code becomes more flexible and powerful in dealing with objects, from simple key retrieval to more complex data structuring and filtering.