JavaScript Array reverse() - Reverse Array Order

Updated on September 27, 2024
reverse() header image


The reverse() method in JavaScript is a straightforward and powerful function used to reverse the order of elements within an array. This method modifies the array in place and returns the same array with its elements reversed, making it a useful tool in various programming tasks, such as algorithm development and data processing.

In this article, you will learn how to use the reverse() method to invert the order of array elements. Explore practical examples that demonstrate how to reverse arrays containing different data types, and understand how this method affects the original array.

Reversing an Array of Numbers

Simple Array Reversal

  1. Create an array of numbers.

  2. Apply the reverse() method.

    let numberArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

    This code snippet reverses the numberArray. The console output will be [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] showing the array elements in reverse order.

Reversing and Using the Reversed Array

  1. Consider using the reversed array for further operations.

  2. Perform a calculation or manipulation using the reversed array.

    let prices = [4.25, 5.99, 3.50, 7.15];
    let reversedPrices = prices.reverse();
    let taxIncludedPrices = => price * 1.2);

    After reversing, this snippet maps over the reversedPrices to include tax. The manipulation demonstrates using the reversed array directly in subsequent calculations.

Reversing Arrays Containing Strings

Basic String Array Reversal

  1. Initialize an array with string elements.

  2. Use the reverse() method.

    let names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "David"];

    This outputs the array names in reverse order: ["David", "Carol", "Bob", "Alice"].

Combining with Other Array Methods

  1. Combine reverse() with other array methods like sort().

  2. First, sort the array, then reverse it.

    let fruits = ["banana", "apple", "orange", "mango"];

    This snippet sorts the array alphabetically and then reverses it. The final output is ["orange", "mango", "banana", "apple"], demonstrating how to chain reverse() with sort().

Implications of Reversing Arrays

It's important to remember that reverse() changes the original array itself. Here's what you need to consider:

  • The original array is mutated—this means that any other references to the original array also reflect the reversed changes.

  • To prevent mutation of the original array, you can first make a copy of the array and then apply reverse().

    let original = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let reversedCopy = [...original].reverse();
    console.log("Original:", original);
    console.log("Reversed Copy:", reversedCopy);

    This will show that the original array remains unchanged, while reversedCopy contains the reversed elements.


The reverse() method in JavaScript is a convenient and efficient way to reverse the elements of an array. While extremely useful in many scenarios, always consider the direct modification it makes to the original array. With the examples provided, effectively reverse arrays containing different data types and integrate this functionality into broader data processing and manipulation tasks. Apply these concepts to keep your code clean and effective, enhancing both readability and performance.