JavaScript String replaceAll() - Replace All Matches

Updated on September 27, 2024
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The replaceAll() method in JavaScript is designed to search for all occurrences of a substring in a string and replace them with a specified replacement string. This method offers a straightforward way to manipulate text data by ensuring that all instances of the search string are replaced, providing consistency throughout the altered data.

In this article, you will learn how to harness the replaceAll() method in various contexts. Explore scenarios demonstrating its utility in cleaning data, making bulk modifications to user inputs, or adapting existing text to new formats.

Understanding replaceAll() Basics

Basic Usage of replaceAll()

  1. Start with a simple string that contains repeated words or characters.

  2. Apply the replaceAll() method to replace all occurrences of the target substring.

    let message = "Hello World. World is vast.";
    let newMessage = message.replaceAll("World", "Earth");

    This code replaces every instance of "World" with "Earth" in the message string, outputting "Hello Earth. Earth is vast.".

Case Sensitivity in replaceAll()

  1. Appreciate that replaceAll() is case-sensitive.

  2. Modify the method use to incorporate a case-insensitive replacement.

    let text = "Favorite Color. FAVORITE COLOR. FaVoRiTe CoLoR.";
    let newText = text.replaceAll(/favorite color/i, "chosen color");

    In this example, the regular expression /favorite color/i ensures that all case variations of "Favorite Color" are replaced with "chosen color", demonstrating how regular expressions enhance the basic functionality of replaceAll().

Practical Use Cases for replaceAll()

Handling User Input for Consistency

  1. Imagine receiving user input with mixed formatting.

  2. Utilize replaceAll() to standardize or clean this data.

    let userInput = "Email:";
    let sanitizedInput = userInput.replaceAll("Email: ", "").trim().toLowerCase();

    This snippet effectively strips a prefix and standardizes the email address to lowercase, illustrating how replaceAll() can be part of input sanitization processes.

Dynamic Text Replacement in Templates

  1. Consider a scenario with a text template that includes placeholders.

  2. Use replaceAll() to substitute placeholders with dynamic values.

    let template = "Dear [name], your order [order_id] is ready.";
    let personalized = template.replaceAll("[name]", "Alice").replaceAll("[order_id]", "12345");

    The code dynamically replaces the placeholder tokens [name] and [order_id] with specific values, making it a useful method for creating personalized content from templates.


The replaceAll() function in JavaScript is a versatile and essential tool for text manipulation, enabling developers to replace all occurrences of a given substring within a string. Whether for data sanitization, bulk text modifications, or dynamic content generation, this method offers a reliable and powerful option for managing and manipulating strings across diverse applications. By mastering the replaceAll() method, you fortify your toolkit with the ability to handle complex text processing tasks efficiently.