JavaScript String fromCodePoint() - Create String From Codepoints

Updated on September 27, 2024
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The fromCodePoint() method in JavaScript is a powerful tool for creating strings from Unicode code points. This method serves as a modern way to handle Unicode characters that extends beyond the capabilities of the older fromCharCode() method, enabling developers to work seamlessly with the full range of Unicode characters, including supplementary characters (or emoji).

In this article, you will learn how to effectively utilize the fromCodePoint() method to construct strings from various Unicode code points. Discover practical applications for generating readable text from code points and understand how this fits into broader JavaScript programming for web development.

Using fromCodePoint() Method

Basic Usage of fromCodePoint()

  1. Understand that String.fromCodePoint() accepts any number of arguments, each representing a Unicode code point.

  2. Use fromCodePoint() to create simple text characters.

    const char1 = String.fromCodePoint(9731); // Unicode for SNOWMAN
    const char2 = String.fromCodePoint(9924); // Unicode for SNOWFLAKE
    console.log(char1, char2);

    This code snippet creates and logs two characters, a snowman and a snowflake, using their respective Unicode code points.

Constructing Strings with Multiple Characters

  1. Pass multiple code points to fromCodePoint() to create a string comprised of several characters.

    const greeting = String.fromCodePoint(72, 101, 108, 108, 111); // "Hello"

    The example above uses the Unicode code points for the characters 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' to construct the string "Hello".

Dealing with Non-BMP Characters

  1. Note that Non-BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) characters are those beyond the first plane of Unicode characters (U+10000 and above), including many emoji.

  2. Utilize fromCodePoint() to include emoji and other complex characters in strings.

    const emojiString = String.fromCodePoint(128512, 128519, 128525); // Emoji sequence

    This snippet generates a string of emojis by specifying the code points for each emoji.

Error Handling

  1. Recognize that using an invalid Unicode code point will throw a RangeError.

  2. Implement error handling when constructing strings from user input or uncertain sources.

    try {
        const invalid = String.fromCodePoint(0x110000); // Beyond valid range
    } catch (e) {
        console.error('Failed to create string from code point:', e.message);

    Handling errors ensures that your program doesn't fail unexpectedly due to invalid Unicode code points, which must be between U+0000 and U+10FFFF.


The fromCodePoint() method in JavaScript significantly enhances the capability to manage and represent a diverse range of characters and symbols through Unicode code points. This method simplifies the creation of strings from these code points, whether they are common letters or complex emojis. By mastering fromCodePoint(), you ensure that applications can support international text, special symbols, and the expressive range of emojis in a robust and error-free manner. Implement this knowledge to improve text generation and handling in your JavaScript projects, making them more versatile and user-friendly.